Disclaimer: I don't own Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) or Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabu Kome wa Machigatteiru (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)

A/N: So I just thought this idea up when I watching Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and I had to write it down so tell me what you guys think

For those of you read my other story 'The Truth' sorry its taking so long i'm having writers block but as soon as I think something up I will write and upload it.

Thats all enjoy the story and I would appreciate feedback thanks

It was another ordinary school day for Hachiman Hikigaya, a day spent doing nothing particularly important, and this day was nearing its end. Like normal he was spending the end of the school day in the room used for the service club and he was just sitting on a chair glancing through a book, like normal (A/N - I may have said like normal a lot here so I'm sorry, I couldn't think of any other words to use). In the service club room were his fellow club members, Yui Yuigahama and Yukino Yukinoshita, both were also doing what they normally did, Yuigahama was on her phone and the club president Yukinoshita was reading a book. The mood was quiet, which Hikigaya enjoyed until the clubrooms door was loudly opened revealing an energetic student council president, Isshiki Iroha.

"Senpai!" shouted Isshiki as she entered the clubroom

"Iroha-san next time please try knocking," said Yukino giving the student council president her famous ice cold stare.

Seeing the stare Isshiki nervously laughed and said, "Sorry, Yukino-senpai" once she said that she retreated out of the room and closed the door. After a couple of seconds a timid knock could be heard.

Sighing Yukino allowed Isshiki to enter the clubroom, "So what can we do for you, Iroha-san"

"Nothing really I just came here to borrow senpai" replied Isshiki as she turned her attention to Hikigaya who sighed once he heard what Isshiki said.

"Come on senpai lets go!"

"Yeah, Yeah" said the tired looking Hikigaya, once he said those words he suddenly felt the temperature of the room drop, he quickly looked at his fellow club members and saw two terrifying cold glares directed at him.

"And why exactly do you need to borrow one of my club members Iroha-san" said Yukino as she redirected her cold glare towards the student council president.

"I-I need senpai to help me with something" replied the Isshiki looking right into Yukino's cold glare

"All three of us could help you since it is our jobs as the service club" said Yukino

"I wouldn't want to bother you and Yui-senpai and besides senpai promised me he would take responsibility"

"T-ta-take res-responsibility" mumbled Yui

Upon hearing those last few words both Yukino and Yui turned their heads toward Hikigaya who could only sigh at the student council presidents remarks.

"Care to explain yourself Hikigaya-kun" said Yukino in a cold tone

"Uh well it is just a poor choice of words on Isshiki's part right Isshiki" said Hikigaya

"Eh, but you said you would take responsibility senpai" said the smirking Isshiki

Hikigaya sighed and realised that this isn't going anywhere, "Yes, yes I said I would help you", he turned to face both Yui and Yukino, "I'll explain later" he said as he exited the clubroom.

"Alright, so what do you want me to help you with" said Hikigaya

"Eh, what's with that face senpai"

"This is my normal face! Just tell me what you need already"

"hm, fine"

Right now both Isshiki and Hikigaya were in an empty student council room, looking around Hikigaya thought, "Shouldn't there be more people working, but if no one is watching and there is no actual work to do then what there is no need to actually show up to work is there, but then why am I here." As he was thinking that Isshiki pulled out a poster with a picture of a piano on it from the draw and put in front of Hikigaya's face.

"Whats this … Soba High music concert" read Hikigaya

"Yep, but we have huuuuge problem senpai"

"And what is that"

"Well the music club is doing the performances and the person playing the piano broke his arm so now we don't have anyone to play the piano"

"Just cut out the part with piano"

"But the piano is the main part of the show, and besides its the biggest thing on the poster"

"Then just tell people what happened and that no one will be playing the piano", 'Seriously you could have solved this one on your' Hikigaya thought to himself, 'And why does the music club only have one piano player'

"But then people will be disappointed with the event the student council is organising" she made sure to stress that the student council is organising it. 'I see' thought Hikigaya, 'Since the student council is organising it means your organising it and when something goes wrong people generally blame the leader and in this case it would mean people blame Isshiki'

"Have you tried finding another piano player" asked Hikigaya while thinking, 'If it comes down to it I guess I'll have no choice'

"Thats the first thing I did senpai, and I could only find one person who can play the piano" she said. Knowing who she was talking about Hikigaya looked away while she looked at Him pleadingly, "Will you take responsibility senpai"

Hikigaya hesitantly looked at the piano in the poster of the concert and said, "But I haven't played in two years"

"A little practise can fix you up"

'It's not that I haven't played, I do play but a concert is different without her can I play' Hikigaya smiled as he thought this, 'If she were here right now she would hit me for no longer playing at concerts or competitions, I guess I have no choice"

"Fine I'll do it"

"Alright senpai! I knew you'd take responsibility"

A/N: So as you might have guessed by now what I did was make Arima, Hikigaya and this is set two years after the events of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. Characters from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso will appear in future chapters

Do remember to review and I hope you enjoyed it until the next chapter
