Well, I was demanded to put this out, lol so I wrote it up real quick like! It's a short one, but I think It tidies the story up nicely! Plus, it's a little funny too! Hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for all of my reviews!
Darien squeezed Serena's hand as they stood outside the temple.
"It's going to be fine meatball head, the girls are going to accept you as their Princess." Darien reassured.
"It's not that…" Serena said with a blush, "Rei sort of has a thing for you. She's not going to be overly thrilled that you're with me, the ditzy meatball head." Darien turned Serena to face him, cupping her face in between his hands.
"I told you already, there was never anything going on with Rei and I, anything she envisioned is purely in her mind. Besides, you're MY meatball head, and I wouldn't want you any other way." He told her sweetly, before planting a soft kiss on her lips. Serena clutched at him, momentarily forgetting where they were as the kiss intensified. Darien reluctantly pulled her away, ending the kiss. "We'll have to finish that later." He suggested, his gaze burning into hers.
"I'm going to hold you to that." Serena warned, running her hands behind his back and squeezing his ass for good measure. Darien narrowed his eyes at the blonde beauty in front of him, seeming to consider something.
"One more." He said quickly, before he crushed his lips to hers. Serena moaned into his kiss, tilting her head and slipping her tongue into his mouth to duel with his.
"So I still can't believe that Serena found the Princess!" Amy exclaimed excitedly as her, Mina, and Lita walked up the temple steps.
"Yeah, I wonder what's she's like?" Lita said happily, trying to picture the faceless princess.
"Guys, we will find that out soon enough. What I want to know is, where was Serena last night?" Mina asked accusingly. "Luna told me that she wasn't at her parent's house, and none of you guys said she stayed over at your houses either. Which begs the question, who's bed was Serena's shoes under last night?" She finished.
"Surely, you aren't suggesting that Serena has a boyfriend?" Lita asked, trying to picture bubbly Serena getting serious with a guy.
"That's EXACTLY what I am suggesting!" Mina stated matter-of-factly.
"I don't know Mina, there's just not enough substantial evidence to confirm such an allegation." Amy stated simply as they came to the top of the steps.
"Maybe not," Mina said, smiling widely as she saw Serena, "but THAT does!" She finished, pointing her finger at their leader, who was currently locked in a passionate embrace with a dark haired guy.
"Oh my God!" Amy said, watching the display.
"Who IS that guy?" Lita questioned, her eyes widening as the unknown man grabbed Serena's butt and pressed her more firmly against him.
"Don't they need to breathe?" Amy whispered, unable to look away from the couple. "I think I know who that guy is…" She continued, waiting for him to turn his head to confirm.
"Me too!" Lita exclaimed, "Guys, Serena is making out with…"
"Darien!? Meatball head!?" Came the shocked voice of Rei as she came out of the temple and spotted the two making out. Darien and Serena broke apart quickly, looking around and noticing their audience for the first time. "What the hell is going on?" Rei demanded, looking from Serena back to Darien. She looked up in the air expectantly, waiting for something, even holding her hand out.
"What are you doing Rei?" Serena asked curiously, watching the raven-haired girl continue to gaze up into the sky.
"It HAS to start snowing or something! There is no way that you two are an item." She said, looking back at Serena and Darien. Darien squared his shoulders, stepping closer to Serena, pulling her into his side, and putting his arm around her.
"Why is that Rei?" He asked simply, "She's a beautiful, smart, funny, and bright girl. Who WOULDN'T want to be with her?" He asked, looking at Serena sweetly. Serena smiled at him, before turning to the Priestess.
"Rei, I'm sorry, but Darien and I ARE going out. There is also a lot more." Serena stated, looking up at Darien before continuing. "Let's get inside and start the meeting." She suggested, walking past Rei and into the temple.
"Darien's coming to the scout meeting?" Lita whispered to Amy in surprise as they followed in behind them. Luna caught Serena at the door, halting her from going inside with the rest of the scouts and Darien.
"I realize that you have a boyfriend Serena, but I don't think it's wise to include him in scout affairs." She said, looking over Serena's shoulder at Darien.
"Luna, I'll explain it all in a moment, but Darien knows everything." She revealed, continuing before Luna could protest, "And he is a big part of this too, you'll see. Just trust me, okay Luna?" She asked her guardian, scratching the feline's fur on her head and walking inside to sit beside Darien. Once they were all settled inside, Serena stood up and faced the group.
"Okay, Serena has a lot of explaining to do it seems." Luna stated.
"Start with how you two hooked up!" Mina said excitedly, ignoring Rei's frustrated sigh.
"No, tell us about the Princess!" Ami Insisted, looking towards the door as if she would walk in at any moment.
"Okay, I'll tell you guys EVERYTHING, but I think It's best to start at the beginning." Serena said, taking a deep breath. "So Darien and I had a fight."
"Big surprise there." Murmured Lita, receiving a 'really?' Looking from Serena. "Sorry, continue." She said with a blush.
"Anyway, I felt bad for something I said so I went to his apartment to apologize, that's where we were ambushed by Zoisite in the elevator." She said, the other girls gasping in surprise. Serena continued the story, "She drugged us, abducted us, and took us to the Negaverse where we were left to die in a frozen wasteland. I found out later that she was actually after Darien, or something Darien had." She finished, giving Darien the floor. Darien stood up, pulling a rose from seemingly nowhere, Amy inhaling in surprise as she figured it out.
"Before Serena arrived, Zoisite had demanded that I meet her on the roof to battle for the rainbow crystals, I knew it was a trap, but she threatened Serena's life if I didn't meet her. She ambushed us in the elevator long before we made it to the roof, and then she stole my rainbow crystals while I was unconscious." Darien finished, looking back at a smiling Serena.
"So that's why you were so rude to me? You were trying to get rid of me so I wouldn't get hurt?" Serena asked him, stepping closer to him.
"Of course meatball head, I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you, even before the Negaverse." He told her softly, handing her the rose. Serena took the rose, leaning in towards Darien. Their lips barely touched when they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat(Rei). Serena looked back towards her friends, blushing as she realized she forgot where they were again. 'He sure can scramble my mind.' Serena thought, clearing her own throat before continuing the story.
"So, just to clarify, Darien is Tuxedo Mask?" Luna asked, receiving a happy nod from Serena.
"Anyway, after Zoisite got what she wanted, she just left us in the freezing cold to die. Our energy was being drained so neither of us could transform until we got out of that place. We finally made it out of the Negaverse, but it's on a frozen tundra. We had to find shelter and hold out against the cold until either one of us could transform." Serena said, blushing as she thought of the 'shelter' and their activities inside of it.
"Oooh! I know how you two kept warm!" Mina said mischievously, causing Serena's blush to deepen.
"MINA!" Serena exclaimed, along with Amy, Rei, and Luna.
"Oh My God, so that IS it isn't it?" Mina asked excitedly, smiling even wider as she noticed Darien's blush as well.
"Jeez, Mina, way to show some tact." Rei said sarcastically before studying the two love-birds. "Serena, you can continue with the story, but save the uh…finer details for another time." She said, blushing herself.
"My God, okay," Serena said before continuing her story. "Something happened in the cave…" She began, stopping and rolling her eyes as Mina 'mm-hmmed', "ANYWAY," Serena continued again, "it triggered the rainbow crystals to find the Princess and form the silver crystal." Serena looked at Darien and smiled, before bringing her hands up to her chest and closing her eyes.
"What are…?" Began Luna, but stopped when she saw the crescent moon begin glowing on Serena's forehead.
"No way!" Amy exclaimed excitedly, as the silver crystal appeared in between Serena' s hands, her outfit changing into the Princess's white dress.
"There is more…" Serenity said, opening her eyes and looking at her scouts. "Endymion?" She asked, holding out her hand to Darien. Darien stepped forward and grabbed her outstretched hand, his clothing immediately changing into his Prince garb. He looked down in surprise, but smiled non-the-less. "Darien is also Endymion, the Prince of Earth and the Princess' love interest during the Silver Millennium." Serenity finished, letting the crystal's power fade, along with their royal outfits. Darien stepped closer to Serena and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head as they faced the rest of the scouts. Luna took the opportunity to step up near Serena, bowing as she did so.
"Princess, please forgive me for not realizing…" She began, but was stopped by Serena's hand.
"Luna, everything happens for a reason, do not regret your actions, being Sailor Moon has helped shape me into a better Warrior, a better Princess, and ultimately, a better leader. Plus, I had my Prince here to save me when I got in trouble!" Serena said, looking up and smiling at Darien. The next half hour was spent with Serena and Darien answering some lingering questions from the scouts and Luna. She informed them that Zoisite was dead, but the threat was not over.
Darien pulled up at Serena's house, putting his car in park.
"I wish you could stay with me, meatball head." He told her gently, pulling her across the console and into his lap for a kiss.
"Mmmmm. Me too." Serena said into his mouth before increasing the urgency of their kiss. She reluctantly pulled away after a few minutes, slowly climbing back to her side and getting out.
"Can I walk you to your door?" Darien asked, making to open his before Serena stopped him.
"No, I'm pretty sure that shadow in the living room is my Dad watching us. Let's not risk any bullet holes tonight." She joked, blowing him one last kiss as she sauntered towards her door.
"SERENA! WAS THAT A BOY?" Darien heard coming from her dad, as he smiled and drove away.
Darien lay back onto his bed, thinking how empty it felt after Serena only being in it one time. 'I hope she's not in trouble.' He thought, thinking about her Dad and what he might have seen inside his car. He rolled over and looked at his bedside clock, 10 pm. He wasn't feeling sleepy yet and wanted nothing more than to go see Serena. Making up his mind, he threw the covers back and used a rose to transform. 'I can make it to her house in minutes as Tuxedo Mask!' He thought as he made his way to his balcony. It was dark inside his apartment, so he didn't see the figure until it was too late. He crashed into someone, both of them falling to the ground in a tangle of limbs.
"Ow jerk! Watch where you are going!" Sailor Moon said, rubbing her head. Tuxedo Mask stood up, reaching down and pulling the heroine up too. "You're supposed to protect me, not run me over!" She joked, grinning at him. Tuxedo Mask scooped Sailor Moon up into his arms, walking her back into his bedroom. "Where are we going? I thought you were heading out?" She asked amused.
"I was coming to see you, I missed you." He told her, laying her on his bed and covering her body with his own.
"I snuck out." Sailor Moon informed him, undoing the button of his pants.
"Mmmm, and I am so glad that you did Miss Moon." He told her seductively, sitting up and watching as she pushed her Sailor Fuku down and off, tossing the material into the corner of his room. "I only have one suggestion though." He said as he lowered back down and took her newly exposed breasts into his mouth.
"And what's that?" Sailor Moon asked breathlessly, arching into his mouth.
"Leave the boots on." He said, covering her laughing mouth with his own.