Chapter 17

At last, the festivities were over. The night passed with neither lovers wishing for dawn to come. But come did the dawn, and with it, daylight. The two woke from their slumber holding each other tightly, both nervous at what today has to bring. They both knew if Soraka's words were true, this would be the last morning they shared. Not a word was spoken as they got ready for the day, anxious glances, comforting embraces, and butterfly kisses. With a curt thank you to the hotel owner, the duo set off to seek the floating fortress of Syndra.

"What the actual fuck."

Ryou stood aghast before the sight before him. An Ionian castle stood before him, standing tall with its strength and majesty... 400 feet in the air. He rustled his hair in frustration.

"How in the hell are we supposed to get up there!?" Ahri exclaimed, wild fire in her eyes. "Tch, always has to have her head in the clouds!"

"She could have at least had a doorbell..." Ryou muttered incoherently.

He saw a small shape float over the edge and begin descending toward them.

"Wait, what that?" he asked the kitsune, pointing at the approaching object.

"It's one of Syndra's... spheres?" she noted incredulously.

The orb swiftly flew down until it stopped in front of their face. Close up, the ball of dark matter seemed to have a life of its own, gently floating around the pair with almost dog-like curiosity.

"Heh, it's kinda cute," Ahri chuckled, raising a hand to poke it.

At her touch, the orb shivered and emitted a squeak, causing a shriek from the gumiho.


"Of course it's alive you furbrain," a voice scoffed above them.

Looking up, Ryou eyes met with volatile purple.

Syndra, the Dark Sovereign, stood at the edge of her airborne sanctuary. She gazed down at them with an uninterested expression with her arms crossed. She waved her hand and the black sphere shot up to meet it, shifting excitedly and purring as Syndra petted the orb of energy lovingly.

"Do you honestly think that my orbs are made up of such thing as pure energy? You use spiritual energy. Xerath uses arcane energy. I use life energy," she explained, her haughty expression never leaving her face.

"So you're a necromancer?" Ryou inquired.

"Not exactly. You see, true necromancy is for the Shadow Isles, and is an art I don't want anything to do with. My powers allow me to harness the energies of all living and dead things around me, solidifying them into one dark sphere and giving them form. That's all I know for sure. Since these things have a life of their own, I guess you can consider me a conjuror."

"I see..."


The conversing two looked over to a pouting kitsune.

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but can we please stop talking about who's magic is who's, and get with the real problem!?" she grumbled.

"Now now, don't get your tails in a bunch," Syndra replied curtly. "Soraka told me you'd be visiting. Welcome to my abode."

Syndra waved her hand before walking away, and two more orbs floated over the edge towards the traveling pair. Ryou poked one cautiously.

"How is this thing gonna take us up there?" he wondered outloud.

As the words came out of his mouth, the orb slipped beneath him to where he was sitting on it, same for Ahri. The gumiho had a slight moment of panic.

"Oh, don't tell m- EEEEEEEEEK!" she screamed as the orb suddenly shot up with her on it.

Ryou braced himself in time for his orb to begin its rise as well.

"I guess it's time to go home."

Geez... College is kicking my ass. I'm really sorry guys, but I don't have that much time to write nowadays. I'll just try to update when I can, I'm really sorry. Hope you guys stick with me through this story so please have patience with me! Wait for the next chapter!