I like the buildup, and if you actually read the chapter, I think it flows and creates a nice feeling.

SO PLEASE read the whole thing. That's all I ask. Just read it all. You want the whole experience don't you?

Povs will switch constantly. It might not seem that long from the switching and stuff, but I hope you are at least somewhat satisfied with the ending.


I still can't believe it's actually ending omg.

Calder POV

This is the final day. I'm sure of. To be an artist, you have to know when to end things. Too much in one piece can ruin it, but not enough makes it incomplete.

Something in wind ruffles the blossoms. It seems to whisper to us, telling us that it's ending. The masterpiece is almost complete. I just need to finish the final strokes.

Orange lights the sky. It flows from the sun, seeping into the arena like a trickle of watered-down paint in a water color piece. It seems fitting.

I breathe in the orange, letting it fill up my being, and my soul. Yes, today is an orange day. Bloody, bittersweet, yet satisfying.

None of us speak, but the three of know that today it ends. What they don't know is that I'll be returning to the Capitol alone. My masterpiece calls for one survivor, the rest will linger in the painting forever. That's the bittersweet part. But then comes satisfaction, and finally my greatest work will be achieved.

Vivian POV

It's going to be over. It's only been 5 days but it seems like I've been here for weeks. If this is what being in the final four feels like, how does it feel to win? Is the pressure relieved, or do we just keep sinking? Do we just keep drowning, or do we break the surface?

If I don't survive this day, I'll never know. I want to know. I want to see if I can be free after the Games, and if I can escape this ocean. I need to know. It's just, well I don't know. Everything seemed so black and white. Enter the Games, survive, kill, and win. Straightforward, and seemingly no strings attached.

I never imagined it would become more than a stepping stone to freedom and victory. Or maybe I did, and I just deluded myself into thinking that it was just a game. Yeah, I think I knew all along. And yet here I am.

I need this to end. Today is the day. I don't care that it's a "special" Quarter Quell, I just want to get out. But then again maybe I don't. Lennon died right in front of me, and I just, I don't know. I'm tired of feeling feelings. I want to win, and go home.

I breathe in. Come on V, there's plenty of time for bullshit psychological struggle stuff after we win. Get your head in the game, and let's finish this.

Tati POV

Well, it's certainly been a ride. And I've had a blast. So far, nothing really struck me as horrific or terrible. Maybe I underestimated the Gamemakers and the tributes a little bit, but I have no regrets. I'm in it to win it.

Another District 1 win, and a Quarter Quell too. I'm ready to end this right now. Calder and V seem to be pondering existence or something boring like that.

They should get their shit together, I'm not underestimating this little girl. She either got really lucky, or she's a threat. And a threat no one saw coming. I'll make sure to finish her off fast, and then the real fight can begin. Yeah, if V and Calder think I'm sharing the victory, they're shitting themselves. This win will be mine, and mine alone.

Karolina POV

I'm in shock. We're in final four, and I'm alive. How did this even happen! I think I just got lucky and outlasted most of them. The most danger I've been in was my encounter with Lorn. That's it. The universe isn't that forgiving, and no doubt is in my mind that winning is almost impossible.

My only hope is that the careers tear each other apart first. If they come for me, then I'm a goner. Well universe, let's see what you've got in store for me today.

Vivian POV

We're getting ready to hunt down Karolina. I couldn't feel worse. She helped me a bit during training, and that little bit is what clinched me my 11. I could probably finish off anyone else. I think. But her! How can I turn my back and murder the person who helped get me the highest score of this Games? I don't know what to do.

Well, if we do end up killing her, then the three of us could win together. So far no one has voiced this fact, which worries me. Could they both be planning to win solo? Could they be plotting for a District 1 win only? There's too many variables. To me, the obvious choice would be for the three of us to win together, but throw their personalities and ideologies into the mix then we might get something a little different.

Dawn Sky (D1): Victor of the 124th Games POV

This ought to be good. Both our tributes, the mysterious girl from 8, and the "Lion." That's what their calling V because of her chariot outfit, her score, and just her personality. She has a lot of fans. They're selling lion stuffed animals to pool support. Of course, the Capitol banned sponsoring for the last few days, but people still buy. The lions are cute though.

Some of Calder's paintings made it all the up from District 1, and they're selling for tons of money to galleries. You'd be surprised at the amount of galleries in the Capitol. The bidding has been fierce. Tati and Karolina have their fans too. Tati is actually really popular, but she doesn't have any particular merchandise. Neither does Karolina for that matter. Karolina's fan base has been growing. They like the underdog. A small girl versus the careers. I wouldn't be surprised if her fan base keeps on swelling up.

It's all been very crazy. Luster and I have been bombarded with interviews considering both our tributes make up half the final contestants. It's crazy how much of a big deal they are making. I guess this kind of thing only happens every 25 years, but please calm down. I've retreated to the Black Room to finish watching it. The Lounge just doesn't seem right. A bunch of other victors have left the Lounge for here too. District 2 and District 8's mentors are in here as well. It's all going to be over one way or another. Let's see where this goes. They are moving out.

Calder POV

In order to cover ground faster, we've all decided to take speed pills to explore the arena. Yes, the feast provided a chest filled will all 3 types of pills. We all take a handful of random strength, regen, and speed ones.

The three of us make eye contact and we swallow a blue pill. Everything is slow except for us. We each nod and dash off. Nothing more needs to be said. I think we all wondering what will happen when the three of us meet again. Will it be as enemies or allies? However, I can only hope that once the girl dies they don't announce the win. I still want to kill Tati and V. Bittersweet. Yes, bittersweet. I don't know about them, but I will meet them as an enemy.

Tati POV

This is so cool! A blossom falls next to me in slow motion. This is amazing. Imagine speed, regen, and strength all at once! You'd be unbeatable! I'm not stupid though, I know that eating too many at once could damage our minds and bodies. I do need to be careful, I mean how can I win when I'm dead?

Karolina POV

They just vanished. I hold back a gasp as the water on the pond flies upwards. The mud surrounding me is kicked up. Is this the power of the speed pills? I hold my breath. I can only hope that my camo job is enough because if they find me, I'm dead.

Vivian POV

I've seen so much the arena! And I'm glad I did, because it's gorgeous. I wish I had gotten to explore it more throughout my time here, but at least I get to see it now. I pass a rock garden, and eventually come to temple ruins. They are not ancient ruins though, they look recent. Perhaps this happened in the storm. That would explain some of the deaths. I keep moving and come to a rushing river with stepping stones. I follow the flow of the river to a waterfall, which pours into a lagoon. I spot faded footprints here. Someone was here at one point, but they aren't now. I scour the ground looking for clues, but find nothing.

I guess the search will just have to continue.

Calder POV

I've found nothing. No sign of the girl anywhere. How could she be hiding so well? It's amazing. She must have a girl with camouflage. I respect her for that. Changing oneself to match the environment around them is wonderful art form. She may have what it takes to win after all. Perhaps her plan is let us tear each other apart first. I can only imagine the tension between the three of us once we conclude that we can't find. We could look and look, but I don't think we'd find her. It's better to wait for the Gamemakers to push us all together. Then all this will end. Tati's impulsiveness will probably give me an edge over her, but Vivian be difficult. And who knows what trick that District 8 girl has up her sleeves.

Tati POV

NOTHING. ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. Damnit, I wanted to be the one to kill her. If I want my number of kills to be equal with Calder, everyone else has to die by my hand. It still pisses me off that he stole that D7 girl from me. And then he got 3 kills right after that. Are you kidding me! Ugh, I want to break his skull in two. Maybe I should just go for Calder first, and then take down V, and wait for the Gamemakers to push the girl to me. Then I'll be declared Victor. Yes, I'll need to do that. I can't have them declare victory after Karolina dies. Our alliance hasn't been officially disbanded yet! First Calder, then V, and then the girl. Then I take my rightful claim at victory. I'm ready. Let's take out Calder.

Karolina POV

I can't believe they didn't find me! My luck has been crazy, but I have a sinking feeling it's going to run out. When the Gamemakers decide to push us together I'm totally screwed. I need to think of something! But what! I have every disadvantage against them! How on earth do I come out on top of this?

Vivian POV

I've moved on from half-heartedly searching for Karolina to just not searching for her. I don't want to kill her anyway. I just want to admire the beauty of it all. So tranquil and peaceful. I'm just laying here by the waterfall, listening to the water plunge into the lagoon. I smile. This is the most peace I've felt in here since it was just me and Lennon.

I think of my family, and of Roulph and of Verity. This is peace.

Calder POV

The last of the orange is pouring into the atmosphere. The morning is over. Blue is now the color that replaces it. Blue. Can be warm, but also cold and dark. Despite its light color, it feels like it should be cold and dark. That unnerves me.

I've found a small little garden. It's nice and quiet. I admire the flower arrangements and such. The bright colors seem to light up my dark feelings. A rustle sounds close to me. My instincts were right. Dashing out of the trees with blinding speed is Tati. I twirl my katana into formation and parry her first sword blow.

"Well. It seems alliances don't stand forever." I smile.

"Cut the shit Calder. You want to win by yourself too."

"True, but I'm more artful and beautiful about it. You ravage this landscape like a dumb brute waiting for its next kill to come to it."

"You little bitch! Well guess what? I'm not waiting anymore!"

"So it seems. Shall we finish this?" I grin.

"Yes, let's."

"Just to be clear, if you win this battle, please make sure to win. I couldn't stand if District 1 lost."

"Of course I'll win." She growls.

"Someone's confident." I muse.

"Enough standing and talking." She shouts and charges. I think the pills have worn off at this point. It wouldn't matter anyway considering we both took it. I don't think she has swallowed any other pills. I would know. I haven't either. I want to finish this battle with honor. I want to finish these last three contestants artfully.

The tip of her sword heads straight for my chest. I swipe upwards, but she anticipates and dodges. I twirl around, but my movement takes too long and she's faster. Her sword pieces my side. My entire torso explodes in pain, but I finish my movement.

Tati POV

I see that shit you're pulling. I duck his attack and drive farther into his side. He groans in pain. I've got this.

He kicks upwards hitting my squarely in the chest. I grunt and fall backwards into a roll. My sword is still stuck in his side.

"FUCK YOU!" I screech and plant a flying kick onto the sword hilt. Calder hits the ground hard, yelping. I walk over to his form on the ground.

"HOW'S THAT FOR ART, BITCH!" I place my foot on his chest. And now to finish my crushing his skull. Very slowly. That was easy. I can already see my figurine being made in the Capitol, and how this moment will be on featured on "Victor's Best Moments." Yes. I can already taste victory. 2 more to go after this.

Blood. I see blood. Everything turns black and I see only one thing. Long strands of blood slowly flying through the air. I open my mouth. I see myself as a doll. She smiles and waves. Her face turns to shock and she falls, shattering.

"No." I whisper under my breath. I fall, my world shattering.

Vivian POV


I gasp and sit up. A cannon just fired! Who died!? Karolina, Calder, or Tati? Which one?! I breathe in. This is the final 3.

So either they found Karolina and killed her, or she killed them, or something else. Maybe Tati killed Calder or the other way around? Too many questions! I just want to end this all.

I think we will be pushed together soon. I should move before a fire starts or something. But it's no nice. So peaceful. I really want to drift back into that tranquil state, but how can I knowing that there's too people left in the way of victory.

Considering winners haven't been declared, I assume Karolina is still alive. So that means either Tati or Calder died. I wonder what happened.

With a groan I stand up. I will have to face whatever the arena brings me next head on.

Karolina POV

I'm in the final 3. I can't freaking believe it. That means a career died somehow. Part of me hopes it was Vivian so I don't have to face the person I helped, but part of me doesn't. I think she deserves the victory from my brief chat with her, but if she was a psycho just using me?

Calder POV

That was a lot closer than I expected. She almost killed me. Almost. I do pride myself in my throwing knife ability too. I was able to keep it under the radar for the most part. I was lucky that she hesitated a second. That gave me just enough time.

I underestimated her. I will not do that again. I let out a moan as move my hand into my pocket. I swallow a red pill quickly, and collapse back onto the ground. I hope the regeneration can help fast, because I have a feeling that there might be an arena even soon.

Karolina POV

I've decided to move. Staying here is just dangerous. I wash myself off in the pond. I make my way to the nearest bridge that leads to the cornucopia on the pond's middle platform thing. I cross it, cringing with each creak.

"Come on, you can do this." I enter the Cornucopia. And crouch down. The chest of pills in the center has vanished, but the rest of the supplies remain. I pick through them and grab a devilish looking knife. I plop it back into the pile. I pull a sword and crossbow and this time I climb the cornucopia. That way I can hit any incoming mutts or tributes with the crossbow, if my aim is good enough.

Vivian POV

I decide to not use a speed pill to get back to the Cornucopia. I want to enjoy a nature walk, especially if it's my last. I pass a nice rock garden, and hear a low growl. I drop to the ground and prepare my tomahawks. I get pills ready just in case. A large golden lion approaches me. It throws back its head and roars. How ironic this is. My chariot costume was lion so naturally the Gamemakers want to kill me with a lion. Great.

I pick myself up to my full height and let out a roar just like the one at the chariot rides. It answers the challenge roaring again. Is this going to work? I bring myself up to my full height and try to make my body as big as possible. I let out another roar, louder than before. The lion sort of shrinks back into the trees.

How the hell did that work?

Calder POV

I'm shocked at how fast the pill works. So far no arena event has occurred. Maybe the others are already going there. I should get moving. I pick myself up and start walking. The day seems to be going faster than normal.

Karolina POV

The end is so close. The world feels like it's about to tip. I position my cross towards the one of the four bridges. It'd been forever. I want it to end, either in my death or my victory. A figure approaches from the blossoms on the bridge in front of me. I breathe and prepare to shoot.

Vivian POV

I've finally made to back to the Cornucopia. I cross one of the four bridges to it, but something catches my eye. Someone's on the top with a crossbow! Calder wouldn't do that, so it must be Karolina! What do I do?

Karolina POV

Oh no. It's Vivian. I don't think I can trust her anymore. This is the final 3. I have to think like a survivor. I have to kill her, and then it's just one person and me. But I can't! I can't just murder her in cold blood like this. Lorn was different, but this! I will not go down to the level of killing someone who hasn't done anything awful. But has she? Was the kind of friendly person I met during training just a mask to hide the killer? What do I do?

Vivian POV

"Karolina, don't shoot." I say putting my axes down. I honestly don't know what to do. I want to avoid killing her as long as possible. "I swear, I'm not going to attack you."

"How do I know that you aren't some psycho that has killed all these innocent kids and that the other career is waiting to kill me?" Her words burn me. I hadn't really thought my killing of Achyles. But she killed Lennon! It was just revenge. I don't need this right now.

"I swear I'm not! You helped me in training. I can't just murder you!" Karolina's expression loosens up. Then it hardens again.

"What if you're trying to get me to lower my weapon so you can kill me?" she says, her voice shaking a little.

"Karolina, I'm not! Trust me." She frowns and I can see the gears moving and clicking in her head. I imagine the stress on her now. She's fourteen in a Quarter Quell with two trained tributes. Yeah that's a lot of stress.

Something occurs to me though. Why didn't I think of it before! I can ally with her and we can see if Tati or Calder want to survive with us! No one else has to die. We can all get what we want. I only hope the Gamemakers let me complete my plan and that either Tati or Calder is cooperative.

"Karolina, I have proposition."

Calder POV

Finally, I'm almost to the Cornucopia. I can't wait to finish off V and Karolina. Then I will be hailed as Victor. Finally. I breathe a sigh of relief. It feels like it's been forever. I need to wipe out the last two blots to finish the masterpiece. Then it will be perfect. As I approach I hear talking. Is it possible that V and Karolina haven't killed each other yet? DAMN. Too bad one didn't kill the other. It would have been great it Karolina just killed V, then I could easily kill her and victory would be mine. Oh well. It's just a little more work after all.

Karolina POV

She's saying she wants to ally with me! What! I mean it makes sense, but how do I know she just wants the win to herself, and maybe the other career out there. I want to trust her so badly. But can I take the risk?

Just then, a shape appears on the bridge behind Vivian.

"You lied! You brought him as back-up!" I shout at her.

"What!" Vivian whirls around in shock. A sliver dagger glides through the air directly towards Vivian chest. OH MY GOD SHE'S NOT WITH HIM. I fire my crossbow, hoping for a perfect shot just this once.

Vivian POV

A glint of silver is flying towards me. That's all I know. I need to move. I need to fight. MOVE. But the dagger is too fast. This is it. It's over. I've failed. All this way for nothing. The dagger is suddenly knocked to my feet. An excited gasp sounds from behind me. Did she hit the dagger with her crossbow! What a shot! Holy shit! She fires again, this time at Calder. She misses this time. Beginner's luck I guess, but I'm so happy it was. I owe her my life. I guess I could have blocked it with my arm, but I would've been hurt and vulnerable. Besides, I wasn't thinking completely straight anyway.

Calder dashes straight for me, throwing more knives. I dodge each one. I'm ready now. Karolina tries to fire at Calder, but she keeps missing. It's alright. The shot she made was the one that counted. It's clear that Calder wants to win by himself. Once I kill him, Karolina and I will go home.

Calder POV

That brat hit my knife! How did that happen? Impossible. Vivian would have died! Well maybe. No matter, I'm sure I can still kill her. It will be tough though. I'm not going to underestimate her like I did with Tati. I need to finish this.

Judging by how the girl is missing me each time she fires, she got really lucky. That was one in a million shot. I wonder if the Gamemakers interfered at all. Are they favoring Vivian!? That pushes me drive right for her.

Karolina POV

I made the shot! I made the shot! WOW! YES! I CAN'T BELIVE IT. I keep missing my other shots, but I did it! Maybe there was some Gamemaker interference. I guess we might never know. Now I need to focus on helping Vivian just kill Calder and let's be done with this.

Vivian POV

Calder is finally caught up to me. His daggers did nothing. I'm ready now. I spin my tomahawks menacingly. I'm ready. He brings the katana down over my head, but I block upwards with both tomahawks. I deliver a swift kick to his groin while his arms are occupied, and he groans in pain. I release his sword and prepare to finish him off. The final kill of the Games.

Calder POV

Whose overconfident now, V? That kick to my groin was brutal though. I'll be feeling that for a bit after I win. It's shame really. V was such a talented fighter, and Karolina was quite the survivor. Still, they are blots and they need wiped out.

I fight through the pain, and swing my sword down before she can disarm it. She jumps to the side and prepares to throw. Too late. I launch a knife into her hand. She stumbles back in shock. I send another one into her other arm, and then she slams into the wood.

"No!" comes a cry. Karolina is charging me with a dagger. Oh please. I send my last dagger into her chest. She'll be dead in minutes.

"Karolina!" V croaks.

"Sorry V, but I've won the Games. She'll bleed out in minutes. You can try to fight me, but with that hand and arm, you can't. It's impossible. I've won."

Vivian POV

Everything is tumbling down so fast. How could I lose? And where are all the pills I had? Did they slip out of my pocket in the fight? I desperately sweep my area with my eyes. I should have taken one before the fight. What was I thinking? Everything just happened so fast.

Calder stands over me triumphantly with the katana. He raises it up for the final blow.

I'm sorry.

Krios Afterlight: Head Gamemaker POV at the start of Vivian and Calder's fight

I stare down at the list of the 5 twists in front of me.

1. An alliance of 3 can win

2. Power Pills

3. Special supply building

4. Guiding Lanterns

5. Only one may win the Games.

Only one may win. They would want me to give the orders to the announcer when Vivian and Karolina kill Calder, or if they can. It seems so uselessly cruel. These two girls have fought so hard for the win, it seems unfair so say, "Oh by the way, only one can win. Now kill each other." Yeah, no. That end badly in all sorts of ways. It would be so much easier to just let them win. Of course all of this is pointless if Calder just kills them both, but I have a feeling that V and Karolina can do it.

These two have gone so far to win. I want them to win, and my wife does too. She always loves the underdogs. Well to be fair, she hates the Games to begin with. She said she wanted me to help these two win, and to avoid the twist. But avoiding the twist could get us killed. I'm almost positive that we will be executed if I don't send the last twist to the announcer.

Why am I so worried about the whole Karolina and Vivian thing? What if Calder kills them both? Well it looks like he has the upper hand now, but I'm wondering about one of the mutts we designed.

Suddenly right before Calder kills Vivian, a lion bounds out of the trees and leaps over Calder and Vivian. It turns, and whacks Calder back to the banks of the Pond. When Vivian scared off the lion, it bonded with her. We were hoping more tributes would find the lions and bond with one, but so far only Rina and Vivian managed to do it. It didn't work out so well for Rina, but it saved Vivian from death.

It's a guaranteed win for Karolina and Vivian now, but then there's the twist. I stare at it at the bottom of the list. What do I do? Now is the time to make the call to the announcer. I take a deep breathe. Alright. I have to think logically about this. I pick up the phone.

"I'm sorry."

Vivian POV

"KAROLINA!" I rush over to her. She's dying. I know it. I need to find a regen pill now, but my damn arms aren't making mobility very easy. I see a red thing lying on the wood, about to roll into the pond. I lunge for it, and bring it back to her. I open her mouth and drop it down her throat.

"Please be ok! Please!" Karolina's eyes open slightly. She smiles weakly at me.

"That's a point for the lion and the mouse." She smiles wider, and then passes out again. I breathe a sigh of relief. I turn back and see my lion rip Calder to pieces.


His blood drifts through the air like an abstract painting, and the blossoms turn red.

Dawn Sky (D1) Victor of the 124th Hunger Games POV

Well, they did it. I'm just waiting for them to spring that ending on them, just like the 74th. We're not supposed to talk about the 74th Games that much. It stirs up things that the Capitol would rather keep buried. Most people just watch it illegally. In fact all of the games before the 76th are super hard to find, and some are banned. But we may have a 74 situation here again. The Capitol won't want history to repeat itself do they? Something's going to happen, and one of them is going to die, leaving the other one as victor.

So far, nothing. The lion washes itself in the pond, turning the water red. It then presents itself to be ridden by Vivian. Vivian climbs on top, bringing an unconscious Karolina with her. The cameras follow their ride into the blossoms. The Capitol won't let this happen. It's going to end tragically.

We're all waiting with bated breath. Then an announcement begins. Here we go.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present you the Victors of the 125th Hunger Games, Vivian Wreck and Karolina Williams."

What do you know, history repeats itself around half a century later.


D1 Female: Tatiana "Tati" Rutherford-pierced by Calder's throwing knife. OH TATI. I tried so hard to put her as a victor too. I really did. But her personality and mentality just wouldn't work with Karolina and/or V. I'm so sorry she had to die. She was one of the saddest for me. GOODBYE CHILD REST IN PEACE. Placed 4th

D1 Male: Calder Aalto-mauled by lion mutt. Calder is one of my biggest regret of the story. I had a whole arc planned out. He was going to be a puppet master, managing things in the arena form the shadows, working people into positions he wanted them in for his masterpiece. I never built that arc up, and it's one of my biggest regrets. I'm sorry I didn't go there will him, but he got 3rd and had the most kills. Goodbye Calder. Placed 3rd

Thank you to the submitters of Calder and Tati. You made the finale incredible. Love you guys!

The Victors

D2 Female: Vivian "V" or "The Lion" Wreck-V was always the victor. She won almost every poll, like the two she didn't win she got second. We all basically loved her. She was perfect and was my victor from the start. She has the skill to win, and she did it. No matter what I did with the other characters, she was always my precious victor and I'm so happy that she's finally in her rightful spot as victor. We love you V. So just reiterate the reasons she won: She had training, the polls, most people loved her, myself included, she had the perfect personality, and exactly what I was looking for in a victor to help continue the story. At the time I started there weren't many career victors in syots so that's why I wanted her to win too. But now there's been a bunch of career wins in syots, so that doesn't really matter anymore lol.

D8 Female: Karolina "The Mouse" Williams- Ah Karolina. You were just another tribute at the start. Then I wrote the whole orphanage thing and you grew into a survivor. I started to love her. She wasn't always set in stone as the victor, but I realized I kind of set it up with her meeting V at training. That was completely random and I wasn't planning on having her win at the time. I set it up without even realizing it. After I did realize it, I still wasn't sure. But I eventually decided to do it. Out of all the final 4, the only one that could have possibly gone home with Vivian was Karolina. Congrats girl, you did it.

Did you guys catch my The Lion and The Mouse reference thing? It worked out nicely I think lol. I wasn't planning on it work out like that either, it just kind of happened.

Thank you so much to Jms2 and dothegeekdance for our victors. They will go down in history in my stories, and I hope you liked the way I had them win!

I can't thank you all enough for the support and basically everything. I will do a more proper goodbye and thank you during the last chapter, speaking of which, after this I will do a crowing, homecoming, a brief gloss over of the Victory tour, and then the final chapter will be stats and goodbyes and thank yous.

It's been one hell of a ride, and I hope you liked how I ended it all.

Did you like the Games?

Did you like the few mutts and the arena?

Are you pleased with the Victors?

Did you like how I ended everything or are you more like meh it kind of sucked?

Final thoughts on the Games as a whole?

Yes a lot of questions, but this was the FINALE. I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT OMG.