Welcome, welcome to my first SYOT. (If you didn't read that in an Effie voice, what's wrong with you?!) My other stories are on hiatus for this one, so yeah. This is my first Syot and probably will be my first FINISHED fic. YAY. Don't hate, but tell me what I can do to improve. So here we go.


The spotlights glare in my eyes. I blink a few times to clear the spots dancing in my vision. I clear my throat, and I'm ready. "Citizens of Panem, it is with great honor I present to you the twist of this, the 125th Games, and the Fifth Quarter Quell." I reach down to the girl holding the box with the twist. I do love that box. I hold out the card and read it. This is going to cause a lot of yelling."To show that the Capitol keeps secrets in order to protect the Districts, the twist will not be revealed until the day of the Games. However, to that the Capitol is merciful, an alliance at the most of three can win, no matter what district." The crowd erupts with shouting and applause. I smile at the cameras. There is going to be a lot of blood this year.

There you go! Here's the rules and stuff. Make sure to submit, and let the Games begin!


1. No Mary-Sues or perfect tributes

2. No forms submitted through reviews. NO EXCEPTIONS.

3. You can submit up to 4 tributes, but if you submit 3 or 4, one tribute must be a bloodbath.

4. Not first come, first served. I'll pick the best tributes.

5. NO SPONSOR SYSTEM. Don't kill me. However, if your tribute is up in the polls I might be...generous.

6. If you review, follow, fav, and stuff, your tribute might survive longer.

7. I'm gonna need mutts, so come to me with ideas!

8. Try not to recycle tributes. It's tempting, I know, but make them original for the stories sake.


10. The district 6 male is mine, sorry.

11. Good Luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Tribute Form:





Back-up District:

Appearance (height, weight, eyes, hair, etc.):

Backstory (basically their life so far and stuff, and be sure to include opinions about the Games.):



Social Class:

Reaped? How do they react?:

Volunteer? Why?:

Reaping Outfit:

Strengths (don't have a pile, but careers can have more):

Weaknesses (please at least one.):


What do they do during training?:

What they do for private sessions?:

Score? Reaction to score?:

Allies? (Yes or no as I can't guarantee specific tributes):

Interview Outfit:

Interview Angle:

Survive bloodbath?:

What do they do at the Bloodbath?:

How they die (this is just preferred and might not be their actual death):


*Changes might have to be made, so sorry.