" Selene? Who in the world is that?" Elizabeth asked.

" I just told you, I'm your fears, your anger-" Selene began

" Yea, yea yea. i get it. But why are you here? and how are you here? I thought fears came from the brain or something." Elizabeth interrupted her.

" I basically live here. This is where all of your fears take place. And yes they do come from the brain, but Jedi feel things stronger than regular people. That's how they gain visions and are force sensitive. The also see their fears too. That's what made this task people call the path of the Jedi." Selene advised

" I thought you died." Elizabeth told her

" Died? Goodness no. I have always lived with you ever sense you were born. Your fears were based off of me. I trigger them. Usually people's fears are evil. But when the Inquisitor knocked you out that day you got captured, he made you vulnerable by the fears. He summoned me from the darkest abyss and i took form as you. But when the Inquisitor died, the power died too. Then i went back to where i was before he summoned me which is here. Before i did that, i saved your brothers life, which i guess he is my brother too. That's when i turned good." Selene told her.

" Ugh. My brain hurts." Elizabeth said when Selene chuckled softly.

" Usually, i would be the final fear but why don't we just skip that and ask you a few important questions?"Selene asked

" Okay..." Elizabeth said confused. Selene walked away and Elizabeth followed her. When the neared a tunnel, a bright light came from it. Selene walked in it like it didn't even bother her while Elizabeth stumbled into it shielding her blinding light. When she got to the end, she realized she was back in her old house. The door was still on the floor, rusted shut from the time she took it down with her bow. Selene sat on the couch and told her to sit with her. Elizabeth sat down slowly still gaping at the place in amazement.

" How is this even possible?! we should be in the Jedi temple shouldn't we?" Elizabeth asked when Selene sighed.

" I control your fears right?" Selene said slowly like Elizabeth was the dumbest girl in the galaxy.

" Yes..." Elizabeth said in the same tempo.

" Okay, so sense i control your fears, i must activate it with memories. This is basically a memory from your past. Hey cool fact, if you take food out of the fridge and eat it, it comes right back to the fridge by morning." Selene told her with a smirk

" Now, why do you want to become a Jedi?" Selene asked. Her face was serious, like the smirk she just had never happened.

" Um... never thought of it." Elizabeth told her

" Well, think about it now." Selene ordered

" Well, Isabella has had a hard time with her powers. I just want to help her." Elizabeth told her

" Just her?" Selene asked

" No, Ivory and my new family too. Especially Ezra." Elizabeth told her.

" Elizabeth i know you, I am you. There is more to it than that." Selene told her

" Well yea. Everyone on Lothal, everyone one from here to the outer rim, and even beyond that, i will protect everyone from the empire and everything else." Elizabeth told her

" Even from Siths?" Selene teased

" Even from Siths." Elizabeth replied with a shudder.

" Good, you have a long path Elizabeth. When you need me most. I will be there to help." Selene told her. Se then disappeared into small shimmers of light that looked like firefly's.

" Selene! I forgot to tell you! Thanks for saving my brothers life!" Elizabeth called to the shimmers. She didn't know if she heard her or not, but she knew she will stay with her for eternaty. Who knows? They might even communicate through her mind or something. Elizabeth shook her head. If she couldn't do it before, what makes her think she can do it now?

Elizabeth then saw a bright light and when it dimmed, she saw she was back at the entrance. Elizabeth opened the door seeing Kanan there smiling at her return.

" How do you feel?" He asked

" The same. But different." Elizabeth answered.

" That's just about the same thing Ezra told me. Lets go." Kanan told her. they both left the Temple and saw it turn back into a mountain.

" Hey, why don't we look and see what else is down there? Could be something valuable for the poor of Lothal." Elizabeth told her.

" I know whats down in there, the past. Plus, the more we use it, the more people will notice and want it for themselves. We need to protect this place so it will be there for many generations to come." Kanan told her as she nodded. They boarded the Phantom and flied home to the ghost. When they got there, Ezra ran out and tackled Elizabeth.

" Bet you didn't expect me." Ezra told her with a smirk he got off Elizabeth and then started to sound a little weird.

" Oh yea i forgot. I have been worried sick! Why did it have to take that long!" Ezra told her and hugged her. Elizabeth was surprised to see Ezra suddenly turn soft, but then returned the hug. Ezra backed off when that moment was over. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly with a chuckle. He then gave another smile.

" Uh, i mean... i didn't want you to... you know die... and um... Stuff." Ezra told her failing to play it cool. Elizabeth smiled then remembered something. She still had her miracle! Elizabeth smiled and looked at Ezra. Elizabeth clicked on the button and waited as it beeped slowly.

" Oh yea. i have a souvenir for you. Here i found it in the cave." Elizabeth told him. Right when it was beeping rapidly, She tossed it to Ezra as he caught it. Elizabeth ran away laughing and before Ezra could figure out what happened, the miracle exploded causing Ezra's face to go black from ashes and his hair to catch on fire. Ezra coughed up a puff of smoke and an evil grin spread across his face when he realized what she did.

" You will regret that Elizabeth!" Ezra told her as he ran inside the ship after her. It was good to be back.

That's it for this book! The next one will be in Ivory's point of view. Thinking of doing something different!