Dear Arthur,
I trust that if you are reading this, I have been successful and my spirit has lead you to this letter.
This Arthur is not my goodbye. There will never be any goodbyes Arthur. Never.
Arthur you may be blaming yourself for my death and I wish to inform you, you are not the reason for my death.
You will probably be asking yourself why you hadn't noticed, or if you had noticed why you hadn't spoken up. It wouldn't have changed anything and I am glad at the outcome of this. It was my time Arthur.
I am finally free of the shackles that once bound me.
Arthur I write this letter not to say goodbye, not to spill my reasons. All of my reasons I shall take to my grave and I already have.
Arthur I must admit something to you. I have been lying to you for sometime now. In fact I have been lying to everyone that I know since the day I step foot into Camelot.
I am a sorcerer Arthur. I am not just a sorcerer Arthur, I am Emrys, the most powerful warlock to have walked the earth. I was born with magic and kept it well hidden for many years. The magic I was born with runs through my veins as much as my blood.
Now that my blood has been spilled so has the magic. It has drained from my system, I am just Merlin now. Stupid, idiot Merlin.
I write this with tears in my eyes as I know that I will never know your reaction to my revelation, but if you have any questions ask Gaius or the druid, they will tell you all you would need to know.
I will now leave to join my father, Balinor, my Freya and my kin.
There are many things that you may have not known about me before, so I will try to summarize it the best I can.
I am Emrys. I am the most powerful warlock to have touched the earth. I was born to serve the once and future king, Arthur Pendragon until the day that I may fall. I was born so that I may usher in a new age of Albion, where my kin and yours may walk the earth freely.
I am the son of Balinor, the last dragonlord. I myself was the last dragonlord once my father had passed and I now make my gift extinct Arthur. I released the great dragon from the caves. I only did to save the last of my kin, Killgharrah, the last dargon. I brought a new life to this world, in the form of a small white dragon Aithusa. The great dragon Killgharrah, still lives and will be well aware of my death by now, he will not harm your or Albion due to my mercy.
I am the Lover of a druid girl by the name of Freya. She was cursed by a witch to become a Bastet at the stroke of midnight and was forced to kill. I did not see her as a monster, I saw her for the beauty she truly was. You killed her Arthur and I do not blame you for her death. She now resides as the lady of the lake, in the lake of avalon.
I place the sword in the stone for you Arthur. For you and only you.
I have saved your life and Camelot more times than I can remember. I have only used my magic you you and Camelots safety.
My eyes Arthur. My eyes have seen many a thing, many a thing that a man of my age should not have had to have seen.
My shoulders carried a heavy burden, one that I found too heavy to bear.
All I have left to say now is thank you. Thank you for your friendship and loyalty.
I must go now Arthur, but you will see me soon and we may rule over Avalon, like we did Albion once, along time ago.
This dragon will soon take flight.
Arthur read each word, unsure of what to think. Tears flooded his eyes. Even in death Merlin would try to cheer me up. Arthur did not feel betrayed nor did he feel angry. He only felt peace. He laid Merlin to rest in his mind and slept.
Awww that ending tho :) I have now slain those pesky plot bunnies and I can now finally sleep. Please remember to review. BTW this is set in a time just before Albion but Arthur never died I guess. Still. I should go to sleep now. It was the first day back at school after all today. sleep tight my fic babies.