Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Pokemon



"Flamethrower! Pokedex Entry!"

On the Road Again

With Naruto winning his first badge he along with Hinata go back to the Pokemon Center to have his team healed up. Naruto kept on staring at his new badge.

"You keep looking at that you'll burn a hole through it," Hinata gigs out as Naruto rubs the badge against his face, "I think you shouldn't do that, Naruto-kun,"

"Sorry about that Hinata!" the redhead rubs the back of his head, "I couldn't help it since I am so exceeded about my first hard victory,"

"What should we do till your Pokemon are healed up?"

"OH!" Naruto runs off with Hinata following him.

-Pallet Town-

Kishina hums softly as she feds a baby Eevee that was hatched only a few days ago. It actually hatched soon after Naruto left on his journey. The redhead has to wonder how her son is doing so far, but she is brought out of her thoughts when her phone goes off. She walks over to picks up the phone with Naruto's face appearing on the screen.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Look! Look! Look! I've won my first badge!" Naruto flashes his grin that he inherited from her

"Good for you!" grinning back at her son for winning in his first Gym Battle, "The Gym at Pewter City isn't easy for beginners. I have to ask what type of Pokemon you've caught,"

"I've caught a Pidgey and Baa-chan visited us in Viridian City and gave me a Squirtle,"

"Tsunade? She visited you?" Kushina hasn't spoken to Tsuande in years, but knows she doesn't have anything to do with Minato as they divorced, "So she gave you a Squirtle, huh? I take it it won the Gym Battle for you?"

"No, he didn't. It was Kurama that won the battle for me. Mikey doesn't like to listen to me,"

"Not all Pokemon will listen to their Trainers at first. Give it some time and I'm sure your Squirtle will listen as you grow as a Trainer. So what are you heading to now?"

"We're at the Pokemon Center healing in the meantime, then we'll head to Cerulean City afterwards,"

"For your next Gym Battle and the Pokemon Contest that is going to take place there. I know you can become great, Naru-chan. I have faith you in!"

"I'll make you proud!"

"You don't have to for you already did," for she knows that her little boy is going to become something great down the road.

"Oh, when we were going through Viridian Forest and we fought some Pokemon that we both caught; Hinata caught a Shiny Caterpie!"

"Really? Can I see it?" Kushina asked Hinata

"Hai!" Hinata quickly throws out Ichi with sparkles appearing around it, "This is Ichi,"

"So I was right!" what the two didn't know was that Kushina was been studying the appearance of Shiny Pokemon that has shown up every now and then. The redhead is the leading expert in Shiny Pokemon in several regions, "Hinata, when you return to Pallet Town and if you still have your Caterpie I wish to study it. Is that alright?"

"Hai, that is all right,"

"Well, I have to get back with this Eevee," looking over to Naruto, "Take care, Sweetie and become the best Trainer that you can become," Kushina turned back to Hinata, "And Hinata, good luck with the first Pokemon Contest."

-Route 3-

Shortly after Naruto finished talking to his mother his Pokemon were finished healing. Both Hinata and Naruto didn't wait too long and head for Route 4 that leads to Mt. Moon. While going down the road they've notice that there are Trainers here on this Route with some battling each other or training their Pokemon. Hinata notices that the there are a few grass patches that would most likely to have Pokemon hiding in them. She also noticed that as they make their way further and further away from Pewter City that bare dirt and rocks are becoming more common.

That would make since they are getting closer and closer to Mt. Moon. A mountain that is known for have some of the most rarest Pokemon to make their home there; Clefairy and Clefable. But first they have to get through Route 3.

The tall grass moves and out came a blue Nidoran. Naruto looks at it as he tilts his head to the side. It was kind of strange since he'd seen Nidorans before and they don't have big ears like this one has.

Taking out his Pokedex, "Nidoran M, the Poison Pin Pokemon. Nidoran M has developed muscles for moving its ears. Thanks to them, the ears can be freely moved in any direction. Even the slightest sound does not escape this Pokemon's notice."

"That's a Shiny?!" Naruto nearly shouted as he though this was a Nidoran F, "That is so cool!"

"Another Shiny Pokemon?" Hinata didn't really asked since this would be the third one she'd seen so far, "Naruto-kun didn't you say tht Shiny Pokemon were rare?"

"Yeah, they should be, but we just keep running into them! I'm gonna catch it!" the redhead throws out Windster who quickly turned and pecks his Trainer's head, "Stop that!" Winderster listens to Naruto before turning to stare at the Nidoran M, "Use Quick Attack!"

Dashing forward and bashes the Poison type Pokemon. What Naruto didn't know with Nidoran M being a Poison type it had the chance of having the ability Poison Point. When a Pokemon with this ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokemon will become poisoned. Unfortunately for Naruto his Pidgey fell under that 30% and became poisoned.

Landing away from the Nidoran M, Windster gained dark bags underneath his eyes and a purple coloring to his feathers.

"Oh, no!" Hinata recognizes the signs for when a Pokemon has been poisoned, "Naruto, Windster has been poisoned by that Nidoran M!"

"What?!" shocking the redhead for he wasn't thinking about his Pokemon getting poisoned, "This isn't goo! We didn't by an antidotes!"

And what Naruto said was try as they didn't think to by any supplies that could heal their Pokemon when they are low on health, or if they are suffering from status condition. They're learning the hard way now since most beginning Trainers don't buy those things like Burn Heal, Ice Heal, Paralyze Heal, Antidote, Awakening, or other healing items like berries.

"Return, Windster!" said Pokemon returns to his Pokeball where the Tiny Bird Pokemon may rest and the poison won't make it faint, "Kurama!"

Kurama appears before Naruto with his tails out and ready to battle. The redhead figures since physical moves won't work, then special must work. After all Pokemon work in ways that it either works and it doesn't. Pokemon that have strong statues for physical moves are usually weak against special moves; and the same could be said in reverse.

"Ember!" Kurama quickly spits out small flames at Nidoran M.

The Shiny Nidoran M didn't know what hit it as small flames take hold of it. It cried out before thrusting around trying to put the small flames out. Naruto taking this chance he throws a Pokeball at the Pokemon. The energy surrounds it before entering the Pokeball. Both Naruto and Hinata wait as the Pokeball continues to shack and move around before finally stopping.

"YAY!" Naruto runs over and picks up the Pokeball, "I've caught a Shiny Pokemon!"

"Congratulations, Naruto-kun!" says Hinata while she is clapping her hands, "What should we go now? Windster has been poisoned; should we head back to Pewter City? Or is there a Pokemon Center on this route?"

"Mom said that there is a Pokemon Center on this route. I saw we go forward and if there isn't any Pokemon Center before Mt. Moon, then we'll head back to have Windster healed."

And that's what they did. They marched forward with haste in their step. Their luck paid off with a Pokemon Center coming into sight. They rushed forward.

-Pokemon Center-

The duo just made it in time with Nurse Joy standing at the front of the Pokemon Center.

"Nurse Joy! Nurse Joy!" Naruto shouted

"Yes, what is it?" she asked the tried Naruto

"My Pidgey has been poisoned and he needs to be treated,"

"Oh, my! Let's get inside and I'll take a look at your Pidgey." said Nurse Joy.

They head inside and Naruto gives Windster to the healer. She looks at Windster and frowns.

"How did your Pidgey get poisoned? They're shouldn't been any Poison Type Power on this route,"

"It was a Nidoran M," said Hinat as she seen the whole battle.

"A Nidoran M? It wouldn't be blue would it?" she asked both of the Trainers.

"It is,"

"Sigh!" Nurse Joy rubs the side of her head, "That blue Nidoran M has been causing problems with Trainers that are passing through. At this rate I'll have to have a Pokemon Ranger come and move that Pokemon,"

"Actually, you would have to," said Naruto with him throwing out a Pokeball to reveal his new Pokemon, "I already caught him."

Nurse Joy looks at the Poison Pin Pokemon with a frown. Just like she has said, this Pokemon has been causing problems for the passing Trainers for sometime now. Always poisoning them. She kinda is worried that this Trainer wouldn't be able to use it properly. But she can't think on that right now as there is a sick Pokemon that needs tending too. Nurse Joy quickly took in Windster and has been treating him for the last thirty minutes.

While they were waiting Nidoran M turns to them with a glare in his eye as he stares at Naruto. Naruto just stares right back at his new Pokemon.

While on his journey so far has taught that not all Pokemon will obey their Trainer. Mikey is the one that comes to mind. Yes, Windster likes to poke Naruto's head when he gets the chance; this time around its like Nidoran M is trying to see if Naruto will make a great Trainer for it.

Hinata watches this as most of the Pokemon that Naruto has been catching have been giving him trouble. She has to wonder if everyone Pokemon would listen to him for the time being.

It felt like hours before Nidoran M turns his back to Naruto and lays down. Naruto slums over as he breathes out a breath that he's been holding. It seems all his Pokemon are going to give him a difficult time. Kurama his first Pokemon was like that when he was first given to him. The Fox Pokemon bit and spit out Ember to catch him on fire. It wasn't till Kurama fell into a nearby river and Naruto saved him when the Shiny Pokemon finally started to listen to him. Windster and Mikey, and now his new Pokemon are giving him a difficult time till they see him worthy.

Nurse Joy came back with Windster, "Your Pidgey is hundred percent healed now. I would buy some Antidotes when you can. Trainers need to have those for when they can't get to a Pokemon Center,"

"Thank you, Nurse Joy. And I plan to buy some when we get through Mt. Moon," tells the nurse

"That's good. Though you should watch out with that Nidoran M. A lot of Trainers tried to capture it and failed,"

"I'll make sure I'm careful. This isn't the first Pokemon that I have that gave me trouble."

-Author's Note-

Yes, I know this was suppose to come out in January, but I kept getting writer's block every time I would start writing this. Not all of Naruto's Pokemon will give him a hard time when he catches them.

Fun fact, when Silver first came out and I caught a shiny Nidoran I kept on telling my friends that I have a blue Nidoking, but no one believe me; they said it was a Nidoqueen, till we had a field trip and I brought my game-boy and showed everyone. I also had a pink Crobat.