...Well then.

Enjoy, if you can after what I just did.

Also, I'm an idiot! I'm posting yet ANOTHER story! Well guess what? I DON'T CARE. I HAD FUN. If you're reading one of my other stories... They'll be updated... Soon... Maybe...

Wire Frames bolted back and forth wildly, preparing everything that needed preparation. The yard of the Smash Mansion was huge, and easily accommodated the Frames, filming equipment, and the star of the show.

"Yoshi!" Yoshi said angrily, the noise around him throwing him off. A host always needs to be prepared. "Yoshi yoshi, yoshi! Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi-"

The dino's rant was cut off by a powder puff to the face, causing him to cough so violently a loose tooth flew out of his mouth and hit the Wire Frame in front of him. In the eye.

"AGH!" He screamed, clutching desperately at his face. "MY EYE!" A female Wire Frame ran over, clutching a eye patch that she found in a very convenient place.

"Here," She slipped it on his face, and ran away quickly, some other task now more important than the possibly half blind frame behind her.

The male Wire Frame glared viciously at Yoshi, though the dino couldn't help but notice it wasn't too threatening when done with only one eye. "Stupid Yoshi," he muttered, before striding off, powderpuff lying unused on the grass.

"Yoshi yoshi," Yoshi snickered at the retreating frame, before turning to the director of the film they were to shoot that day. The woman was sitting in a sleek director's chair, complete with director megaphone and director beret on her head. And all of it was hot pink.

"Keep it up, folks!" Princess Peach yelled into her megaphone, her voice a mix of eagerness and dictatorship. Though Yoshi didn't think it possible for a person's tone of voice to sound like 'dictatorship', Peach proved him wrong.

"Yoshi! Yoshi!" Yoshi walked up to the princess, asking her a very important, life-changing question.

"Hmm?" Peach looked down at him, confused. "What was that Yoshi?" Her facial expression turned dark. "WHO DIDN'T GET YOSHI HIS TRASLATOR?!" She screamed at passing Wire Frames, who ran for their lives. "HE'S GONNA NEED IT FOR THE SHOW, OR NO ONE'S GONNA KNOW WHAT THE HECK HE'S SAYING!"

A female came running up quickly, a strange neon purple pill in her neon purple hands.

"Here it is!" Peach giggled happily, snatching the odd pill from her serva- lack- helper. "Yoshi, you need to eat this," she knelt by the dino's side, holding the pill between two gloved fingers. "It will translate everything you say for the viewers."

Yoshi nodded, a smile growing on his face. He was going to be the best narrator ever! Who cared that this was his first ever documentary? Who cared if the show was going to be live, airing to every game universe at once? Yoshi sure didn't! He was cool as a cucumber.

Director Peach passed the translator pill to Yoshi, who swallowed it in barely a split second. Of course, barely a split second was barely enough time to swallow properly, and he started choking miserably.

Peach didn't notice, instead sitting on her sleek hot pink director's chair and yelling in her megaphone, "Everyone get ready- What is that awful sound? Did someone let their cat on set?!"

Luckily, a male wire frame nearby knew CPR (he looked awfully familiar, especially that stupid eye patch of his) and started saving Yoshi's life. Yoshi proceeded to repay him by coughing a translator-pill projectile at his other eye, effectively blinding him.

"MY OTHER EYE!" The frame screeched miserably, and Yoshi, after getting a few deep breaths, gave him a look.

The female wire frame that brought over eye patch number one happened to find another one (also conveniently placed), and placed it on the poor male frame's previously fine eye. Yoshi burst into hysterical bouts of laughter at the male Wire Frame now wearing two eye patches (no one could really blame the dino for laughing; the frame looked quite stupid).

The neon purple translator pill lay in the grass, covered in Yoshi spit and Wire Frame eye slime. Nonetheless, Yoshi swallowed it yet again, this time taking a full, safe second to do so.

"Can I speak? I can speak! Huzzah!" Yoshi said, every single person in the yard stopping and staring at him. The voice that came out of him… It was… Majestic! Deep, smooth as butter, and obviously British. Then everyone thought about how the dino said 'huzzah', and stopped wondering about his voice and instead about his choice of words.

"Okay people!" Peach said, clapping her gloved hands together. "It's time! Everyone, PLACES!"

The live documentary about Mary Sue and Gary Stu was about to begin.

"What does everyone want to watch?" In a quiet town, in a quiet home, a family was settling in to have their movie time. This particular town was in the Mushroom Kingdom, and this particular home was the house of a family of Koopa Troopas.

"I wanna see Small Villains 4!" One of the younger male Koopas cried, "I heard from my best friend Koopa that the movie was great! Someone dies in it!"

"I don't want to see anything depressing, especially not that movie!" An older, girl Koopa scoffed, "It may be new, but probably boring. Who wants to watch something about 4 villains forming a supervillain group when one of their best friends is murdered?"

"I do!" The first Koopa sneered, and the two Koopa's got in a fight over Small Villains 4.

"What about this?" Mother Koopa said, looking in a directory (so old-fashioned). "It's called Mary Sue and Gary Stu: A Documentary! It could be interesting!"

Father Koopa nodded, "Yes, and not only interesting, but educational too!"

"Mary Sue?" Girl Koopa asked curiously, though she was trying to hide her curiousness to maintain her rebel teenager image. "What's a Mary Sue?"

"Guess we'll just have to find out!" Mother Koopa said happily, clicking through channels on their T.V. before stopping on 749. "Here it is!"

And they all settled into their big, comfy couch, ready to watch a wonderfully educational documentary.

The documentary started with a view of a huge mansion, and a silky voice narrating.

"Smash Mansion," the British narrator said, "is a wonderfully unique place. So many diverse fighters, all here to fight their way to victory. Most people already know this, because it's a very famous tourney." The camera cut to a Yoshi standing in front of the mansion's huge doors, a microphone held in his hands. "What most people don't know, is that there is another fighter." he continued, and the entire Koopa family couldn't help but stare in awe. That Yoshi was the source of the voice. They were kind of expecting someone… Hunkier. Or at least, humaner. "Another fighter no one knows anything about, save for the participants of the Tournament. Her name is Mary Sue," Yoshi said, eyeing the camera, trying to give it a scary look but failing, "and we're about to tell you everything about her. Welcome to-"

The camera panned on the mansion from a ground view, the screen darkening eerily before bright red words appeared.

Mary Sue and Gary Stu: A Documentary

The Psycho music played loudly, and Mother Koopa was beginning to wonder if she'd picked a family friendly movie.