~2 years before Percy's betrayal~
It was an ordinary day. A day full of arguments between gods. One about a mother's favorite. Another about love. Another about age. The last one about their children. Hestia thought that her family could get along just once at an Olympian Council Meeting just fine.
"I have had enough of this! This happens at every meeting I come to! Just get on with the meeting," Hestia said.
"Sorry, sister. All right, I think that Poseidon's boy should be granted godhood again," Zeus said.
"I agree with my husband," Hera said, surprising the others. "I think of him as a splitting image of my brother, unlike my other nephews and nieces.
"We also agree," said the other gods, excluding Athena.
"Alright Percy Jackson shall be offered godhood,"Zeus said. "Council dis-."
"Then there was a huge flash that blinded the gods. The light vanished and stood in its place were 33 cloaked people.
"HOW DARE YOU FLASH IN!" Zeus exclaimed.
"Seriously, Uncle!" the tallest one said.
"Seriously, Uncle Z!" the third tallest one said.
"Nico! Percy!" Poseidon cried, running down to hug them. Nico accepted the hug but Percy didn't.
"Keep away from me, Poseidon!" Percy exclaimed, reaching for his scythe.
"Perseus Jackson, if you take out your weapon, you are going to sleep on the floor!" Future Artemis exclaimed.
"Sorry," Percy said. "- but seriously KEEP AWAY FROM ME, POSEIDON!"
"Son-," Poseidon started.
"I AM NOT your son! You disowned me 2 years from now!" Percy exclaimed, reaching for Riptide.
"What do you mean?" Poseidon said.
"I know that you had another son 2 years after I was born!" Percy said, uncapping Riptide.
"Brother, CALM DOWN!" all the hunters cried, but it was no use. Percy had already unleashed all his anger.