Serena woke up earliest out of everyone the next day, by about 15 minutes. She shared her room with Bonnie as usual. Unlike the last few weeks, she woke up from a refreshing sleep, with a smile on her face. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, and glanced around the room, through half open eyes.

Yesterday had been one of the best occurrences of her life. In fact, no, the single best, without question or parallel. All her anxiety in her looks, in herself, had just vanished into thin air, evaporated into nothingness, just disappeared into the either. She sighed happily and flopped back onto her mattress. There was still another few minutes to go until the alarm went off and she became obligated to start doing things. She felt tempted to to go right back to sleep. She closed her eyes and pulls her duvet right back over her neck, under her chin as she relaxed.

She replayed the previous night in her mind. Before she had fallen sleep of course. With Ash. They had both confessed, hugged, Serena had cried it out in joy, they hugged again, and Ash had walked her back to her room where she fell onto her bed and fell asleep within seconds in an adrenaline, emotionally exhausted, sleep deprived state.

She smiled and felt herself become slightly giddy in her semi excited, half tired state. It had been a dream come true.

'Hang on a second.' She thought to herself.

Had they kissed? Running the night through again, she realised they hadn't. She paused for a second. Were they really boyfriend and girlfriend then? Of course she knew that yes, objectively, they said they were, but she was thinking on a more practical level. Did their words really mean a whole lot without a sort of seal? Serena thought about this for a while. She couldn't really decide. Though, that didn't change the main, underlying fact that deep down, Serena was longing for an excuse to kiss her crush / boyfriend. She went a little red underneath the sheets. How would she even go about getting that done?

She considered this for a while, before she came up with an idea. One that could end up in her getting to kiss her Ash, and one that might test his pretty words. It was a very simple idea, though it came at a small price of her personal preferences for a day, though that itself was a very small price to pay.

She couldn't get over how simple the idea was. Though she blushed at how she was going to have to act to get it done.

"You're serious?" Clemont asked, a little bit surprised at what Ash had just told him. Ash was a little disappointed. He had expected a more... Dramatic reaction. Then again, he could rely on Bonnie for that later. He had told Clemont out of a feeling of being forced to, as he already knew he was going to, but also out of a sense of obligation and almost gratitude, Clemont had helped him out a whole lot in the few recent events, even if it hadn't been intentional. Even if he had just forced Ash to seriously think about things, that had all lead to the previous night.

"Yep. I told Serena, and she told me." Ash said, clarifying what he told Clemont.

"I'm actually a bit surprised you went through with it to be honest. And I'm guessing it went well?" Clemont asked.

Ash grinned and nodded. "Yep."

"How's Serena?" Clemont asked.

"Haven't seen her since last night, but she seemed a lot better than she had been throughout the lat few weeks." Ash said. Thankfully. He wasn't sure what the heck he'd do if it didn't make her feel better.

"Wonder how Bonnie'll take it... She hasn't shut up about you two yet... I dread to think what she'll be like when she hears this one." Clemont sighed. Ash grinned. Looks like he'd get that reaction he wanted after all. "Either way, you did the best thing if you ask me." Clemont told him, smiling. "I'm happy for the both of you. Speaking of which... Uh, don't you think she would have wanted to tell us with you?"

Ash shrugged. "I don't think she'll mind too much. You know how she is. Besides, I'm betting she's gonna tell Bonnie before any of us."

Clemont nodded in agreement, and took a sip of his drink. "I guess you're right. Still, you should probably hold off on telling Bonnie until Serena shows up."

"Yeah." Ash took a large bite out of his breakfast before any more words were exchanged. He was starving. Outside, Bonnie was trying to clean Ash's Noibat's ears, but Noibat didn't seem to want to, and was perching itself on Bonnie's head, and despite all of Bonnie's shouting and trying to grab it, Noibat wouldn't come down, only occasionally flying above Bonnie's head to avoid her wings at it, and then landing back down, seemingly teasing Bonnie. Noibat was laughing, while Bonnie seemed to be getting increasingly frustrated, almost sulking every so often. Ash chuckled. Noibat was still young, like Bonnie was. They were getting along, no matter how it looked.

At that moment, Ash heard a clutter of footsteps rapidly approaching them quickly from the upstairs, speeding down the stairs, clattering towards them, before they stopped, just by the entrance.

It was Serena. Although she looked different. Different to how she has been trying to look for the past few days, anyway. She hadn't made much effort today, if any at all. Her clothes to start, weren't even tucked in the way she normally did them. Her hair was messy, not brushed, and, most likely due to her running, she was sweating a little, and gasping for breath, though Ash suspected she was over exadurating how much she was out of breath. She used her right arm as a rest, and rested it against the door, and her lower half of her body was hunched forward, as she caught her breath. Her stockings were uneven, one done up correctly, and one that was only half done. No make up, but that wasn't anything new. To be blunt, she looked a mess. Like she had dressed herself, then got dragged through a hedge, then climbed through it again to get back.

"Speaking of her," Clemont muttered to Ash, before turning to Serena. "Morning, Serena." He raised a quizzical eyebrow after registering her appearance. "Uh, are you alright?"

"Never better!" Serena chirpily replied, smiling happily at Clemont, and especially at Ash.

Clemont, now reassured of her general well being, smiled and replied, "I'll bet you are." Serena gave him a quizzical look, inquiring as to what he meant. "Ash told me."

Serena smiled back in understanding and a slightly giddy way. "But you knew anyway, didn't you?"

Clemont smiled. "Yeah, I knew. For a while."

The three went on and on, with Clemont congratulating them and calling Bonnie to start heading out on the road to end the conversation. Once they were all sorted and ready to go. Bonnie and Clemont made a dash out the door, followed by Ash and Serena. Before Ash could reach the door, Serena stood in front of him, and did a twirl.

"Well?" She asked.

Ash chuckled to himself. "You look like a mess."

Serena froze for a second, fearing she had made a huge miscalculation.

"Yet you still manage to look adorable doing it." Ash grinned. "Ive told Clemont, and I told you - look don't matter."

Serena blushed. "Th ... Then prove it."

It took Ash a few seconds to realise what she meant, and when he did, he blushed, but smiled. He took off his cap, revealing his black and messy hair. Their faces barely inches away, Ash froze slightly. His nerves suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. He had no idea how to kiss someone. He had never done it before in his entire life was there a particular way you did it? His eyes, which had been half open, half closed at this point, went wide as Ash drew a blank. His eyebrows buried inwards, and he began to sweat drop. 'So much for bravado.' He thought to himself.

Serena, whom had closed her eyes, opened them slightly, wondering what the hold up was. In a panic, Ash decided to just go for it, and half sincere, half panic stricken, pressed his lips against Serena's.

It took both of them a couple of seconds to get used to the sensation. It was like a current of electricity being surged into them at 10,000 watts a second. The two of them opened their eyes a bit wider, but soon relaxed into it. Though it only lasted about Seven seconds, it felt like an eternity of bliss to both of them. It was long enough.

"Hey, Ash, Serena, come on! We're going to leave you behind soon!" Bonnie yelled from outside. It was only at this moment the two teens realised they had kept everyone waiting. Serena quickly sorted out her image, and Ash out his cap back on. Holding hands, the two of them dashed out of the Pokémon centre. They still had to tell Bonnie, after all.

And that concludes Looks Don't Matter. I hope you enjoyed this infrequent story by me. Couple of things before I go. First of all, thank you so much for the support on both this story, And my little speech last chapter. Made me feel a whole lot better about myself and my stories, so thanks for that. Second of all, my next big story is... A complete mystery, because I have no idea myself. What I WILL say is I'm going to make it a good one for you guys, I promise you that much.

If you stuck with me through all this, try checking out my Tumblr for more Amour from me - (GamingEmpire)

And also check my YouTube channel - (GamingEmpireVideos)

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter of whatever I make next. See ya!