It was 7:30 and she was already ready. For some reason she was super excited to go out with Puck. She shouldn't be, but she was. He took her mind off of everything, he knew how to make her smile. Like really smile.

The phone rang and she furrowed her brow, "...Hello?"

"Is this the home of Russell Fabray?"

Quinn signed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Yes may I ask who is speak-"

Then she heard a knock and rushed over to get it, "who is speaking?" She repeated herself, sighed then opened the door.

"Hey..." He smiled at her and she put a finger to her lip hushing him, he raised an eyebrow and stepped into her house.

"This is Marty Stevens from channel 4's The Top, and we were wondering if we could speak to him about a possible interview or-"

"No thank you, sorry." She hung up the phone and threw it on the couch. She ran a hand through her hair, tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Puck pulled a rose from behind his back and set it on the table. Quinn sighed and turned her head, "Sorry about that" he walked in closer to her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. "You're early"

Puck smirked and pulled out, "Couldn't wait to see you I guess" he picked up the rose and handed it to her, "This is for you"

She smiled, "That's so sweet, thank you"

He shrugged, "I went to buy cigarettes and I was thinking what could I get this girl to take her home with me?"

She faked a laugh, "Definitely not cigarettes" she sniffed the rose and put it in a vase on the table with a bunch of other ones.

"Are these from your other admirers?" He asked touching the rose petals

Quinn crossed her arms over her chest, "Most, but yours stand out, don't you think?" She stood close to him, her shoulder against his arm.

He smirked down at her, "Stands out, but it's not good enough for you is it? Probably need a whole garden"

She looked up at him and shook her head, laughing, "No just some good food and a good date"

Puck smiled down at her, "Baby now you're talking."

"Oh my god, I didn't even know they had fucking waffle and dinges here!" Quinn said with wide eyes.

He snickered, "Didn't think you would know what that is"


"Because you're pretty and rich and white." Puck said in a mocking tone, "you're probably made out of caviar"

Her jaw dropped and she sat back in her seat, "Just for that, I'm not even holding back like I usually do on first dates."

"You were certainly not holding back that night at the bar" Puck smirked and took a sip of his water. "You're a little fun with something in you maybe we should get a bottle of wine."

"Oh my godddd get over it I was drunk I don't drink a lot for that reason"

Puck nodded and sat up straight "We're getting a bottle of Wine" he called over the waiter, "Can we get a bottle of Montepulciano?"

"Yes of course I'll bring it right over"

Quinn raised her eyebrows, "Wow, I'm impressed you know your wines"

"I actually don't- I just worked at a fancy restaurant for a few months and that's what all the rich people got. Thought you'd know it."

She smiled and sat up straight, moving the hair from her neck and looking at the menu. That was a thing she did on dates, it was small but sexy. Puck had seen this move a million times. She by far was the best at it.

After nearly two glasses of wine and pasta, Quinn just wanted to lay down and sleep. She sighed and leaned forward, grabbing her glass, "So, what are we doing after this" she looked up at him and took a sip

"If you got enough in you I'm taking you home" He smirked, Quinn laughed and set her glass down, "Na, don't worry about it, just drink your wine and look cute"

Her smile dropped "Cute?"


"I'm a grown woman, I'm not cute."

"You're right, you're adorable"

Quinn got up out of her seat, "Well... You have a good night" she grabbed her purse and turned around.

He grabbed her hand, "Where are you going?"

She squinted her eyes and started laughing, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Better be going to the bathroom" He joked and squeezed her hand before she walked away. Puck couldn't help but stare at her, she was fucking perfect, she was funny, smart, sexy as hell and her ass was perfect. She was just perfect. But she was also a suspect of two murders. He had to keep reminding himself that. He poured himself some more wine, he really shouldn't be drinking- but it would be weird if he didn't. He was trying to think of things to say that would get her to talk about days before either of the murders. Puck needed to get her to completely open up to him, and he didn't want to get her drunk to get information out of her. What was most important to him now was to get into her circle. Rachel and Sam are constantly blowing up her phone- she contacts Will a lot. He had to get her to open up about all her relationships with everyone. But first he needed to develop one with her on his own, so he turned off his mike that he was instructed to have on the whole night. He would turn it back on eventually. Instead he turned on a recorder he had with him. That way, he could delete it if he wanted to.

Quinn was holding her jacket and walked beside him, "You didn't have to pay for the whole check."

He smirked and put his hands in his pocket, "Of course I do, there's an economic gap between you and I baby." Puck put on his jacket.

She laughed a little, "Is this the part of the date where you take me home and show me a real good time?"

Puck shook his head, "No, this is the part when you put on your jacket because it's fucking cold" he zipped up his and put his hands in his pocket, "And I wanna hold your hand but they're both occupied." He shot a wink at her and she put on her jacket. His jaw dropped a little, "Wow it was that easy?" He grabbed her cold hand. No matter how cold Puck was his hands were his hands were always warm. No matter how hot Quinn was her hands were always cold.

His hands warmed up her cold fingers, "No not easy, it just is really cold"

"It's about to get a lot colder." He rubbed her cold fingers with both of his hands then kissed her knuckle.

She was blushing so hard she wanted to pull her hand away, she felt like a stupid little 16 year old. "Where the hell are you taking me. I hate being cold"

"Baby I'll keep you warm do not worry about it. Just keep-"

Then Quinn's phone started ringing, she sighed, "Sorry one second" she pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw that it was Sam. Quinn wanted to throw her phone on the floor. So she just put it in her pocket.

"Who's that, your husband?"

Quinn faked a laugh, "No." She said a little too seriously.

He could tell she was pissed. She was smiling all night now her face just completely dropped, "Sorry." He stroked her thumb with his and squeezed her hand lightly.

"It's whatever"

"You wanna talk about it?"

She sighed, "Just an ex that doesn't understand leave me alone means I wanna be left alone."

"Tell him I'll kick his ass" he said, not really knowing what else to say.

Quinn smiled at him, "That's really sweet. I really don't think anything is gonna get through to him. He's crazy."

"Crazy how?"

"He like threatened other guys I've talked to, stayed outside my house, blackmailed me. Did a lot of dumb shit."

Hearing that made him wanna light up a cigarette, so he did. Him letting go of her hand almost hurt her for a second until she saw him light up the cigarette and put the lighter back in his pocket. She usually hated guys that smoked but on him it looked so sexy- call her shallow or juvenile or whatever. But he looked so good.

Puck grabbed her hand again, lacing their fingers together, "I'll seriously kick his ass if he tries that shit again. Next time call the fucking police."

"I told you the cops fucking suck."

Ouch- again. "Okay, then just call me."

She smiled at him, "I will now"

Puck turned the corner and walked up some stone steps with her, "Here we are."

She looked over the Ottawa River. She didn't even know this was here. Lived in Lima all her life and didn't know that there was this beautiful river minutes from her house.

"I just come here to like, think and shit." He walked with her to the barred edge he crossed his arms and leaned forward, "Shit like this makes me love Lima."

Quinn leaned over too, he held out the cigarette and she shook her head, "it really is beautiful" Puck flicked his cigarette in the river, "Wow. polluter"

"It's already fucked up baby"

She shrugged, "just because something is fucked up doesn't mean you have to treat it like shit." Quinn turned around and leaned her back against the barred edge.

Puck stood up straight and put his hands in his pockets, "That sounds personal."

Quinn shot a glare at him, "Ok."

He smirked, holding back a laugh, "Baby don't okay me, I get what you're saying, it's like overkill"

"That's actually not what I'm saying. It's like, if something is fucked up no matter how bad it is, you have to try your best to help it y'know? Everyone and everything needs help."

He stood in front of her, "Even you?" He rose an eyebrow

Quinn bit her lip and looked at his lips, "Especially me." She glanced up quick at his eyes then back at his lips, she couldn't look at him in the eyes.

He couldn't help it, he tilted her chin up and kissed her softly. She was so damn beautiful. Puck cupped her jaw, deepening the kiss and then put his hands on her waist.

Quinn wrapped her arms tight around his neck and the kiss turned from soft and sweet to rough and passionate real quick. She knotted her fingers in his hair and lifted up a leg around him. Puck grabbed onto it and scratched his nails lightly as he ran his hand up and down. Her stockings were in the way, he wondered exactly how soft the skin on her thigh was.

She bit his lip softly when she felt his nails against her thigh. Puck pulled away and kissed her jaw, then neck, sighing against it. Her eyes closed and she tilted her head back. Feeling his hot breath against her neck mixed with the cold air caused goosebumps to rise on her skin. He began to suck on her sweet spot and she let out a shaky breath, "Puck... Puck take me to your place" his teeth grazed against the mark he had just left, "Puck please..." Her hand went down from around his neck to the bulge in his pants.

Puck realized what the fuck he was doing and stopped himself, he moved her hand, "I think I should take you home" he breathed out against her neck.

Quinn bit her lip and pushed him off of her a little too harshly, "I think you want to." She pulled her dress down and tied her hair back in a ponytail.

He shook his head, "Baby, it's not like that-"

"Just take me home."


Quinn woke up mad. She was pissed that Puck didn't want to have sex with her. The rejection was so fucking embarrassing she never wanted to see him again.

She also wanted to feel his arms around her, take off all his clothes and get on top of him. Let him get on top of her, have his taste on her tongue and feel him in her. She was definitely overthinking this shit too much.

She got up and checked her phone, four texts from Rachel, 5 from Sam, 2 from Puck and one from Santana. She opened the one from Santana and it read "how'd your date go ;)". Then she opened Pucks which said, "sorry about last night, don't take it the wrong way." The second one said, "I'll explain it and make it up to you I'm sorry." Sam and Rachel's she didn't even think about reading. She tossed her phone on her bed and walked in the living room to see her dad and Sasha, her fathers publicist, flirting.

"Hey Quinnie." Russell said stepping away from Sasha, "I need your advice on something."

"Yes you should always use protection." Quinn said pouring herself a cup of coffee. Usually she would never say shit like that to her father. But he was fucking a woman her age right after his wife died- was killed. She was gonna say whatever the fuck she wanted.

He looked at Sasha, "it's always hard for kids when they lose a parent. I guess it doesn't really matter what age." Russell walked over to Quinn and hugged her, "I want you to read over my announcement I'm making to the public." He set a piece of paper on the kitchen counter.

Quinn held the paper and read out loud, "Good afternoon all, first I'd like to thank you all for your time, care and concern. My wife and trusted employee were killed recently as you all know and there have been false rumors going around that I am the perpetrator. I loved my wife, still do-" that made her laugh "and my employee, Finn Hudson. We beg the media and police to let us handle it and figure it out and give us some privacy time and respect. That is all thank you." She set the paper down and furrowed her brow, "that's it?"

"Yes, I have to keep it under thirty seconds. Why what's missing?" He took the paper and looked through it, "I think it hits all the points, I say what happened, thank everyone and explain my wishes."

Quinn sighed, "You're right dad. Hey Sash. Did you read through it?"

"Yes in fact I wrote it myself." She grinned

"Isn't she the best" Russell asked scrunching up his nose. Quinn nodded and took a sip from her coffee, "Sasha and I have an appointment with someone. So we are gonna leave just call me if you need anything sweetheart." He kissed her forehead

"Okay, tell someone I said hi." She opened the fridge and grabbed a piece of cake. Someone. Real good cover for 'I'm gonna fuck my 24 year old publicist'. She decided to call Santana.

"Hey Q" Santana said, "Did you just wake up? Had a wild night?"

"A wildly horrible fucking night." She walked into her room and closed the door, "I just wanna go back to New Haven" She laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Why what happened?"

"Can you come over in a little, my dads going to fuck his publicist so I'm gonna be all bored in my house."

"Yeah but I'm busy right now. How about in like an hour?"

"I have to shower so that's fine. I'll see you later."

"Alright love you." Santana hung up and tossed her phone on the table, "What the hell did you do with her last night?"

Puck pinched the bridge of his nose and squinted his eyes "Nothing that's why she's fucking pissed! Cause I didn't wanna fuck her on the first date."

"Why not?!" She asked her brow furrowed.

"You fucking Lima girls." He chuckled, "First of all, everything I do with her is being monitored, second of all its just the first date." He took a bite of his waffle, "Chicks got some issues though. Like she's cool and hot and funny but like I kissed her right, just like a soft kiss cause she said some shit about her being fucked up and I wanted to be sweet and romantic or whatever. She fucking like devours me and she's lifting her leg up around me and running her fingers through my hair." He leaned forward and whispered, "she like grabbed my crotch"

"What'd you do?"

He shrugged and leaned back "I mean I went with it, she's fucking sexy but she needs to chill the fuck out."

She laughed a little "You're a psych minor what does that mean about her." Santana asked taking a bite of her food

"She probably has low self esteem for whatever weird reason and only sees herself as like a sexual object so every time she gets with someone on a date or whatever or begins to develop a relationship she immediately sexualizes the relationship because she sexualizes herself" He wiped the corners of his mouth, "Or she's just fucking horny."

Santana laughed, "I think that's it. She's been like that since college"

"Oh but dude do you know how bad I wanted to fuck her?"

She smiled, "how bad Puck?" She asked like she cared.

He ran his hands over "So fucking bad. Too fucking bad."

Santana shook her head, "That's how she gets people so fucking easy I bet her pussy is like made of heroin. Once someone hits it they constantly come back to her."

He rose his eyebrows, "Oh! I think that Sam kid might have had something to do with it. Also Rachel, she seems pretty on Quinn."

"She always was, always like fucking obsessed with Quinn. But Rachel wouldn't hurt a fly, she crazy but harmless."

"She's also really close with Will. He's pretty cool but kind of a dick."

Santana nodded, "yeah since high school she was close as fuck with him." She took a bite of her French toast, "One time, some kid said he was tutoring Quinn and fingering her under the table." she said with a mouthful.

"No fucking way."

"Didn't happen, Quinn was a gold star total virgin until after high school. I know I hooked up with her. When I fingered her she freaked out-"

"Wai-wai-wai-wait. You two hooked up?" He asked with closed eyes, trying to picture it probably.

"Yeah we were drunk at a party my sophomore year at Buffalo-"

"Wowww no invite."

She shrugged, "We were both fucking hammered dude. She was pretty good considering I was her first girl."

"How does she taste"

Santana made a disgusted face and took her water, "Oh my god I am not having this conversation with you" she took a big gulp and set her cup on the table, "Just find out for yourself. You won't fall in love with her after fucking her."

He shrugged, "I'm kind of a pussy. She's like really fucking cool San. She's like my ideal girl."

"Yeah, suspect of the murder of her ex boyfriend and mother. Very ideal."

"Yeah well except that."

"I really just don't understand why he didn't fuck me" Quinn said taking a sip from her coffee, her third one today. "Like" she shrugged, "look at me!"

Santana laughed, "Dude maybe he actually wants to get to know you! Stop making everything about sex you're like a 16 year old boy." She took a banana from the table, "I think you have some issues"

"Blow me Santana, I just don't really care for other people all they're good for is giving me orgasms. I have school and work and this other shit to worry about." Quinn put her coffee on the table, "we can't all meet the love of our life at 9"

Santana smiled at the thought of Brittany, "I know but you never let yourself get to that level because you're scared of your stupid exes."

Quinn shook her head, "it's not even that it's just too much time and energy San. I have so much other shit to worry about, especially now."

"I think you should at least talk to this Puck guy. He seems like a really good dude. That says a lot because I usually hate every guy you get with." Santana began unpeeling her banana, "Should just let yourself open up to someone once in a while. Maybe you need a fresh new set of unbiased ears. He doesn't know any of us so he'll be real with you." She broke off a piece of the banana and ate it.

She shrugged, not saying anything because Santana was right. She was just being childish and petty with the whole 'he didn't wanna have sex with me' thing. "I guess I just need time to get over the rejection."

Santana nodded, "I'm sure you feel a sexual connection with him, is he hot?"

Quinn nodded, "He's so hot Santana."

Santana smirked, "You're such a kid" she said while laughing, "He's so hot I wanna fuck him!" She mocked Quinn, who threw a pillow at her, "Hey! Don't get mad you do!"

"I know but you don't have to say it like that. Sex is a physical thing anyways."

"That's why you attract fucking crazies because you have that stupid perspective." She threw the pillow back at her.

She was probably right.

It was 12 am, and of course she has 3 missed calls and one voicemail from Rachel. Quinn played the voicemail out loud.

"Hey Quinn its Rachel, I'm coming back next week and I really really need to talk to you. I know you're going through a lot and can't really trust anyone but I miss you so much. Love you."

Quinn rolled her eyes and deleted the voicemail. Quinn loved Rachel, but she was so self-centered, like Quinn obviously has so much other shit to deal with. She flipped through the channel to the news. A photo of Finn and a photo of her mom were up.

"The case dealing with the two murder victims, Finn Hudson and Judy Fabray has not went under further examination but Lima police force and Russell Fabray made a comment stating he loved his wife and employee and urged the police and media to in a way mind their business." The newscaster put her papers down and looked to the other commentator

"That is a whole bunch of bs if you ask me" the man said laughing, "Everyone knows the two had a rocky marriage, no prenup" he counted the reasons on his fingers, "The boy was having sex with his daughter."

"The boy" Quinn laughed and shut off the TV. She was such a fucking control freak, the fact she didn't know who it was pissed her the fuck off. She needed to figure it out. Get a fucking lead at least. This whole thing circulated around her.

Quinn went into her room and pulled a box out from under her bed and pulled out a little zip lock bag of pills.

It was just Adderall. She took it all the time during finals week. It wasn't a big deal. She was all over the place, she just needed to sit down and focus. She popped one. Just one. That should do it for the night. All she needed was one.

"Okay, okay. My dad talked to Finn, closest to his murder." She was looking at the chart she wrote connecting everyone to everyone. Santana to Finn, Finn to Rachel, Rachel to Sam. Just all over the place. Quinn rose an eyebrow, "Wait no that was the 4th, Finn was... He was gonna see Will!" Quinn immediately picked up the phone and called the police, to give in this useful evidence, then she hung it up quickly throwing it on the couch. "Quinn what the fucking fuck are you doing." She rubbed her temples. "Holy fucking shit." Quinn was shaking her head, "I have to call Will I have to-" she picked up her phone and saw Puck was calling, "Jesus Christ" she picked up, "Hello?"

"Thanks for opening my texts and not answering. 'preciate it"

"Puck its 1 o'clock in the morning."

"I know"

"Do you need something?" She asked putting him on speaker then looking through her messages and finding Wills contact.

"No, I just wanted to see if you're alright, feel really bad about last night."

"I'm fine, just can't sleep." She wrote a message to him and took her phone off speaker, "If you want you can come over." She got up and paced her living room. "I just need to take a bath real quick, but the door is open." She hung up the phone and ran quickly in the shower.

"So what'd she say?" Joey asked Puck while he hung up the phone.

Puck smirked, "she invited me over"

"At 1 am?" Joey asked raising his eyebrows.

Puck was lucky he recognized her number so quickly. She seemed different so she must've found something out. But now he had to keep his mike on him- Joey was listening in, his ass would rat on him in a second if his mike was off.

He shrugged, "I guess she needs daddy to put her to bed" Puck smirked and got up, grabbed his jacket and left.

Puck walked in Quinn's house. Fucking huge and could still here the shower running. The precinct was literally 5 minutes away from her house. So he decided to just pace and wait for her.

He walked in the living room and looked at the TV. It was Ohios shitty news channel and they were covering her family's story. He looked down at the table for the remote and saw the chart she had written next to it he saw a little container of pills. "Jesus fucking Christ" he dropped the chart and shook his head. This girl was all kinds of fucked up. He picked up the bag and quickly identified that it was Adderall.

Puck quickly turned around when he heard the door creak, he quickly dropped it, "Hey..."

Quinn came out with closed eyes and pursed lips. She was in nothing but a towel and her hair was out and wet. She looked so fucking good. all the time. "Oh, hey" she ran her fingers through her hair, "I almost forgot you were coming"

"Go get fucking dressed" he laughed and threw a pillow from the couch at her. Quinn laughed and went into her room, swaying her hips back and forth with each step.

Puck waited for her to go in her room then quickly looked at the paper on the table of all the connections and quickly pulled out his phone and took a picture of it. He looked through it quickly. His eyes scanning all the names, Will, Rachel and Sam had the most shit written under them. Puck set it back on the table and picked up the pills again, "fuck Quinn."

Quinn came out of her room in basketball shorts and a black tank top- still sexy as ever. Puck quickly put it behind his back and smiled at her, "Hey." He said again

She rose an eyebrow, "What do you have behind you?"

Puck dropped it quietly onto the table, "Nothing" he held up his hands and walked up to her and held on to her face, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Puck pulled away and stared deep into her eyes, her pupils were huge, "What'd you eat today?"

"Nothing- I wasn't hungry."

Puck let go off her face. He pursed his lips and nodded. "Ok." He walked over to the table and picked up the pills, "gonna explain this to me?"

Her eyes widened, "Puck- you had no right to-"

"To what?" He threw it on the couch, "Look at the fucking table?" Puck stepped closer to her, "I get you have a lot of shit going on but you don't need this bullshit."

She crossed her arms over her chest, "You don't understand. No one fucking does" Quinn was shaking her head excessively.

Puck stepped closer and scratched behind his neck, "Wanna tell me why you were using Addie?"

Quinn sighed and walked over to the couch, "Fuck you." she sat down and looked at the paper she had written, "did you go through this shit too?"

"No." Puck sat down next to her. "Do you want me to?" Puck leaned back and ran his finger up and down her spine

She wanted to shudder but she controlled herself, "Sure." Quinn leaned back also and handed him the paper.

Puck pursed his lips and examined it, "Where's your name on here?"

Quinn shook her head, "I had nothing to do with these fucking murders. The worst thing is I am the fucking person who should know the most. Probably the only person that can figure it out! The day before Finns murders Rachel and Finn were fine, I don't know why if it were her my mother would be dead too. Finn was like Wills son. Santana and Finn were best friends. Mike and Finn were teammates on the college football team. None of them have fucking ties to my mother except Finn and he's dead!"

Puck looked at the piece of paper and shook his head, "there's gotta be more you're not saying."

"Excuse me"

"Or that they're not."

Quinn sat up straight, "I'm here wracking my fucking brain trying to figure out who killed my ex and my mom and you, a guy I just met last week is claiming I'm hiding something." She snatched the paper, "Fuck you."

Puck laughed a little, "Baby, relax. I'm just saying. It doesn't make sense." If anything this made Puck more suspicious. Maybe it was the adderall but she was getting so fucking defensive. Maybe she really was hiding something.

Quinn looked like she was about to explode. "You honestly don't know shit. Don't tell me to fucking relax okay? You have no idea what I am going through, I can't relax I don't have time to. My dad is fucking girls my age, the police are useless, I'm the only one that's gonna bring any type of justice. Alone. ME." Her hands were shaking, "You don't know shit Puckerman you only know what's put out in the media that my dad is a cunt, we're rich and cold- we did it, right?"

Puck grabbed her wrists, "Quinn just take it easy, relax."

Quinn tried pulling her wrists but he was too strong, "Don't tell me to relax!"

"Are you gonna calm down?" He said calmly, giving her a stern look

She was clenching her fists and trying to pull away

"Quinn, baby, calm down and breathe"

She let out a shaky breath and stopped squeezing and pulling, "Puck... Please let me go." He gave her a look and her wrists dropped, "Puck seriously please." It was fucking weird how he could calm her down.

He let her go, "Baby I told you if you need anything just let me know."

Quinn sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, "I know I'm just a mess right now."

He tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and smiled at her. Puck looked at his watch, "It's getting late."

She nodded, "It's been late."

"True. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He stood up and put his hands in his pockets, "I'll head out if you want though."

Quinn stood up and stretched, she arched her back, yawning, "Would it be weird if I asked you to sleep with me?"

Puck smirked, "No it wouldn't." For him- it was. He didn't really just sleep with anyone. Quinn was cute though. Like a different kind of cute.

Quinn walked to her bedroom and Puck followed behind her, he pulled his shirt over his head and set it on her vanity. She sat on her bed and looked at him, her jaw almost dropping from how nice his body was. It sucked that she wasn't fuck-sleeping with him.

Puck smirked, "I sleep in my boxers is that okay?"

"Y-yeah that's fine." There she went again- acting like a little fucking kid. She went under the covers and dimmed down her lights.

Puck folded his jeans and put them on top of his shirt, and could see Quinn looking out the corner of her eye, "Alright babe, goodnight" he crawled in next to her and left a wet sloppy kiss on her cheek that made her laugh.

Quinn took Pucks arm and wrapped it around her waist as she backed herself up into him. She ran her fingers up and down his arm, "Thanks for coming."

"Anytime." He said closing his eyes, and laying his head on the pillow.

Maybe this was too intimate too fast. This case had to be done asap.