I own nothing

Lirielle Lossëhelin stood by a river near the Shire. Her long deep red hair curled around her lithe form. The birds and butterflies seemed to dance around her. Her pointed elf like ears picked up on foot fall approaching her. She spun around and drew her sword at the on comer. Her light blue eyes locked with Gandalf's eyes. She put away her sword and looked at him. She had ethereal looks of her small nose and full lips made her look like a woodland elf. The only thing that gave away she was not a woodland elf was her height. She was shorter than most men and elves; but to be taller a hobbit, about height of dwarf without all facial hair.

"Oh Gandalf it is only you" Lirielle said.

"Lirielle, I am shock to see this far from Imladris or Lothlórien"

"Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel know that I can't linger with them for long. Besides Lady Galadriel said you want to see me."

She tossed her hair over her shoulder revealing it flame like nature. A bird landed on her outstretched hand. It was raven. She stroked it feathers. It was something very few people would do; only one he knew was Radagast.

"Hello, Thomas" Lirielle said as she stroked the birds feathers.

"Is that not Radagast bird."

"Yes, Radagast is friends with animals; he does not own them."

Lirielle walked out of the stream picking up her cloak over her shoulders. She let Thomas fly off before walking over to Gandalf. A gleam of large fire like stone hung around her neck. It looked like flame dance in the stone; it let off orange, yellow, and red glow. She sat down on an over turned tree making quick work of braid her hair. The braid hung at the small of her back. Gandalf sat down next to her. He touched the stone that hung at her neck. That brought her eyes to his.

"You wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, I wanted to speak of you joining a quest."

"A quest… Gandalf with all due respect, me… on quest would not turn out right. I have nothing to gain from it"

Lirielle stood looking longingly to north. There was a flash of sadness in her eyes but was quickly replaced with cold as stone look. It was over eighty closer to 90 years since she let herself feel anything beside the need to live. Gandalf walked over to he looked where she was looking off in distant.

"You do have something to gain from this quest."

She turned her blue eyes back to Gandalf with scoff. She shook her head before starting to walk away from him. She started to pick up her weapons headed off in the opposite way.

"Oh really what?"


She turned back to Gandalf; and gave him a look he had seen a few time on that Thorin.

"I'm listening."

Lirielle sat next to Gandalf. A frown had taken a place on her face. She tilted her head and shook her head. For his entire plan Gandalf had forgotten one very important detail and detail that would prevent her from coming on the quest he spoke of. When Gandalf reached the end of his plan she placed her hand on his hand gave him a sad smile.

"Gandalf you have forgotten one detail. I am lady. These dwarves will never accept me in their company."

"That is why we will hide that fact you are lady. And by the time they know you are a lady they will realize you worth."

Lirielle rose and walked away contemplating what quest could possible cost her; closing her eyes the images of her burning homes of her kingdom long since lost. The images of her parents dead at her feet flashed into her mind next. Their stones that reveal their affiliation to part of nature and royal line were torn from their necks. Gandalf placed his hand on her shoulder. Lirielle eyes had tears in them. She quickly removed the tears; tilting her head to look at him. The price could not be more then she had already paid.

"When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible, child"

"I have not been child for many moons. My childhood ended the moment that Smaug came."

"That may be true. Come we need to get you looking more like a lad then lass."

"My famine features are hard to hide"

"That is why we will say you are part elf part dwarf. It is better they don't know you are Faye at the start. Lirielle"

"Liri, Gandalf after all I am lad."


The arrival into the Shire was something that Lirielle would never forget. She had never ventured this far in her travels. Now dress like a lad she walked next to Gandalf. Who was shocked just how much she could act like one as well. Her chest was bounded up tight making her once ample breast flat as board that and many layers of clothes hide her lithe form. Many hobbits took one look at the pair some went back into their holes. Lirielle tilted her head in questioning way.

"Tell me again why are in the Hobbiton?" Lirielle asked.

"Liri we are here to meet last member of the company for the quest." Gandalf said.

"If I remember right hobbits are not known for quests."

"That is why a hobbit is needed for this one."

They pulled their horses to a stop. Gandalf took one look at Lirielle who caught many of the hobbit attention. She had sword that hung at hip and bow and arrows on her back. Her hair was braided back to keep from the fire like nature of her hair quiet and keep her pointed ears hidden. She barely stood the same height as his waist. A hobbit with dirt color hair came out of his hole.

"Gandalf it been a while since I seen you these parts."

"Ah, Master Grubb, this is a friend of mine Liri Lossëhelin. Would you be so kind to keep him company while I settle matter with certain Master Baggins?"

"Not a problem Gandalf. Come along Laddie."

"Liri please behave yourself" Gandalf said.

Lirielle gave Gandalf a "really" look before head off with Master Grubb. He took her to the back where his garden was.

"Now Laddie have you lunch yet?"

"No, Master Grubb can't say I have"

"Milo please"

Once Gandalf was sure Liri was inside the hobbit hole. He started to walk up the road to where Bilbo house was located at.

Bilbo was blowing smoke rings. He opened his eyes with gasp. He took notice of Gandalf standing there; not knowing who he was.

"Good Morning" Bilbo said.

"What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning or you mean that is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you meant to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on? Hm?

Bilbo gave confused look before answering Gandalf.

"All of them at once I suppose."


"Can I help you?" Bilbo asked.

"That remains to be seen. I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure."

"An adventure? No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventure. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things." Bilbo started.

He rose to his feet walked over to mail box grapping the letters. Before putting the pipe back into his mouth.

"Make you late for dinner. Heh, Heh. Mmhmm. Oh Ah Good Morning" Bilbo said.

Bilbo he started to head up the hill to his door. Gandalf walked over to the mail box.

"To think that I should have lived to be "Good Morninged" By Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door."

"Beg your pardon?" Bilbo said.

"You're changed and not entirely for the better Bilbo Baggins"

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Well you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it. I'm Gandalf and Gandalf means… me."

"Gandalf? Not Gandalf the wondering wizard who made such excellent fireworks? Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's eve. Heh heh Ahem. No idea you were still in business."

"And where else should I be?"

"Where else-? Ahem"

"Well I'm pleased to find you remember something about me. Even if it's only my fireworks. Yes. Well that's decided. It'll be very good for you and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others." Gandalf said.

Gandalf went to walk away. Bilbo taking all of it in realizing what Gandalf said.

"Inform who? What? No. No. No—wait."

Bilbo started to walk up to the front door of his house.

"We don't want any adventure here, thank you. Not today. Not—I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water… Good Morning" Bilbo said.

He ran into his house and locked the door. Gandalf drew a mark on the door before walking off. He was half way down the hill when Lirielle came out behind a tree.

"That went well" Lirielle said with laughter in her voice.

"He will do it. I will go inform the others."

"Gandalf I think it would be wise if I show up first."

"You are right, you much more civil then they are."

"It comes with living with elves."