"Do you have protection?" Bessie asks Joey while they are standing outside waiting for Pacey to pick her up.

"Bess, it's a date, it's not an orgy." Joey stuffs her hands deep into her jeans pocket shuffling her feet as the blush started creeping in.

"It's a date with Pacey." Her sister reminds her.


"And it is Pacey we are talking about."

Joey giving Bessie a quizzical look "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just have protection Okay? Would hate to find yourself in a predicament that can be avoided with protection."

"I have it covered thanks." Joey murmured wishing Bessie would drop the subject.

Pulling into the B&B Pacey see's Joey and Bessie standing outside waiting.

"Bessie you look flushed, are you pregnant again?" Pacey half jokes. "Jo, you look.." Hesitating to find the right adjective as she looked simply flawless, "Female." He finished.

"Female?" She scowled at him.

"A nice looking female?" He added with a grin, before bumping his shoulder with hers holding open the car door for her.

Looking back at Bessie with a smile on his face he calls out "Don't expect her back tonight." and with a wave of his hand he hopped in the car and drove towards town.

"Little hopeful of you isn't it?" Joey asked with a raised eyebrow.

Pacey grins at her, "Now Miss Potter, why did your mind have to go there? I was merely warning Bessie not to send out a search party if you are not home at midnight was all."

"Uh huh." Joey laughs, "So where are we going?"

Just over an hour later, Pacey pulls the car up to a hall in Boston near the docks. People were lining the entranceway and Joey could see segmented rooms curtained off with a lot of squeals coming from behind.

"Umm Pace? This isn't some sort of Fetish place is it?" She laughed nervously.

With his hand behind her back guilding her to the right area, Pacey laughs. "You seem to have sex on the brain Potter. Is there something you want to be doing instead?" He asks suggestively.

Scowling up at him "You wish Witter."

Walking up to a curtain numbered 362 a man is standing outside. Pacey walks up to him and hands over the tickets. The guy smiles then shows Pacey to a box, rummaging through the contents. Pacey pulls out white coveralls and hands them to Joey, she takes them with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Pace?" she asks.

"Put that on, and these." He hands her a pair of goggles, shoe protectors and gloves.

Joey bewildered starts to put the protective clothing on top of what she was wearing as she noticed Pacey doing the same. Once geared up the man opened the curtain and let them inside. Not knowing what to expect, Joey looks around nervously as she enters a square room with 3 stark white walls and the curtain also white on this side. On the floor is a large sheet with paint tins of various colours and brushes, rollers and sponges littered over the floor.

"Pacey? What is this? What do we?" She starts.

Pacey looking over at her, bends down to pick up a long roller and grabs the colour red. "This is an art exhibition called 'A Splash of Desire."

"Okay, so we paint the walls?" She asks.

"Only if you want Potter." and with that he rolls the brush with bright red paint over the front of Joey's protective coveralls.

"With her mouth wide open, Joey grabs a sponge and dips it into the blue paint. Threatning to cover Pacey in blue she backs him against the wall and says "So, if I wanted to, I could paint you?"

"Exactly." He laughs, where ever there is white you can paint."

She smushes the sponge over Pacey's hood protecting his hair. "I always wanted to know what you would look like as a smurf." She laughs as the blue paint starts dripping down to his shoulders.

"Two can play at that game." Pacey replies as he dips his glove covered hands into yellow and orange at the same time then chases after Joey as she starts to back away.

Grabbing each other and wrestling over the paints available, Joey and Pacey lay on the ground panting as they try to get their breath back.

Pacey looks down at Joey as he finally pinned her beneath him. "I knew you couldn't keep your hands off me." He smiles down at her.

Squirming beneath him before feigning surrender, Joey managed to hook a paint tin with her foot and manuvered it closer to her fingers before dousing Pacey's back and half of herself in a forest green colour.

Laughing Pacey stands up and helps Joey to her feet, then he backs his rear end up to the middle wall and imprints his butt cheeks onto it.

Taking his cue, Joey stands flush against the wall and turns around so the excess paint from her splashes onto the white wall behind her. After footprints, handprints, fingerpainting and colour splashing the middle wall was finally covered.

"What an incredible mess." Pacey marvelled at their creation.

Joey admiring the wall, with a lopsided smile says "If a rainbow had diarrhea this is what it would look like." She commented.

Pacey chuckles. "You take that wall." Indicating the one on the left. "While I work on this one." Pointing at the wall on the right.

"Okay, what is the theme?" Joey asks.

"How about future tense, where do you see yourself in say 5 years?" He offers.

Grinning Joey nods, dipping her sponges into different tins working her magic on the canvas, after half an hour or so of concentrated paint, Pacey says he is done and pulls Joey away from her wall.

Scrutinizing each others art, Pacey looks at Joey's wall, he admires her effort, he can see a person sitting under an undetermined shape at a table while reading a book and a musical note while the other person at the table was sitting in a car with a magnifying glass in one hand and a telescope in the other.

Joey was watching Pacey's profile as he tried to understand her painting.

"It's not finished and pretty rough." She said.

"Can I hazard a guess?" He asks.

"Be my guest." she gives him a half smile, while wringing her hands together out of nerves.

"Well it looks like you are undecided." Pacey started. "It seems you want to vacation somewhere, anywhere that would give you an adventure?"

Joey smiles. "Kinda. You are right, the destination is unknown, however it's not a vacation it's more I want my life to be a journey while I explore the arts, and maybe write a book and the skys the limit." She finished shyly.

Nodding at her, Pacey smiles then grabs her hand and leads her towards his wall.

Pacey's skill in art was at first grade level, his stick figures and rude drawings were coloured brightly however.

"I see your art is vintage style." Joey laughs.

"We can't all be Picasso." Pacey defends.

"Or cavemen." she joked. "Let's see. You want to be a happy hippy teaching children? Perhaps you are in the wrong profession?" she says in jest.

Sighing, Pacey shakes his head. "Here, I will break down the Witter wants." He points to the big smiley stick figure face in the middle. "This is me. I am happy, coz believe it or not Jo, I want to be happy first and foremost."

She nods in appreciation.

"Now these guys, although smaller in stature represent different aspects of me. This one, you have called a happy hippy teaching, is rather a represenation of myself as a father. This cute version of me is my dream to be rich. Here I am on my boat, and here is one of me with my family and friends during a holiday. If you squint your eyes you can just about make out wife in there." Pacey laughs.

"How can you tell that is your wife?" Joey almost has her nose touching the wall while examining it.

"See here?" Pacey points to a spot between two different stick figures. "She is here holding my hand." He smiles at Joey.

Joey who just realised Pacey was still holding her hand starts to blush as she gives him a gentle squeeze.

Smiling down at her, Pacey asks "Ready to go Jo?"

"Yeah, this was fun Pace, really a lot of fun."

Still smiling, Pacey opens the curtain and catches the eye of the guy who had given them the box. "can you take photo's for us?" Pacey asks.

Before stripping off the coveralls, Pacey and Joey pull some goofy poses amongst some more genuine ones.

Walking down towards the car, Pacey pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket. Reading the paper, he angles Joey away from the car and down towards the docks.

Walking towards the marina hand in hand, Joey and Pacey comment on the views and sights and the beauty of Boston.

After staring out to sea for a few minutes, Pacey leads Joey down through the marina, stopping outside a Boat. Pacey jumps aboard it as Joey watches him, then stunned she looks at the name "True Love."

"Pace? How is this possible? I thought you sold it or something." Joey stammers as she realises she never did know what had happened to the boat they had worked on back in school.

"Sell True Love?" Pacey asks shocked "As if I ever could." he smiles at the boat fondly.

Joey walks closer and tries to climb on board when Pacey interrupts her. "uh uh uh uh uh."

Laughing softly "Permission to come aboard" Joey asks holding out her hand. "Permission Granted." Pacey replies as he takes her hand and helps her onto the boat.

Slipping her out to sea, Pacey smiles at Joey who is looking around. Pacey heads into the cabin and brings out a blanket and a picnic basket with flower on top. Handing Joey the Tulip he spreads out the basket and sitting Joey down beside him, he spreads the contents of the basket out in front of them and pours her a glass of wine.

After dinner Pacey sits behind Joey and with his arms around her waist, their fingers interlocked staring up at the stars, he kisses her neck as he holds her close to him.

"Does this feel like it's happened before?" She asks him.

"Like in some alternate universe, we have done this." Pacey grins.

Thank you to all who read the story, I wasn't sure if I would finish it on this chapter as a couple loose ends are still hanging (Dawson and Amy, Audrey never made an appearance, and Joey living in NY etc.) But I felt I had written enough fluff for my first piece, hopefully I will be able to expand my imagination more for a deeper storyline in a future fanfic. I would like to add I am not a Dawson hater, I feel he makes a great bad guy, I do love Pacey however and Jack and Jen, may she never die in one of my fics. Please review to help me grow as an author.