Hey everybody! Its me, another paper cut surviver! βœ‚οΈ

Today I am introducing you too 'Our Cabin Family' A series of one-shots which I just have to get out of my head.

This is the first one-shot I have ever written so please note that I have no idea what I am doing!

A big thanks for supporting me, and giving me the confidence to upload the goes to these three!

πŸ‘‰ Bubbles2k100 πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Canada4Usagi πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ The Rose of Hedylogos πŸ‘ˆ


Enjoy and please leave suggestions for future chapters! (everyone is the age they are in the game)

"Okay! So you sneak in here, and while his back is turned you jump out and scare him!" Sarah was bursting with excitement while trying to keep her voice as low as possible. "Okay, and when I do that, you come in pouring the water over him?" I asked, my smile getting wider and wider, Sarah nodded her head enthusiastically and glanced over the map we had drawn out with her colored pens. "Now, to make sure he doesn't escape, i'll lock this door, and cover the stairs with obstacles. See?" I followed Sarah's hand and watched as she drew a padlock on one of the squares which symbolised the doors. Then she drew squiggles all over the stairs.

"Awesome!" I giggled, but we quickly grew silent when we heard a door close frm above us. "Quick put it away! Hes coming!" I squealed a little too loud, but it got Sarah moving. My excitement was building up as Nick came down the stairs his shoulders slumped and his hair a mess.

He stopped midway down the stairs and stared at Sarah and I, dazed and confused. "What are you girls doing up so early?" He asked, his eyes red and glassy and his voice deep and croaky. "Oh, well..um, Clementine wasn't feeling well so we thought maybe getting some fresh air would help her feel better." I looked to Sarah, amazed at how easily she could keep a straight face, I on the other hand was stuffing my fist into my mouth to stop myself to giggling or even remotely smiling.

"Clem? What..What are you doing?" Nick asked, half asleep. I turned around to look at him, my saliva covered fist half in my mouth. I made a gross slurping noise before wiping my wet hand on my shirt, I went to answer him, but I knew if I open my mouth the only thing that would come out would be a spiral of laughter and sputters. I looked up at him with eyes bursting with excitement and shrugged my shoulders.

He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed in defeat before heading towards the kitchen door, where our plan would take place. I almost jumped off the couch when I turned to look at Sarah, silently gargling on saliva I couldn't swallow because I was laughing too much. She nodded at me, and pushed herself off the couch locking the hallway door. She then started ripping the couch cushions off the couch and throwing them violently onto the staircase.

I grabbed the wolf mask we had found under the house and pulled it over my face, quickly and quietly scurrying over to the kitchen door. It was stuffy inside the mask and I could feel and smell my breath but what has to be done, has to be done.

With my heart beating rapidly and my muscles tense, I took a deep breath in and bolted through the kitchen door making a small amount of noise as the door swung open. Quickly I dove to the ground and slid on across the floor hiding behind the table and its chairs. Nick turned around, glancing at the area around him but having a short attention span, he continued to wash his face in the sink. I silently applauded myself for getting past the first obstacle, the kitchen door. Next up, I had to make my way behind the kitchen counters.

I tightly balled my hands into fists and scurried away from the table, using the counter as a shield from his eyes. An enormous smile spread onto my face as I knew the rest was going to be easy. I crawled to the end of the counter and hid myself inches from the edge of the object, ready to pounce on my prey as he aimlessly stumbles past.

My body temperature increased as I heard his footsteps coming my way, my palms got sweaty and my muscles were jolting with electricity.




"RAHHH!" I jumped out in front of him zapping him with my hands, but what came next was unexpected. "AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" His girly scream filled the air as my body was compelled backwards and an overtaking pain filled the side of my face.

The mask flew off and blood trailed behind it, I stumbled backwards, covering my mouth in disbelief.

"C-Clementine!? WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" He yelled, a whole new expression taking over his face.

My eyes grew glassy as electric pain flowed through my veins, and a burning numbing sensation took over my face. Suddenly I realised my mouth was filling up with something that definitely wasnt saliva.

"Holy SHIT! Clementine i'm so Sorry! I didnt mean to I-" He reached out for me but I backed away, frightened that he might hurt me again, slowly I removed the hands from my mouth, exposing a waterfall of blood which rain down my chin dripping quickly onto the floor.

His eyes grew twice its size as I knew what ever he did was really bad, I started to feel tears roll down my cheeks and mix with the red substance my hands were coated in (so dramatic)."AHH! CARLOS! CARLOS GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE NOW! CARLOS HURRY UP! LUKE? CARLOS? PETE? HOLY SHIT!"

I tried to force down some of the metallic liquid but just coughed it up again, suddenly the door open and I heard a gasp escaped someones mouth. "Clementine!? What happened?" I turned to look at my best friend and she looked pale, as if she had seen a ghost, she screamed as loud as she could for her father. All this panicking wasn't making me feel any better than I already was.

"WHATS GOING ON?" Rebecca walked into the room, her face going from worried to terrified, looking at the horrific sight. "Oh my God!" I tried to relax myself but the only thing I kept thinking was, pain, pain, pain, panic!

I closed my eyes wanting the pain to disappear but all that did was increase the sting by the movement of the muscle. I swallowed the thick liquid, giving myself an easier time breathing, "what the fuck happened?!" Rebecca asked, instantly accusing Nick who was biting off his nails one by one.

"She was- I was in washing my face and then rah! And then I punched her and-" Nick blurted out all at once, rubbing a hand through his hair and pacing around quickly.

"You did what?! Are you fucking kidding me!?" Suddenly the door burst open again, and in ran everyone else. "Why is the goddamn staircase covered in cushions!?" I wanted to laugh but the pain was overwhelming. My amber glassy eyes immediately searched for Luke, and I soon found him standing in the door behind everyone else. He pushed past everyone else to get a better look at the sanario, and quickly, he ran to me and wrapped his arms around my smaller body.

"Oh my god Clem, Clem just tell me what happened." He whispered in my ear, I swallowed some of the blood again and spoke,"I-I was, me and Sarah were going to prank Nick and then I scare-scared him and he punched me. Bu-but it was an accident!" I pointed to the mask which had a few drops of blood on the inside, "no, no its okay Clem, you're going to be fine." Luke hugged me again, where I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"I swear I didnt mean it! She even said it was an accident!" Nick pleaded with his uncle to believe him, but Pete wasn't having it. "You know that we have children in here with us! You can't just go swing your fist in every direction, son!"

"Let me have a look at her!" Carlos's voice was filled with worry as Luke stepped back and let the doctor have a look. Carlos quickly but carefully wiped the blood away and started checking my cheek, I pulled away as he lightly brushed his fingers over it. "Clementine I know it hurts but I have to do this!" I shut my eyes tight and wriggled my face away from his hands.

Once I was free I spat out whatever rock like object has been sloshing around in my mouth, it bounced across the floor, drops of blood trailing behind it. Everyones eyes followed it before Alvin picked it up and twirled it around in his fingers. "Its a tooth." He said, relief washing over everyone in the room, except me.

I ran to Luke again, feeling the only thing that would help with my pain was hugs from a loved one, surprisingly he picked me up and started softly patting my back. My whimpers fell quiet as he started humming softly whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"I'll take her out, Sarah come with me, everyone else, get this mess cleaned up, and Nick." Luke locked his fiery eyes with him. "You have some explaining to do." With that, he carried me out, Sarah on his heels. I opened my eyes looking over his shoulders at Nick who looked like he was about to start crying himself.

Luke walked out through the front door and sat on the porch, placing me on his lap. He gave me a half smile, which I returned an appreciative look and went to smile back until I saw the great big crimson coloured stain on his shirt. He followed my gaze and looked back to me, "Its fine Clem. The only thing that matters is that you're okay." His voice was soothing, and he made me feel like everything is going to be okay. Just like….Just like Lee used too.

"I got the towel! Here! Quick! Take it!" Sarah barged through the door and threw the wet cloth onto Lukes head making me giggle, they both smiled as Luke slowly started wiping the remaining blood away. As he did so, small hisses of pain escaped my mouth everytime he rubbed over my cheek, but I dealt with it. Plus, this was nothing compared to the pain of switching up my arm.

Eventually I found the strange fleshy feeling in my mouth where my tooth once laid, it felt strange against my tongue and I could still taste the blood but Nick was one lucky guy knowing it was a baby tooth. A few minutes later, Luke and Sarah had managed to make me laugh and Carlos had brought a large percentage swelling of my cheek down so we entered the cabin again.

Carlos and Sarah went in first, followed by Luke and myself, where I was hiding behind his larger figure.

"Is she okay?" Nick asked jumping off the couch immediately, looking Carlos dead straight in the eyes.

Carlos glanced at Sarah and the others sitting on the couch before sighing, "Well, Nick what you did is unfixable." Nick's jaw dropped, a wave of worry and sadness washing over him "no...Are you sure? What did I do?" Carlos looked to Luke, who put on his saddest face. "You broke her jaw, and fractured her skull. Permanently." Nick looked as if he was going to faint, like he wanted to delete his existence right then and there.

He fell back onto the couch and buried his face in his hands. "No, no, no! Shes going to hate me forever. meahhh." It sounded as if he was crying, (yeah, cause 'meahhh' sounds like crying...) "Oh my god." He started rocking himself back and forth.

Luke looked down at me and winked, giving me the signal.

Slowly I made my way past so they could all see me. Rebecca sighed in relief, Alvin laughed and so did Pete. "Oh stop crying you big baby." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as Nick looked up at me, his eyes slightly puffy.

"Clementine!" He said astonished, "Clementine! Oh my god im so sorry!" He pulled me in for hug and I awkwardly hugged him back. After a few seconds, I slowly I stepped away from him giving a kind smile, but before he could say anything, I balled my hand into a fist, furrowed my eyebrows and punched his shoulder, "You asshole!" I mimicked him and quickly stepped away. Watching as Sarah poured the bucket of freezing water from earlier over his head.

Did you like it? :) I didn't either xD. But for those of you who did, there is a part 2 which goes with this!

Please leave any suggestions for future chapters (Other characters from outside of the cabin may be involved too!)

Please criticise my work, and thank you all, and to all a goodnight! β­οΈπŸŒ™

Riddler out! ✌️