Wammys React To: Five Nights at Freddy's
"Scariest game ever..."
Near was scrolling through popular youtubers, and had stumbled upon a man named Markiplier. Since they first started surfing the Internet together (about a week ago), Near, Mello, and Matt had all gotten a little more immunity to shocking stories, videos, and things of that sort. This didn't seem to be any different, but Near alarmed Matt anyway.
"Psshh, yea right. I've played Silent Hill before, can't be that bad." Matt claimed, taking Near's place in the middle and downloading said game.
"Five Nights at Freddy's." Mello read on the screen. "Freddy Krueger?"
"Thats a hundred years old, Mello. Probably not about him." Matt rolled his eyes at Mello's connection.
"Fuck you, it's a classic. The game is ready."
After setting it up and realizing it was one night per level, Mello took the first 2 nights, Near took 3 and 4, and Matt was going to tackle night 5. Now, Mello was in the middle with the younger boy to his left and the older one to his right.
"Let's start this bitch." Mello sighed, starting the game. With a sudden blur, the screen showed the game took place in a small office like room with one, 'no, two' Mello noted in his head, doors. Clicking around the screen, he also noted a power percentage on the left of the screen, with only 98% already.
"What is this? A panel?" Near pointed out a box near the bottom of the screen. Mello clicked it, and was slightly startled by the opening of a... camera?
All the while, they heard a phone ringing from the game. Not knowing how to answer it, Mello just let it play, assuming it would stop soon. When it finally stopped, the heard a man's voice.
"Hello! Hello, hello! Uhh..I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night."
"Fuck. Guys, pay attention to what this guy is saying, I'm going to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do." Mello demanded. Near and Matt listend intently, both analysing ever word the could make out. He said nothing of true interest until:
"The animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky but do I blame them?"
"These things move Mello, be careful." Matt warned. Mello had discovered how to to switch cameras, and was trying to figure out a way to get rid of the annoying fan.
"What? What mo-"
A high pitched scream was heard. Both Near and Matt looked to each other first, then caught a glimpse of a gaping Mello. Turning to the screen, they saw exactly why Mello was terrified.
The bunny has gone missing.
"Where is he Mello?" Near groaned, wanting so badly to check the cameras himself.
"Idontknowidontknowidontknowidont- ah!"
Mello said, switching between cameras. He kept saying this until finally he stopped at what looked like the dining hall of the restaurant. A big, floppy eared shadow that seemed to be staring at the three confused boys was what they were looking for, but they weren't at all prepared to find it.
"Shit, fuck, fuck" was Matts immediate response.
"Go check on the bear!" Near squeaked.
"He's still on the stage."
"How do we keep them away?" Near thought out loud more than asked.
Mello clicked out of the camera and looked around the small office they were stuck in.
He pressed the button labeled "door", and saw a large metal wall shut one of the openings.
"I'm guessing we use these. It takes away power though." Mello responded, pointing to the the battery life, currently at 74%.
"what happens when the power gets to 0?"
"We'll find out soon enough I guess... I'm closing both doors"
"Now concerning your safety: the only real risk to you as the night watchman here, if any, is the fact that these characters...uhh if they happen to see you after hours probably won't recognize you as a person. They'll-they'll most likely see you as a metal endo-skeleton without its' costume on. Now since thats against the rules at Freddy Fazbears Pizza they'll probably try ta...forcefully stuff you in a Freddy Fazbear suit. Umm that wouldn't be so bad if the costumes themselves weren't filled with crossbeams; wires; and animatronic devices, especially around the facial area-"
Near processed this immediately, and tried to put it into words for his panicked friends.
"OK if we let any of the robot things get us, they're going to stuff us in one of the bear costumes. So we don't have to keep the doors closed the whole time-"
"Are you kidding me? we're supposed to keep the door open while a bunch of killer teddy bears are roaming outside?"
"Thats the challenge, dipshit. I'm opening the doors." Mello, who got a slap in the back of the head for his last comment to Matt,opened both virtual doors and checked both lights.
"All cle- HOLY MOTHER FUCK." Mello quickly closed the door after witnessing a silhouette of the missing bunny.
"Isn't it made out of metal and shit, why can't it tear down the door?"
"Let's hope it doesn't." Near sighed.
~end of part 1~
An:I'M SO SO SORRY FOR BEING LAZY AND NOT UPDATING AT ALL! Since summer started, I have been letting my body and my mind rest from stressful finals. Buttttttt I'm back! Did you guys get the forshadowing of Mello's scar by the Freddy Krueger reference? No? Yea, it was a pretty far stretch but I liked the pun. This is going to be an ongoing series, but ill still take request inbetween the fnaf instalations. (Btw, in this universe Matt is older than Mello, by like 8 months.) Thanks for reading!