Disclaimer: I neither own Reign, nor profit from this story.

Catherine was feeling so smug she was almost giddy.

She had tasked one of her ladies to keep and eye, or rather ear, out to let her know when the King and Diane's evening interlude was concluding so that she could time this just right.

Now walking through the halls of the Castle she could feel herself nearly floating…a feeling she was certainly not used to, nor one for which she generally felt particularly dignified, but there is was.

And why was she feeling this? Because the woman who had so carelessly contributed to her many years of anguish and loneliness was about to be gone from her life by her own hand…even if only for a time.

Fo years she had longed to get rid of Diane, but she was one of Henry's most prized possessions and virtually untouchable…virtually.

What on earth he saw in her she could not fathom…well she knew what he saw, but beyond that she could find no other merit of which to speak.

Finally approaching Henry's door, she must have looked intimidating enough to the guards as they let her in without a second glance. Striding into Henry's chambers and confronting his half naked mistress was an absolute pleasure for once. As her target scrambled to cover herself, Catherine strode right up to Henry's bed and vindictively threw Diane's garments back at her.

The look on Diane's face when she realized that she could do nothing but aqueous to Catherine's demands was priceless and would ensure an almost permanent grin on the Queen's face, when intimidation or chastisement were not needed, for several days to come.

She finally would have her revenge, and it would be sweet.

The motivations for this were almost entirely for her own enjoyment, although getting some payback for Henry's years of neglect didn't hurt either.

Henry had dug his own grave a long time ago. She couldn't possibly help if this one action accomplished two favorable objectives at the same time.

She took great pleasure not only in throwing Diane out, but also as a reminder to herself which one of them actually held power.

Henry may have mocked her when Mary first came to court, putting on a good show for the nobles and his sons, but his interpretation of her influence was a far cry from the the reality of his claims.

She was the Queen of France, this was her Castle, and it was long past time Diane was reminded of that. No matter how long Diane actually stayed away, she had bested the temptress and won.

Finishing her tirade and making certain to rub Henry's chronic infidelity in her face, even to her, Catherine made to leave without leaving one single razor sharp leaf unturned…for once inflicting the wounds instead of receiving them.

No blood would flow from Catherine de Medici this night.

AN: Many thanks to all of those who read, followed, favored, and reviewed! As requested, I tried to end this on a slightly happier…or at least less angsty note than originally planned. At least as the show portrays it, Catherine and Henry's story is certainly a tragedy by definition, and from what history seems to record it would appear that the historical couple did not have a happy ending either :(.

For those of you who have favorited me as an author, I am honored. I have several other stories in process that I will begin posting once they are more solidly on their way and prompts are always welcome. Jusqu'à la prochaine fois!