Disclamer: I do not own Tokyo Ghoul:RE

"Soo! What do you have for me? Let's get this over with as soon as possible; everyone believes I'm at home playing games or sleeping. Even if my door is locked I can't guarantee they won't find out I disappeared suddenly without telling anyone." I said while looking around me as if I were in one of those action movies, where the main character has to hide and some bad guys want to catch him and so on. Yeah I felt rather cool but still extremely nervous. The one I met with, a girl who looks like thirteen but in reality is over 20, called Chie Hori laughs at me.

"You should chill down a little bit, Saiko chan! I don't believe the others would mind much if you went out once in a while, and I bet your Boss wouldn't even think about going into a diner like this one. It's crowded and serves only burgers and milkshakes. Like I said I have enough information on him to know 'that' detail about him." She grinned when I stared at her shocked.

I didn't know! Ok now I know, but only after the Serpent incident they had to tell me! Mucchan, Shirazu and that idiot Urie were there and saw him. My Maman lost control and they had to shoot him down. Haise Sasaki didn't come home that night and was away for a few days. I felt so stupid. I mean ok they surely hadn't have a clue before the incident either! But I was the one left out and they just told me by report about Mamans condition and Shirazu freaked out the day after Serpent. It was more or less hilarious, his face, his panic attacks and oh I think he also fainted once that day! But it was a really big shock for us all. He over reacted and we agreed never to speak about it again. Even mentioning it was forbidden. Poor Shirazu chan… Ok back to the topic, I'm sure Chie san is looking at me oddly because I went totally brain afk* a minute ago…I should resume to our conversation before she pours that delicious strawberry milkshake over my head like she tries to right now!?

"STOP! I'm listening I'm here again put that away!" I squealed and she pouted and put it back on the table. I sighed and took my drink, I had a banana Milkshake I call Sasashake. Long story short, we make fun of Maman and bananas because of his poster, and its revenge for the bad puns.

"Well, I was asking you why you wanted to meet with me? I already know your two friends, they had business with me so I was happy you called, you guys are really interesting." I nodded and had to laugh.

"Well I know you know them, my hearing sense is much better than that from the others, sooo…Did you really make those two steal Mamans underwear?" I had to choke my laughter and the first tears came out of my eyes. God this was one of the best days of my life, those bastards stealing the underwear of their superior and Maman totally flustered that week having no idea where they are and is too embarrassed to ask us. Gold! Chie nodded with a smirk and a short "Jep, I did! Haha"

"Wow, you're the best! Ok back to the topic at hand. I need your help! I want you to find Papa!"

Well…this was a strange question even Chie Hori didn't quite understand.

"Uhm I'm not sure if I can find your dad uhm what?" Jop she was confused.

"Ah I meant it different. Well let me tell you a story!" I took a sip of my Milkshake and started.

"Since we, the Quinx and Haise Sasaki moved together, he tried his best to make us a good team. He somehow ended up calling us his children, and I totally have nothing against it, he's the best Maman ever! But every now and then he would stay away for overnight, sometimes even for a few days. Every time he comes back home after this, his spirit is lifted and he is happier than ever. And yeah don't worry, I already thought about the possibility of him going to the CCG for food… but no I studied him some time now and I now know his eating pattern and even got my hands on some files so it must be, if I'm not fantasising, that Maman is meeting someone! And because Sasaki is my Maman, the one he is meeting is Papa!" I exclaimed now out of breath. Wow socializing is harder than I thought!

"Well this is more interesting! If you weren't with the CCG I would hire you as my assistant! Saiko chan you are cute~" her eyes are bright and shine, this mission was starting to interest her more than I thought! Yay, oh I think I'm blushing! I mumbled an "I'm not cute!" under my breath.

"So for now, the next time Sa-chan goes out and you think he's going to meet Mr or Mrs Mysterious~ ring me up! I'll follow them and tell you afterwards everything I know!" she smiled wide as I nodded.

"And because this is work, I want payment! But not in form of money, don't worry it's not what you think!" she added when I blushed, yes I watch too much anime in my free time… "What then?"

"You are going to be my best friend and meet more often with me! Hah!" Chie smirked victorious and I face palmed. Why me!? Whyyyy!? I'm a lazy lil' shit and I don't even regret it!? Socializing is hard. I don't want to… "Why? Why me of all people!?" sighing I slammed my head on the table.

"You look cool. And you walk around with a red eye and don't give a fuck. Oh and you're funny! haha" well that's an answer. I give up; I want to know more about Maman. I'll pay the prize…

"Fine" I pout and stand up. "I have to go now, here is my number, I called you before with Shirazus phone. Please send me a message so I know your number too. And I know you want to ask the whole time, I did climb out of the window! Now I have to climb back in. Demotivation ftw! Byeee~" I waved and run out of the diner. I used the dark alleys and hidden paths to get back home. I totally didn't want to get seen by anyone from the Quinx! It would be humiliation for me! It would be like "OMFG! WOW! SAIKO CHAN MOVED!" or "Huch, Yonebayashi, I didn't know you could walk." Or "AH SAIKO CHAN YOU SCARED ME! I didn't expect you out here!" or …well… I believe Maman would pat me on the head and say he is proud of me for leaving my room… Ugh don't think about it! I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Mission Saiko has started! Mhh…Or…Mission Mr Mysterious has started! Mission Maman? Mission Papa! No…Uhm Mission Let's make Maman bring home Papa! God I am bad at this, I'll call it Mission Saiko! It's my first personal Mission so it's called after me! YES! Ok uhm…I can't wait to say 'Mission completed' hehehe" after I finished talking with myself, I already arrived at the backside of our chateau, good the rope dangling out of my window looks untouched and unseen. I take it and climb up to my room. After I actually success at getting into it I change into my pyjamas and jump onto my bed. Immediately getting my chips to eat and console to play, for the rest of the day.

My Phone buzzed signalling I got a message.

The number was unknown an it said:

"Heya, Here's Chie Hori~ ≖‿≖"

Izayacchi: Yes someone needs to slap me really hard owo I started a Multichapter fic again and I still have to update my other storys qwq (This was first posted on AO3 owo just saying) So please tell me what you think; I really had no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this, now I want to write awesome Saiko and HideSasa Fluff hehe Bye~ XD