Okay, this is just a drabble to get my creative juices flowing. The people who usually give me my ideas are usually either busy with their own books, pukeing, or watching Pretty Little Liars. (PLEASE don't ask.) So, enjoy!
A- Amy, Leader who must love Ian
B- Beatrice, an annoying old person
C- Clues. Duh.
D- Dan, who must love Natalie
E- Everyone who helped shape history is a Cahill.
F- Fiske, the Man in Black
G- Gee Wiz, no one likes Jonah's "Music"
H- "Hey! Offence taken!"
"How could you think I like Nat Cobra?"
"How could you put me and I-Ian t-together?"
Wait, you can see what I'm typing?
Oh. Anyway,
I- Irina, she's probably still alive.
"I saw her jump into a flaming house! You are so insensitive!"
She's still alive.
J- Jonah, who's music rivals Nellie's singing.
"A little harsh, yo"
But it's true.
"Sorry, bro, but I'm siding with PinkiePieFanatic."
"Hammer? When do you get here?"
"H. How could you not use Hamilton?"
Moving on.
K- Kiddos.
"Not you too!"
L- Love is what Ian has for Amy.
"Do not!"
Oh hi, Ian!
"Hello, love."
Your just proving my point.
M- Madrigals. Another answer to the universe, right under 42.
N- Natalie- Who so likes Dan.
"Okay, with my brother and that peasant was funny,"
"Richer than you!"
" But not this!"
O- Oh no, here comes Fiske!
"How is that relatable to, oh. I get it."
P- Personally, I believe that this is a waist of time.
"Hi, Fiske! Where did PPF go?"
Time-out. That Janus has too much free time.
Q- Quarrel. What I just had with Fiske! {:-D
"I'm scared now."
R- Realising that the Starlings aren't here yet...
"Ya, where are they?"
Patience, Amy. There next.
S- Starlings. There, you happy?
"Where am I?"
Welcome, Sinead!
You too, Ted and Ned."
T- This is just ridiculous.
Okay, who hacked me?
U- Umm.. what begins with u?
V- Vespers!
"Oh no, they're back?!"
No, I just couldn't think of anything else.
W- Winners of the Hunt.
"Hi, People!"
"No one cares about you ,Daniel."
X- x?
What begins with x?
Y- Yay! I'm almost done!
"You sound exited to get rid of us!
Wait, who invited the Holt's?
"We invited ourselves, since no one else cared about us."
Z- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
"Did PinkiePieFanatic fall asleep at the keyboard."
"Yes, you Dolt!"
"Natalie! Don't insult Hamilton!"
"And why, Sinead, are you protecting him?"
"I don't know. Why is your brother so protective of Amy?
"What did I ever do to you?!"
"Nothing, Amy. Everyone just knows you and Ian are perfect for each other."
AMIANAMIANFUNFUNYAY!- Just admit it you 2!
"Who the heck is that?"