C Rank:

Nowi: Oh the wind carries my name...~ From Sniper Island far away...~ When I take aim, it's straight and true...~ Lululalalu...~

Usopp: Oh, hey there, Nowi! What's that song you're singing?

Nowi: Hiya, Usopp! It's the theme song of Sniper King!

Usopp: Oh...Uh...Sniper King, huh? Yeah, him and I go waaaaaay back.

Nowi: He's soooo amazing!

Usopp: Well, if you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you meet Sniper King? After all, I uh...wasn't there because Chopper told me to stay in bed after my arm broke...And you know how Chopper gets when you don't follow the doctor's orders.

Nowi: Oh! Well, it all happened in the middle of a huge fight. There were Risen EVERYWHERE! Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Brook and Robin had them for the most part, but the rest of us got overwhelmed pretty quickly. Just when we thought we were done for, POW! A mysterious man in a mask jumps in from the shadows and saves us all, singing the most amazing song!

Usopp: Heheheh...Yep, that's Sniper King for ya! Always saving the day! Y'know, I was the one who sent him.

Nowi: Wow, Usopp, really?!

Usopp: Heheh. Yep, it was all me. Y'know, I actually taught Sniper King everything he knows!

Nowi: Are you serious?!

Usopp: Yeah! Before I came into the picture, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn! And trust me, I've seen him try!

Nowi: Heeheehee...What happened?

Usopp: Hahaha! He ended up hitting a bull between the eyes with a rock! I had to save him from getting trampled, because that bull was chasing him everywhere!

Nowi: Hehehe! That IS really funny!

Usopp: Ha, wait'll you hear this one...

Rank B:

Nowi: Hmm...

Usopp: What is it, Nowi?

Nowi: I dunno...Just feeling a little bored...There hasn't been any action or anything lately, everyone else is busy training...I have nothing to do.

Usopp: Is that so? Well, Sniper King's not the only great man out there!

Nowi: Huh?

Usopp: Take a seat, Nowi! Captain Usopp's gonna tell you a story about one of his many adventures!

Nowi: Oooh, a story?! That'll definitely be fun!

Usopp: You have no idea. So, there I was, sailing the vast blue sea, my eight thousand subordinates by my side.

Nowi: Ooh! Question!

Usopp: Yes?

Nowi: Was Sniper King one of your subordinates?

Usopp: Ah, indeed he was! He was one of the cabin boys...But I consider all crew members equal! That's why I trained him to be as great as I am!

Nowi: Well that's sweet of you.

Usopp: Gee, you really think so?

Nowi: Uh-huh! Now let's hear that story!

Usopp: Ah yes, of course! There we were, sailing the vast blue seas...The lookout saw an island off in the distance! It was an ominous island, foggy, with jagged mountains and dying trees...My men were unnerved...But I would not be phased!

Nowi: You're so brave!

Usopp: Oh, and I haven't even gotten into what happened on the island...

Rank A:

Usopp: Hey, Nowi! Nothing to do, I see.

Nowi: Heya, Usopp. Yeah, it's been SOOOOO boring lately...

Usopp: Hey, before I tell another story, I just wanna say thanks.

Nowi: Hmm? For what?

Usopp: Well, see, the thing is...It's been a long time since I actually had someone who wanted to listen to my stories. Luffy and Chopper are always busy with the others and don't have time to listen to my stories anymore, and everyone else just doesn't care. It's really nice to just have someone who'll listen to me ramble on and on, y'know?

Nowi: Aww, you don't have to thank me, Usopp! I love your stories! They're fun to listen to, and they keep me from being bored!

Usopp: [Sniff] You're the best!

Nowi: Usopp, don't cry-EEP! Aw, you wanna hug? Okay, I'm gonna hug you back...Your face is really red...Are you sick again? Should I get Chopper? Maybe you should stay out of the next fight...

Usopp: N-No...I'm fine...

Rank S:

Nowi: Usoooooop...~

Usopp: Let me guess...You wanna hear another story of my adventures?

Nowi: Actually...I was wondering if you could tell me about Sniper King...I wanna know more about him...

Usopp: Huh? Nowi, how come you're blushing like that?

Nowi: Well...You see...Sniper King came again...I was surrounded by enemies...They were all closing in on me...I was so scared...but then Sniper King...He...He jumped in and took them all out with a five ton hammer...Before they could get back up, he...he picked me up and carried me off the battlefield... I never felt my heart beat so fast, not even in a fight...

Usopp: Oh...Um...Y-Yeah, Sniper King said that he...he felt the same way...

Nowi: So, what's Sniper King's real name?

Usopp: I'm...I'm afraid that's top secret...

Nowi: Hmm...Let me see if I can guess...

Usopp: Hahaha! Try as you may, you'll never figure out-

Nowi: Is his name...Usopp by any chance?

Usopp: URK!

Nowi: Heeheehee! I knew it was you all along, Usopp.

Usopp: But...But how...?

Nowi: Hey, I'm smarter than you think, y'know. It doesn't take Miriel to figure out who it is behind that mask. The nose gave you away...BOOP!

Usopp: Normally I'd get mad at you for poking my nose, but...

Nowi: You seemed a lot angrier when you came in to save me from those Risen. Why was that?

Usopp: Um...I mean, we're friends and all, and-

Nowi: Your heart was beating like, a mile a minute.

Usopp: I was scared-

Nowi: Is there something you wanna tell me?


Nowi: Just say it. Say those beautiful words.

Usopp: Wh-What words...?

Nowi: You know exactly what I mean.

Usopp: Um...Is it...I love you...?


Usopp: OOF! Wha...? You don't mind?

Nowi: Why would I mind? I feel the same way, after all!

Usopp: N-No kidding...?

Nowi: Ever since you started telling me stories, making me laugh, spending time with me...I've felt so happy.

Usopp: ...Nowi, I have another confession to make... My stories...

Nowi: They're fake.

Usopp: They're fa-WHAAAAAAAAAAAA?

Nowi: Aw, don't be silly, Usopp, of course I knew that! A giant goldfish with island sized poop...How do you stumble across that at five years old?

Usopp: So...You really don't care, then?

Nowi: Why would I? I love your tall tales! They keep me on the edge of my seat!

Usopp: Well...Um...There'll be a ton more stories to tell after...after you...m-marry me...? Maybe?

Nowi: Oh boy! I can't wait!

Usopp: ...That's a yes?

Nowi: Yep!

Usopp: [Sniff] NOWIIIIIII!

Nowi: Aw, c'mere, sweetie!