Character Bio :

Name: Lexia Jones

Nickname: The Total Package , Lexi , Lex

Age : 23

Hometown: Philadelphia, Pa

Appearence: Complexion like Cameron , Grey eyes , shoulder length black & brown hair with side bangs .She's got a small frame similar to Aj .

Personality: Lexia a bad ass who doesn't take anyones crap , when on her good side she's nice,loyal and caring but once you cross her she will forever be out for blood . She's a party girl , a free spirit and almost always the center of attention .

Wrestling Style : Brawler/Highflyer

Finishers : Spinning roundhouse kick (Facelift) , Phoenix splash (Fire Bird) , Headlock Driver (Total Package) , Tilt a Whirl Arm-Bar , MoonStomp (Lucky Charms)

Background: As a child she modeled and took dance & gymnastics class , by age 13 she decided that wasn't for her and started training to be a wrestler, while also learning kick boxing and karate . By the age of 19 she'd been grooming into the perfect package, becoming a prominent indy name by 22 . Outside of her training she lived a pretty good life , the perfect family with enough money to keep her happy . Street smart & book smart .

Summary : Lexia Jones is the newest NXT Diva , The perfect package Beauty,Brains & Talent . But how far will she really be able to make it . CoreyGraves/Oc/FinnBalor

Flash back 1 week earlier . . .

My hands shook as I looked down at my cell phone , I had my tryout for the WWE a few weeks ago and today they were supposs to be calling me . They had put me up against some NXT Diva Char something I didn't care for her name my only objective was getting hired . This had been my third try out and well you know they say third times the charm . My phone finally vibrated in my hand an unknown number flashed across my screen . I almost squealed at the Connecticut area code quickly composing myself I answered .

"Hello ? " I said nervously

" Hi , this is Hunter am I speaking to Lexia ? "

"Yes this is her . "

"Well Lexia I'd like to offer you a developmental contract with NXT . " Hunter replied my heart nearly leapt out my chest .

"Really ? Yess , I'd love that . " I said back silent tears of joy streaming down my cheeks

"We'll fly you out to Stamford tomorrow to sign the contract and have you down in Florida by next week does that sound good to you ? "

"It's perfect thank you . "

And true to his word my contract was signed the next day and all my belongings and myself was relocated to sunny Tampa,Florida in a week . I had arrived at the performance center early I was told to come in and meet with William Regal to go over a few things . I couldn't help but fangirl a little bit seeing this place on Tv & being here were two totally different feelings .

"Ah, you must be Ms Jones , I'm the general manger here William Regal . " A heavily accented voice said from behind me , I turned around and smiled I'd watched Regal kick major ass growing up it was crazy having him in front of me .

"Yes I am Lexia , it's amazing to meet you Mr Regal . " I couldn't knock the grin off my face no matter how hard I tried he shook my hand before leading me off into a room .

"So Lexia how much experience do you have ? " William asked me as he sat down behind a desk and pulled out a file .

"I've been training since 13 but I didn't regularly start competing til 19 . " I responded feeling kind of nervous he just nodded

"6 years of training with 4 years of in-ring experience ? " He asked I just nodded for the first time in my life feeling shy . "You're also a former child star ? "

"I wouldn't say child star , I did a few photo-shoots and maybe a few commercials . " I replied a little weirded out by them digging that far back into my life .

"And you're only 23 ? I've seen a few of your tapes you're a natural on the mic and in the ring , but I'd like to see you do both in person . " William replied I nodded again "I'll give you some performance center gear so you can change and we can get started . "

Regal had me cut a 60 second promo about myself and what I hoped to achieve which was pretty easy for me , when I was done he applauded me and said I was one of the best talkers he'd ever come across and my mat work was top-notch overrall he called me one of Hunter's best indy finds but the best part is I would be immediately making my NXT debut .

That same feeling I got at the center was exactly how I felt walking into Full-Sail I just wanted to walk around and bask in everything hell even the walls were exciting to me right now . I saw a few huge named former indy people walking around here alot of them stopped & stared at me I was at this point in my career use to it , I wasn't dubbed the Total package for nothing smiling politely at them and secretly loving the attention I followed the signs and went to the locker room . The "Divas" all eyed me in confusion except that Char something chick .

"Jesus they got you here fast . " Char something said running her fingers threw her blond hair

"They were not going to pass up on me again . " I replied cockily she laughed lightly I put my bag down and pulled out my gear ( a Black cropped halter top with silver lining , black short shorts with a silver belt and shiney black combat boots ) .

"Who you going up against ? " This girl with a side ponytail asked she looked pretty familiar to me back I couldn't remember from where

"Ummm , Carmella I think . " I replied changing into my gear the two of them pretty much went on to talking to each other once I finished getting dressed I decided to adventure around I was pretty early and had the third match of the night . I turned a corner and collided with somebody me being the smaller person I fell flat on my butt .

"Oh crap , I'm sorry . " A heavily accented voice replied I looked up and laughed

"So this is where you disappeared to . " I said playfully as he helped me up . " Thought I'd never see the great Finn Balor again . "

"Lexi , when the hell did you get signed ? " Finn asked smiling hugely I had the pleasure of meeting him during my very brief stint with NJPW

"About a week ago . " I said before dancing a little bit he shook his head at me .

"I didn't think little Lexia was the indy wrestler I've been hearing about all week . " He smiled as he looped his arm with mine and we started walking again .

"Why would you not think it was I, the total package ? " I raised,an eyebrow at him before laughing .

"You are right . " He laughed and looked at my outfit "Damn you're on the card tonight too ? "

"Duhh , I'm gonna kick Carmella's ass . " I said confidently "Who you up against ? "

"Breeze . " He replied I just nodded the name didn't ring any bells to me .

"Sounds fun I guess ? "

SAWFT is in a sin .

" My name is Enzo Amore, and I am a certified G, and a bonafied stud. And you can't teach that! And this right here, this is Big Cass, and he's 7 foot tall, and you can't teach that! And this right here, this is Carmella, and she's hot as hell, and you can't teach that! BADA BOOM, REALEST GUYS IN THE ROOM! " Enzo Amore announced just before fabulous started playing and out came Carmella .

"My Name is Carmella & I am the princess of Staten Island , and the most fabulous Diva in all of NXT . " Carmella boasted before climbing into to the ring " Badda Bing Badda Bing Hottest chick in the ring ."

Her music cut off and was replaced with Keri Hilson's Pretty girl rock , confusing most of the crowd pretty soon Lexia emerged on the stage she snickered once she saw the team in the ring .

"And introducing the opponent from Philadelphia , Pennsylvania Lexia ! " Jojo announced . Lexia made her way to the ring with her hips swinging smirking . She climbed into the ring and the bell rang Lexia eyed Carmella up and Carmella responded by flipping her hair , the new diva rolled her eyes before throwing Carmella to the mat by her hair she followed that up by climbing on top of her and throwing down punches to the Princess of Staten Island's face . Lexia went to pull up Carmella but she reversed into an inside cradle .

"1!" Lexia kicked out . Carmella tossed Lexia back to the mat by her hair angerily

"How you doin ! " Carmella yelled dragging Lexia around the ring by her hair before chucking her into the corner . The Philadelphian clutched her head as she sat in the corner until Carmella started choking her with her foot she didn't let up until the ref counted to four . She dragged Lexia to the middle of the ring and went for her headscissors but Lexia rolled away , both divas got to there feet Carmella ran at Lexia intending for a clothesline but ran straight into the Facelift (Spinning Roundhouse kick ) she covered Carmella for the win .

Once I got backstage Finn , Char something & ponytail girl were waiting for me . I smiled at the two divas and playfully glared at Finn .

"Nice match , although I feel bad they stuck you up against someone so green . " The blonde said I knew that chick sucked way too much hair pulling & hair flipping .

"No wonder she sucked . " I replied with an eye roll .

"She kicked your ass Lex . " Finn said I flipped him the finger before turning to the two divas again ,

"Let's ditch Balor here and go back to the locker . " I suggested they both agreed and we walked off I glanced over my shoulder & caught Finn watching me .

"So how do you two know each other ? " The blonde one asked

"New Japan Wrestling . " I simply said the blond nodded while the ponytail girl didn't really say anything . When we got back to the locker the other divas were there I couldn't hide the grin on my face when I saw a certain Irish redhead .

"Becky ! " I smiled at her before engulfing her in a hug " I haven't seen you in forever . "

"Little Lexia . " Becky Lynch smiled hugging me back when we broke away from the hug both Char I gotta find out her real name & the chick with the ponytail looked uncomfortable , Becky looked at the both of them & snorted "What are you doing hanging with Charlotte & Bayley ? "

"They were nice to me when I got here . " I responded mostly relieved I now knew there names , and then I remembered Becky didn't like these two & vice versa . Becky nodded before sitting back down the room was full of tension already , the two nicest girls on the roster didn't like my only actual friend on the roster . Crazy right . Charlotte left the locker but Bayley stayed she smiled at me before sitting with the chick dressed like a fairy . That was some pretty weird shit but hey she's a cute little fairy atleast . I felt like a shit person I watched NXT but paid no mind to the divas besides Becky & the red head she's always with Sasha . I flopped down next to Becky and glanced at the Tv Carmella's team was in a match ,yup didn't care .

"I wasn't really paying attention out there , what did the commentators say when I was out there ? " I asked trying to start up another conversation everybody was way to quiet for my liking .

"The usual stuff they say when girls wrestle , she's so pretty , her outfits so cute . " Becky mocked playfully "Except Corey he seemed to know your whole back story . "

"Corey Graves ? " I said confused she nodded " What'd he say ? "

"Your modeling & dance background , then he said something about you both being from Pennsylvania . " Becky explained

"That's not creepy at all . "

"Hey it's nice that he does his research he even called Facelift by it's name, even talked about fire bird . " Becky giggled while I rolled my eyes "Renee also talked about your kick boxing & Karate . "

"So besides us how many other chicks am I gonna be wiping the floor with ? " I asked the female roster seemed alot smaller than what I was use to .

"There's Alexa over there . " She pointed towards the fairy chick . " You've met Bayley,Charlotte & Carmella, all that's left to meet is blue pants , Dana , and Sasha . "

"So there's only 8 of you ? "

"Pretty much unless you count Devin the interviewer & Jojo the announcer . "

"Soo where is the other half of Team BAE ? " I hadn't seen the Woman's champion at all yet and the show was nearly over .

"She might be flaunting that belt around , maybe she never even showed . " Becky replied with a shrug .

After the show . . .

"Hi , I just wanted to personally welcome you to NXT . " Corey Graves smiled he'd approached me just as I was leaving the building to head home .

"Oh thank you . " I couldn't help but admire his features the guy was dreamy not as dreamy as Roman or Finn but still very dreamy .

"I'd like to get to know you better can we go somewhere and hang out ? " He asked I glanced down at my watch it was a little past 10 pm and I wasn't really tired or anything .

"Sure, hop in my car we can head to my place . " I suggested pulling out my keys

"Great . "

An/ So i wanna try my hand at an NXT story , kinda similar to No pressure No diamonds , &|Heart of a champion but it's completely kayfabe ,