These are old rewritten and improved chapters put into one, feel free to leave a comment about what you think or what you would like to see. (The coming chapters will be shorter)
"It's a girl..." Thorin looked shocked at the dwarrowdam who guided him into the room where his wife and the newly born dwarfling were spending their first moments together as mother and child. He, Thorin Oakenshield, King under the mountain, had a daughter. Compared to male there were very few female dwarfs born and it was almost unheard of to be blessed with a daughter as a first child.
As he stepped into the room he could feel the happiness radiating from the blond woman lying in his bed, their bed, with a small bundle in her arms and tears running down her face.
"We have a daughter Thorin, a little baby girl, oh she's so beautiful!" Aila said, looking at him with her shockingly blue eyes.
"I've never seen anything so wonderful in my entire life and she's ours! She's our little princess!"
The king was at a loss of words as he slowly made his way over to the bed. Gently sitting down next to his wife he put one arm around her and let his other hand hover next to the child's head. He couldn't remember ever seeing anything so small and fragile before, at least nothing living.
"She won't break Thorin, you can touch her." Aila chuckled as she saw the hesitation on her husband's face.
"She's so small…" was all he could say as he finally let his rough fingers run over the baby's black silky hair and round cheeks
From that moment on Thorin knew that no treasure would ever be able to compare to the one he'd just received, no gold and no stone could take her place.
The dwarfs of Ered Luin had though the young princes' Fili and Kili had been the most troublesome dwarlfings to ever live amongst them. When the little princess Serina was born they expected her to be nothing but pure perfection. She was not just unique because she was a girl, but she was also a Durin and THAT was something to be mighty proud of.
Their expectations were, however, only partly fulfilled. On the outside she was utterly perfect, at the age of four her dark and tick, curly, hair had reached below her waist and her eyes were so stunningly blue that every man, woman and child stopped breathing for just a second when they first saw them.
On the inside was a different story all together. Sure she was the kindest little dwarfling and could charm anyone with that smile of hers, but she was wild. She climbed everything that looked climbable, and most of the things that didn't… she could disappear in the blink of an eye to not be seen for hours, more than one person had experienced walking with her, holding her hand! Just to realize that she was gone. No one knew how she did it but soon enough they learned to never take their eyes of her and never look out for her on their own "Always look after the princess in pair or threes!"
All in all she was more trouble than the boys had ever been but no matter what, she was loved by every single one of them, man and dwarf.
On this particular day and time it was in fact the two princes' who were supposed to look after their little cousin but had found themselves failing miserably as they had lost her not even fifteen minutes after picking her up from their mother, where the princess had spent her morning. They had spent an hour or so looking everywhere they could possibly think of. The fear of facing Thorin without his precious flower was growing stronger with every second that passed.
"Fili we have to find her! What if she's hurt! Uncle will kill us! AGAIN!" Kili whined as he stepped out of the bush he had just searched.
"Don't you think I know that brother?.. We should go to those trees on the other side of the market, she likes to climb those, right?" Fili reasoned as he started steering his way to the noisy marketplace.
"She likes to climb everything Fili…"
"That's not true, she hates climbing stairs." The brothers couldn't help but let out some laughter because it was true. The girl was always in such a hurry when going up and down stairs that she more often than not would fall.
Sure enough there she was, hiding amongst the leaves of a young tree. The only problem now was that she didn't want to come down and therefor acted like she couldn't hear the pleadings of her two cousins. The branches were too weak to hold either of them so they quickly devised a plan to get the princess out of the tree and down to safety.
Kili left Fili to keep an eye on the dwarfling as he ran back to the market and soon came back with small parcel in his hand. And so the plan was in action.
"Oh brother look at all these sweets' I got from the market" Kili said loudly while unfolding the brown paper, making sure it was well in view of Serina.
"Ah, Kili that sure is some tasty looking sweets' is that one of those green lollipops that our dear baby cousin loves so much?"
"Why yes it is Fili! Too bad she won't come down from that tree, I would have given it to her… Oh well I guess I'll eat it instead" there was a slight gasp coming from the top of the tree as Kili slowly picked up the shiny green lollipop.
"No! Rina wants it!" the girl yelled as she quickly climbed, more like fell, down the tree and ran as fast as her little legs would allow her to. Jumping onto Kili she started climbing him as if he was a tree but Fili picked her off of his brother and a safe distance away from the sweets'.
"Now now Serina you have to earn it." Kili smirked at her.
"Yes, you have to promise you won't tell anyone that we lost you! Then, and only then! can you have it" Fili really was trying to sound serious but the conflicted look in the girls eyes made it hard.
"Okay… I pwomis"
And so with her favorite sweet in one tiny hand and one of Fili's braids in the other she happily settled into his arms and let herself be carried through the market and into the Blue Mountain where she was put to bead after very unwillingly letting go of her beloved cousin, whom she saw as nothing other than her brother and the same went for Kili, as they were well aware.
In that very moment everything was perfect but that was soon to come to an end.
Half a year later
"We'll be okay Thorin! We have guards with us, stop worrying!" Aila kissed her worried husband on the lips and turned to her horse. Thorin knelt down embracing his daughter one last time in a tight hug. She cried a little and it made him feel even worse. They were going to see Aila's mother but Thorin couldn't come with them.
"It's just for one week Rina! And when you come home we'll do something fun, okay? "He looked at her small figure and wiped away the tears on her cheeks.
"But I'm gonna miss you Pawpaw" she sniveled, holding on to him like her life depended on it.
"I'm going to miss you too my little flower! You know that you are the most precious thing I have right?" She nodded and buried her face further into his neck as Thorin lifted her up and sat her on the pony in front of her mother. One last kiss to both of them and then they left the Blue mountain behind, forever…
Forty minutes hadn't even passed before Thorin got words that an orc pack had been seen coming from the same direction his wife and daughter had left in. He took ten dwarfs and went down the road somehow knowing that he wouldn't like what he saw.
Thorin fell to his knees beside his dead wife letting the tears land on her still warm skin. The blood stains where still growing on her sky-blue dress as he covered her body with his warm coat. Never had he hated himself so much, how could he have let them go? His wife and his child, the ones' he's sworn to protect with his life.
Serina, his little flower, his treasure beyond all treasures' was nowhere to be found. He screamed her name but there was no answer, he looked for hours, days, weeks, months, years… all he found was the little ring she wore on her thumb, since it was too big for her finger. He put it on a simple leather string, bound it around his neck and never took it off.
Years went by but no one, no one! ever forgot the queen or the little princess who's smile could light up an entire mountain on the gloomiest of days'...
Thorin and his company took back Erebor and all of them made it without any serious injuries. Everyone was happy, Thorin was happy but every time he walked through the gates he would be reminded of how much his little flower had wanted to do the same. Whenever he or the other older dwarfs would tell her stories about their home in the lonely mountain she would bounce around the room planning how they would get it back, how they would slay the dragon and rebuild their kingdom. She would be so excited that she'd stumble over her words more than normal as she gave them their respective roles, most of the time giving Dwalin the role of dragon slayer since she thought the dragon couldn't be much bigger than him… The warrior in question was quite pleased with it and therefor made no haste to correct the little princess.
These were the kind of things Thorin would think about, his heart fighting a battle between happiness and pain.
Far away in another world sat a blue-eyed girl on the beach with her guitar looking out over a lake mirroring the burning midnight sun. Tears rolling down her bruised cheek as she played a quiet song from the past. She could hear the strong deep voices of the men she once believed were real...
"far over the misty mountains' cold..." Her voice travelled over the empty beach, out in the water and disappeared in its depths. And somewhere far far away a wizard dressed in grey heard her...
One week later
"Gandalf! Why are you here?" Thorin asked with a light smile on his lips and a confused look in his eyes.
"Am I not welcome Thorin Oakenshield?" Gandalf asked his arms crossed over his chest.
"Off course! You are always welcome here! I was only surprised to see you that is all!" Thorin laughed, holding up his hands in surrender.
"Thorin I have news that I think you would like to hear!" The old wizard put a hand on Thorin's shoulder as they walked into the king's study.
"What are these news of yours?" Thorin asked as they sat down in the two armchairs in front of the fire.
"Your daughter, Serina, I've found her..." Thorin stood up in shock and looked at Gandalf.
"She's... She's alive! Where is she!? Is she okay? Dose she remember me!? Take me to her now!" By now he was yelling but Gandalf just sat still in his chair with a long wooden pipe leaping from his mouth.
"I do not know the answers to all your questions Thorin... I heard her sing... The song you sang about the mountain when we were to start our journey to Erebor. She didn't sound very happy but the song appeared gave her comfort." Thorin sat down again looking into the fire.
"She loved that song..." He mumbled under his breath. Turning to look at Gandalf again he asked
"will I be able to hold her in my arms again?" A small tear landed in his open hands.
"Yes my friend, I do believe so..."
The cold night air felt good on Serina´s bruised cheek, even without anything but a worn out jean jacket she felt like she was burning up.
That night she'd had another fight with her "boyfriend" Kevin… She knew that he was bad for her but for some reason she always went back to him, no matter how many times he cheated on her or how hard he hit her, she would always go back to him. She didn't know why she just did.
Now she was sitting there on the beach like so many times before, holding her guitar close to her heart and singing songs from a long time ago. Songs from a life in a world she's been told never existed. In her heart she still believed that the world she lived in wasn't the one she was meant for, this lake wasn't the one she was supposed to look at, this sand wasn't the sand she was supposed to sit on, she didn't belong here, she didn't belong with these people in this world.
She wanted to go HOME and she wanted to be with THEM, she wanted to be LOVED!
Thorin didn't tell anyone where he and Gandalf were going. His heart told him to scream it out loud so that everyone could hear it, but his head (and maybe a small hint from Gandalf) told him to keep it between the both of them. To not give his family or friends hope or to make them think that he had gone back into the dark times of madness.
Never had he ridden so fast before, never had he climbed the mountains or crossed the water with a speed and a motivation so strong. It took him five weeks to get to her, Jamaica, the wild witch.
Gandalf had told him that he was going to meet him at the edge of the forest and that Thorin was not allowed to go near Jamaica by himself. As told the king stayed right by the edge of the forest and waited, he waited for three days until the old man finally showed up. Of course Gandalf strongly claimed the he wasn't late, Thorin was simply a bit early.
Together they walked through the dark shadows of the forest, the deeper they walked the more beautiful it became. The magic radiated from every tree and every stone on the soft forest floor. The birds were singing and the butterflies were dancing through the air like a newly married couple with a life full of love ahead of them.
Soon enough they came to a small cottage upon a little hill, the house of one of the most powerful and forgotten creature in all the worlds...
"Leave the talking to me for now" Gandalf told him in a low voice. With a light knock on the thick wooden door Gandalf took a deep breath and nervously waited for what was to come.
Without a sound the door opened fully and the two males stepped inside just to be trapped in complete darkness.
"The Arkenstone" a voice that seemed to come from everywhere said.
"Give it to me and I can give you back what you want most of all, I can give her to you, I can give you Serina."
*BANG* Serina's vision blurred, *BANG* everything was aching, *BANG* everything turned black…
Gandalf didn't even have time to blink before Thorin was out the door, and only seconds after that he himself was pushed out of the house by a strange force. Though Gandalf strongly suspected that there was no magic involved with getting Thorin out of there.
The king was already on his pony and halfway out of the woods when the old wizard caught up with him. Circled Thorin's small pony a couple of times with his own brown mare the wizard finally got him to slow down enough to talk.
"Thorin we have to talk about this! You can't simply go back to the mountain, get the stone, and then give it to her. We have to be smart!" Gandalf stated, towering high upon his horse.
"If it brings back my daughter the yes I can do precisely that!" Thorin bellowed.
"I understand that you want her back as soon as possible but that does not mean you should do something stupid!"
"So you want me to give up this chance?" The mighty king under the mountain now sounded like a broken man, a broken man who had little hope, but held what was left of it very close to him.
"That is not what I said Thorin son of Thrain. What I am saying is that we need to make sure that we do this in the best way possible, and that we use our brains and not only our hearts."
With that the two put up a camp for the night and then they came up with a plan to bring home the lost princess.
Eleven weeks after that day he met, or at least heard, the witch Jamaica, Thorin was back at the edge of her woods. This time, not wanting to stress the king to do something stupid, Gandalf actually got there in time.
Together they once again wandered into the wood and once again its beauty stunned them. Getting close to the cottage both the wizard and the king started to get nervous. Now Thorin didn't notice the birds or the butterflies anymore, all that was on his mind was Serina. She would be a young woman now, what if she didn't want him to come and get her? What if she was happy with her life in this world without magic? What if she didn't remember him? What if she didn't want to remember him?..
The worried father was so deep in thoughts that he didn't even notice that he was now inside and spoken to.
"Thorin… Thorin!" the wizard was mildly embarrassed that his companion was zoned out to the degree that he had to bump him in the head with his staff to get his attention.
Thorin finally came to his senses Gandalf urged him to go further into the darkness.
When he could go no further Thorin turned around, thinking he would be met by the form of the tall wizard, but in front of him now was someone or rather something else.
Cold water kicked Serina out of the darkness and back into the even darker reality. Slowly opening her eyes she could see the yellow bucket that had been emptied on her unconscious form. Next to the bucket were two shoes, and inside those shoes was the man who claimed to love her.
"You know Serina… It makes me sad when you make me hurt you. You have such a pretty face and a hell of a sexy body… and I don't want to ruin it! But you just ask for it! It's not my fault! You're just stupid!" Kevin said calmly, Serina didn't need to listen to know what he was saying, as always it was her fault that he hurt her and that she was supposed to know that. And then he said what he have said so many times before…
"Now you have to stay here babe… Just until your face is back to normal. I'll come sleep with ya, but I'll be gone for most of the day" He said in a disgustingly loving voice. Crouching down to her level he gave her a kiss on her split lips and left her there, in wet clothes and a wet bed to spend a few hours unable to move her aching limbs.
Feeling exhausted she drifted into a sleep full of nightmares and pain.
It looked at him, no it was observing him, studying him… It was a wooden doll, but it was very much alive.
"Why are you looking at me like that you big oaf!?" the doll suddenly hissed, and that's when Thorin realize that this, this was Jamaica…
"I'm sorry I…" he didn't get any further, because now she was floating in midair, which made them end up eye to eye.
"Did you bring it? Did you bring what I asked you to?"
"Y-yes, yes I did! But can you promise me that you can give me my daughter back?"
"No! I cannot promise you that" she said with no emotion what so ever on her face.
"Then why should I trust you?" Now Thorin was getting angry, he didn't want to play games, he wanted his daughter back!
"I can't promise you that you get your daughter back, because in the end it will be her choice if she want to come with you or not. But I can promise you that I will give you the chance to have her here again." She paused for a moment to give the desperate dwarf king some time to think about what she had told him and then she continued.
"So… will you give me the damn thing or will I be forced to kick you out?"
Slowly Thorin took the kings jewel out of its hiding place in his coat and gave it to her.
"Take it." He said in a monotone voice. Then Jamaica took Thorin's ruff hands in her delicate ones and said, "I don't want it."
Suddenly Jamaica was gone, and Thorin's surroundings were changing. Now he and Gandalf were standing on a beach, a beach that was all empty except for one thing. A guitar with the name Serina engraved into the dark wood. This guitar belonged to his daughter, his Serina, his pride and joy, his oh so delicate little flower…
This was a strange and unwelcoming world. Gandalf led the now considerably taller dwarf king through the dark streets, using his magic to find the way.
"Gandalf do you really know where we are going, this doesn't feel like the type of place my daughter would…"
"I would appreciate it if you could be quiet for just one moment Thorin! I am trying to find her without being seen!" The old wizard was not happy, not at all! His magic was weakening in this place and it didn't help that Thorin was asking complicated question every other minute.
It took them almost two hours before they ended up in front of a small white house with boarded up windows and a dangerously rotten veranda. They followed a small path in the high grass leading to the door.
"Knock on the door Thorin, she should see you first" said the wizard pushing him forward. And so Thorin knocked, but there was no answer. He knocked again, this time harder, but still there was no sound. He gave it one last try and with a sigh of defeat he turned around ready to leave.
What Thorin and Gandalf did not see was the pair of blue eyes that peered through the boards that covered the window.
It had been a couple of days since the last incident with Kevin and Serina's face was blue and green. She had been sitting in the living room reading when she heard a firm knock on the door. Kevin wasn't home so she was ordered to stay inside and not let anyone see her. She knew he had locked the door from the outside so even if she wanted to she couldn't leave.
But when that knock came again she just had to see who it was, she looked through the small gap between the boards and saw two men in weird clothes standing there. One of them, the taller one, had a grey robe and pointy hat. He stood a little bit further away than the second man. He was broader, not fat by any means but bulkier, he had long dark hair and midnight blue clothes.
She was about to step away from the window and go back to her book but then she saw it. The beads in the bulkier man's hair. Slowly she lifted her hand and graced the same bead at the end of the little braid behind her right ear. When the man turned around to leave she saw his face, light blue eyes a sharp nose, a thick beard and eyebrows. She had that same dark colored hair and naturally dark eyebrows.
She knew those eyes and she could practically hear his voice in her head, calling her his little flower. He was here even though he couldn't be, he wasn't supposed to be real… She was just a freak, something was wrong in her head they said when she had cried for him at night.
When she was little a man found her at the side of a lake in Sweden. She was gravely wounded so he brought her to the hospital. No one knew who she was or where she came from and when she told them they didn't believe her. So they patched her up and turned her over to a mental institute for children. There she spent her nights having nightmares of monsters stabbing her mother and chasing after her until she fell into the water.
Her days were spent in the playroom and with the doctors who told her that she simply couldn't have experienced the things she talked about.
After three years she gave up, she told them she had been lying to them all along and that her parents had simply left her by the lake because they didn't want her. After that they only kept her for two more month until she went in to the foster system. She jumped from home to home for a while until she ended up with the Odenstål family. They loved her and she lived with them for many years, but as everything good in her life they were taken from her. One thing led to the other and she ended up living with a 30 years old man who claimed t love her.
Now she was standing here at the age of 19 looking at the very man she had cried for, the man she was told didn't exist. She needed to know if he was real! She ran to the door and slammed into it with all her force. The door didn't budge but the sound was enough for the people on the other side of it to react.
Startled Thorin looked at the door, had he imagined the loud bang? The look in the wizard's eyes told him that there had in fact had been a sound.
"It's her Thorin! I can feel it! Come we need to get inside!" he said as he ran for the door. When Thorin got there another bang came from the other side.
"Move away from the door my dear, we will try to get it open from the outside" Gandalf called, a quiet 'okay' could be heard but nothing more. He placed his hands to the door and soon enough the sound of locks being unlocked could be heard. Slowly the door opened up to a dark hallway, at the very back stood a girl. Her long dark hair hiding most of the pale and bruised face, but it could not hide those eyes from Thorin, he would recognize them anywhere.
"You're not supposed to be real. They told me I was mad because you're not real…"
There was no doubt, it was him. Serina pressed her back against the wall for support fearing she would faint.
"Maybe I am mad…" she said more to herself than the others.
"You're not mad and even if you were, this isn't the madness that would have taken you." HE said as he slowly moved towards her. With one hand still on the wall Serina took small steps against HIM. When they were close enough she reached out and touched his cheek for just one millisecond. He was there, there had been skin under her fingertips, not air. This wasn't madness.
The little strength she'd had disappeared and her legs buckled beneath her but she didn't hit the floor. Strong arms wrapped around her body and held her tight, making sure she was okay, that everything was all right.
Thorin didn't know how long they had been standing there, her arms around his back and her face pressed to his shoulder. Not long enough was the only thing he knew for sure, but Gandalf had discreetly pointed out that they had to leave rather soon and that they would have the rest of their lives for hugs.
"Serina, my daughter, will you come home with me?" he pushed her away, holding her at arm's length. He wanted to ask about the bruises' but figured this wasn't the time nor place to do so. She looked at him with wide eyes, with surprise he noticed that there were no tears in them like there was in his own. There was only shock and happiness.
"Can I?" she said weakly.
"Yes my flower, yes you can."
Serina packed her most valued possessions into an old bag, some clothes, her favorite books, paper, paint, pens and brushes, she took the few things she had left from the Odenstål's and with one last glance around her room she closed the bag and walked out of the house.
Thorin offered to carry it for her but leaving the house, knowing she would never come back, gave her enough strength and motivation to carry it for miles upon miles. She did, however, let him carry her guitar. They barely spoke at all on their way back to the beach since Gandalf's magic was straining and he had become quite tired and a little grumpy. Thorin kept looking at her, when he thought she wouldn't notice, just like she would look at him when she thought he wouldn't.
It felt so weird that he was walking right beside her, just like he had done so many years ago. She could still remember walking around in endless corridors, her tiny hand wrapped up in his big one, keeping her on the right course, making sure she was safe.
Memories kept coming to her as they slowly made their way to wherever they were going. Her mother's smiling face, the blond Fili and the brunet Kili who played with her when there were no children around, Dwalin the giant man with the axe scaring of boys who didn't play nice or got a bit too close to her for his liking. She couldn't help but smile, all of these things she remembered, all of these things she had been told didn't exist. It was all real and she was going home.
"How can you not know how to get us home Gandalf? The witch must have told you something!" Thorin reasoned as he impatiently paced back and forth on the sand.
It had taken them a while to get back to the beach where Thorin and Gandalf had appeared some hours ago. And the old wizard had just admitted that he didn't quite know how they were going to get back to Middle earth… suddenly Serina could feel her chance of a new life, or her old life, slipping through her fingers. If they couldn't get back then what would they do?
Anxiously she looked around her, it was just about time for Kevin to get home meaning he would drive past the very beach they stood on. With every car that passed, her heart skipped a beat and then it happened. The black Volvo slowed down until it stopped and a tall figure stepped out
"SERINA?!" he started running and then the ground beneath her feet gave away making her fall into a darkness so absolute she'd never experienced the likes of it before.