Hi, It's me again. I'm alive and still active...ish. So the next chapter release may take more or less time. This chapter pretty much has the same plot but it has only a few minor differences compared to the original Our Ojou-sama is a level 5. I really hope you like this chapter.

Misaka laid half awake as she watch the energetic Saten. She still felt all the pain constantly torturing her body. She could barely breathe, the deeper the breath, the more pain stabbing her chest. She her hazelnut eyes moved toward Saten-san who was busily checking her pulse and heart-rate.

"Miko-san, I can't find out what's wrong." Saten curiously said as she placed her hand on her forehead. "Usually you would only get small cuts, at most even against high level Espers. Maybe you got hit with a toxic venom type. Toxic-type espers and are very rare. It's probably 1 in 1000. "

Misaka mustered all the her strength to protest but she gritted teeth instead as Saten started to help her against the wall carefully slinging Misaka's arm over her shoulders. Saten took a deep breath as she forced herself up along with Misaka. "Let's got to my dorm, okay? Miko-san."

All Misaka could do was let Saten-san continue carrying her as she stared at the ground soulless from the pain. However her body began writhing convulsively as if she wasn't in control of her body.

Saten's hand slipped as she tried to clutch onto Misaka's shoulder. Hitting the ground again, Misaka finally lost all the pain. It was as if it was never there. Misaka's eyes widened, alarmed that it was as if all the pain wasn't there. Saten offered her hand to Misaka as she helped her up.

"Hey Miko-san are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm alright. Thanks. Sorry for causing you to worry."

What was that...first that girl now this, todays going to be full of bad luck.


"Eh... Saten-san, what do you mean by phase 1?" Misaka asked.

Saten stared at Misaka with a dumbstruck expression.

"I didn't any anything. Are you sure you're okay? Well, regardless I think we should check either way. Come on," Saten said as she shook her head tiredly. Misaka followed Saten out of the alleys and into the bustling streets. Misaka winced at the blinding sunlight.

The two girls had a few short conversations however, it seemed like each one of the conversations got more contradicting than the one before. Finally, Saten stopped in front of a small apartment that looked extremely familiar to Misaka. As the two girls went inside, Misaka stared at the room. She could barely believe that it was even a room. The floor was filled with not only papers, folders, binders, and books; but also medical knives and supplies. Saten hopped through the mess easily and went to what seemed like a desk at the farthest corner of the room. She began digging through the papers that were buried under one another.

"Weird? I know I left that assignment somewhere..." Saten muttered frantically as she searched through the heap of papers.

"Saten-san, did a robber somehow break in your room?" Misaka asked as she almost stepped on a dangerous looking needle, though luckily it had been composed of iron and she was able to detect it effortlessly.

Saten let out an amused laugh. "Of course not. I would have beat them up myself. Then again I would even already blew them away if they even tried to open the door."

"I see..." Misaka wrinkled her nose and sighed. "What's wrong with today?" She muttered. "Well, anyways today was so hectic. Everything had pretty much been a disaster."

She carefully hopped carefully across the room and to the bed which miraculously was completely clean and properly made. As she sat on the bed she noticed a a paper that was under the pillow. Misaka stared at it then looked away it tiredly. Saten glanced at Misaka confused by the silence, yet she decided to let it slide.

Misaka then rolled onto the bed trying to recollect her thoughts.

Why is Saten'sroom so messy? What, err, who was that girl? Flaire... Was her name wasn't it?

As Misaka closed her eyes, she felt herself drifting off deeper into her conscious. Instead of trying to resist she went ahead and fell asleep.

Saten stared at her skeptically, and suddenly she heard a small murmur escaping from Misaka's lips.

"I ...don't want to be a level ...5 anymore..."

Saten smirked at the statement. Then reassured her in a nice yet joking tone. "What level 5? Hold your horses you're haven't even reached level 2."


A massacre

A Millions Ripples


Something gold

Small Tears

A smile

A girl in a Naga-


With a jolt, Misaka's eyes snapped wide open. Saten was standing over her with a warm cup of coffee.

"Here, some coffee. I'll help you calm down a bit." Saten handed the warm mug over to Misaka as she sat up slowly.

"Thanks." Misaka said slowly accepting the cup. "I hope I didn't cause too much trouble earlier at in the alley. Sorry about that."

"Ahaha~ it's fine, really. Everyone has their days. Try the coffee, I added a secret ingredient to make it not have a bad aftertaste. Tell me if it work,." Saten winked.

Misaka took a sip slowly, the bitter taste of black coffee tingled her taste bud soon was replaced with a sweet citrus scent.

Scent? I can smell with my tongue? This isn't tasting, I can't really explain it but...

"Do you like it? I added you favorite ingredient in there."

It took a moment for Misaka to decide. This was the first time she had ever "smelled" with her tongue.

"It's new but I think it's good,"

"Thanks, I added pockets of lemonade kind of like ice but instead, it's surrounded but a very thin layer of air from my ability." Saten explained. "The lemonade was specifically made for whe-"

"Eh?! Saten-san you have an ability?! That's amazing, congratulations."

"You just interrupted my explanation for this joke again. Oh, I just remembered, I got on my test a LVL 4 now. Cool right? What did you get?"

Misaka uncomfortably shifted her gaze to the cup.

"Level 4? That's really fast. I glad that you were able to grow that quickly. And... About my results I got the usual but how did you get so strong that quickly? I don't think you would use the level upper again... Did you?"

Saten laughed.

"Level upper? If anything, I think you need it more than me. Then again a bust upper would be more helpful."

Misaka's face blushed bright red.

"I'm still growing. I would probably grow a lot more ... Probably.."

"What's your favorite toy that happened to be a thing for kids?" Saten suddenly asked, changing the conversation immediately.

"Gekota isn't for kids!" Misaka explained defensively.

"That's true, in your case. Even I get nightmares because of you." Saten shivered at the thought hugging herself.

"Okay, okay. By the way, where's Uiharu-san?"

"I'm sorry but... who again? I don't think I know someone bye that name. What's that person like again?"

"Uiharu-san, the girl with flowers on her head. Man, I think we have a communication problem today."

Saten laughed. "Oh that girl, yeah I remember her now. Are you planning something? She's usually patrolling near the judgment building."

"No, I wasn't really planning anything, I was just wondering since you two are usually with each other."

"I don't think I usually get ca- never mind. So, did anyone try to jump you for scoring LVL 1 again?"

...LVL 1?...


"What's wrong?"

"Saten-san, I'm not a lvl 1..."

"Eh...! Then did you level up?!What level are you now?!"

"Well... I'm... A lvl 5." Misaka states uncomfortably.


"Can we just move on to the next subject? This is kinda awkward for me."

"Wait. Lvl 5...? What happened...are you really Miko-san?"

"I've been this way since first year." Somethings wrong... It seems like her memories are a jumble. I need more information if I were to do something. "Well, you know what? Let's go outside for a bit of fresh air."

Saten scratched the back of her head warily and pulled her hair tie. The glistening raven hair fell down naturally in place.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Hm... Let's get a crépe. It's on me."

"Yeah but, I've been wonder this for a while but why are you wearing a Tokiwadai uniform?" Saten walked over to her closet and grabbed a random plain t-shirt and handed it to Misaka. "Here, we'll talk about this later. I don't think you need to change the skirt. I doubt anyone will notice."

"Well... Sure I guess.."

Let's just hope that I will stand out less like this.

Saten waited at the bench under shade of the tree with an unreadable expression.

Misaka stood waiting in line as she ordered the 2 crépes.

"Can I get two chocolate banana and whipped cream please?"

"Sure, that'll be 500 yen overall, ojou-chan."

Misaka froze upon hearing the amount. She knew for a fact that she had 10,000 yen on her. Not that money was the problem but she really didn't want to go back to her dorm. She may accidently drag Kuroko into more trouble.

"Eh~ How about a discount? For being such a good customer? Please?"

"Hah, good customer my ass. You would go beating up people around this area so barely anyone would go here. Well, then again most of the ones you beat are some punks. I'll give you a discount. Just because no one would recognize you without the Nagatenjouki uniform and messy hair, from a distance at least."

"Hai, thank you very much." Misaka gleamed.

Misaka walked towards Saten handing the crépes towards her smiling.

The two sat in silence as they finished their crépes.

Why is the city's atmosphere so cheerful? Not that it's wrong or anything...

"Well, I'll go get some drinks." Misaka said awkwardly.

"Eh~? But you just bought the crépes."

"It's fine."

"Well... I'll just wait here."

"Sure." Misaka turned at the corner of a bush and headed towards her usual vending machine. As she carefully took a quick look around the area. She hopped lightly a couple of times before doing a quick roundhouse kick. Misaka bent over and grabbed the can that fell.

"Lucky. A coffee" Misaka smiles.

Yet within the blink of an eye, the can of coffee disappeared.

"...eh..?" Miasma took a step back and looked around.

"This is Judgement. You are arrested for vandalism and theft. Surrender yourself!"

A familiar voice declared.

Deciding that it was a prank, Misaka turned to her Kohai, expecting to see a smile. Instead, what greeted her was the glaring judgement member holding a first load of nails.

Hope you like this chapter and I'm sorry for the long wait. Please leave positive comments or constructed criticism.