A/N Hi! So I've just started Naruto like…a few weeks, maybe closer to a month and a half ago, and I instantly fell in love with it. Which is odd for me because I have to have constant romance or I get bored. Anyway, I fell in love with Iruka's character the minute I started watching! I love his bond with Naruto! So, I know there's been tons of AUs on where Naruto gets a family and things change in the series, but I wanted to try something a little different. I hope you all enjoy! Cover Art was made by my best friend. I don't own Naruto! If I did something would've been done like this.
"Hokage-sama," Hiruzen turned and saw one of the Academy teachers standing there, "May I have a word?"
"Of course Iruka," Hiruzen said smiling, "What is it? Something about your class?"
Iruka closed the door, "I…" Iruka looked away, "I want to make a…request…I understand if it'll be unreasonable, but-"
"Iruka," Hiruzen cut the young man off, "What is the problem?"
Iruka bowed deeply as he stated his request, "Please allow me to take full guardianship of three of my students," he said somewhat loudly.
Hiruzen's face remained impassive, "Three?" he asked.
"Hai," Iruka said softly, "I understand it'll be a lot of work and responsibility, but…" Iruka stood up straight, "It's probably not possible…."
"Which students and your reasons?" Hiruzen asked.
Iruka looked away quickly before looking at the Third with determination, "The first student is probably going to be the more difficult," Iruka stated, "Hyuuga Hinata."
"Hyuuga Hinata?" Hiruzen said shocked, "For what reason?"
Iruka clinched his hands into fists, "I've noticed several marks on the Heiress," he stated firmly, "I'm aware of the Hyuuga's strict training, but these…these are not training wounds."
Hiruzen seemed to consider this for a while, "I'll look into this," he stated, "The next student and your reason?"
Iruka licked his lips, "Uchiha Sasuke," he stated, "For the reason that I'm afraid he's falling into a path of darkness because of what he witnessed a month ago."
Hiruzen nodded, "That will be Sasuke's decision," he stated, "And the final one?"
Iruka gripped his wrist tightly with his left hand, "U-Uzumaki Naruto," he said softly, but the Third heard it.
Hiruzen smiled, "Your reason?" he asked.
"Do I really need a reason for him?" Iruka asked.
Hiruzen smiled, "I suppose not," he said, "I give full permission for Uzumaki Naruto. You'll probably have little trouble convincing him. Sasuke you'll have to get his permission before I set anything and I'll look into Hyuuga Hinata's situation."
Iruka smiled, "Hai!" he said.
"Naruto!" Iruka called as class let out for the day, "I need to speak with you."
"I didn't do it!" Naruto yelled, then blinked, "Wait, I actually didn't do anything this time, Iruka-sensei," the five-year-old said.
"Just come here," Iruka smiled, actually proud of the boy for not causing trouble today.
Naruto walked over to the desk and several students snickered saying that Naruto was in trouble again. Once the classroom was empty, Iruka closed the door, "Are you sure I'm not in trouble?" Naruto asked.
Iruka smiled, "Naruto," he said bending down to the boy, "I talked to Hokage-sama yesterday."
"I am in trouble!" Naruto yelled.
"No, no, no," Iruka said grabbing the boy as he went to run, "This is something good."
Naruto blinked, "Naruto," Iruka said, "How would you like living with me from now on?"
Naruto went wide eyed, "W-with you?" he asked, "Really?"
Iruka nodded, "I asked Hokage-sama if I could take care of you and two other students," he said.
Naruto's eyes sparkled slightly, "What do you say Naruto?" Iruka asked.
"Yes!" Naruto yelled jumping to hug Iruka.
Iruka chuckled and hugged the boy back, "Wait," Naruto suddenly pulled away, "Two others?"
Iruka nodded, "Sasuke and Hinata," he said.
"Sasuke?" Naruto said before groaning.
"Now, now," Iruka said placing the boy on his knee, "Sasuke is not that bad."
"He's a show off," Naruto mumbled crossing his arms.
"Well, it's his decision whether or not he comes," Iruka said, "I'm going to talk to him tonight."
"But why?" Naruto whined.
Iruka sighed and set the blonde on the floor and sitting in front of him, "Naruto," he said, "Sasuke is like you. He's been hurt."
Naruto blinked, "Huh?" he asked.
"Sasuke lost his entire family a month ago," Naruto went wide eyed, "He has nowhere else to go. I'm sure you probably haven't realized, but Sasuke has changed and too quickly."
Naruto looked away, but Iruka pulled him back to look at him, "We have to help him get rid of the darkness that's in his heart," he said, "You can do that, right?"
"Is that why he's so mean?" Naruto asked.
"That's could be one reason," Iruka said, sweat dropping slightly; he was more than aware that Naruto could be annoying most of the time.
"So…help get rid of darkness and Sasuke turns nice," Naruto said happily.
Iruka sweat dropped. He's been teaching for a while now and he still didn't understand how little kids' minds worked, "Possibly," Iruka said.
"Okay!" Naruto said happily.
Iruka smiled, "What about the other one?" Naruto asked.
"You know Hinata, right?" Iruka asked.
Naruto blinked, "I…think?" he said confused, "Uh…blue hair? White eyes? Doesn't talk much?"
Iruka nodded, "Yes," he said, "But she may not be allowed to come."
"Why?" Naruto asked.
"Because her family is very…influential," Iruka said.
"Huh?" Naruto asked.
Iruka sighed, "Let's just say getting Hinata to stay with us will be difficult," he said.
"But why would Hinata come if she has a family?" Naruto asked.
"Naruto," Iruka said seriously, "If your family hurts you for being who you are, is that a family?"
Naruto went wide eyed, "No!" he yelled, "…Is that why she's quiet?"
"Yes," Iruka said, "I believe so. She's shy by nature and that is frowned upon in her family."
"That's not fair!" Naruto yelled.
"I know," Iruka said, "But unless there's proof that that's truly happening to her, then there's nothing that can be done. Hokage-sama is looking into it."
Naruto looked away sadly. Iruka patted the boy's head, "Shall we go home, Naruto?" he asked hoping to brighten the boy's mood.
Naruto brightened and nodded happily. They stood up and Iruka took Naruto's hand. As soon as they were walking in the village however, Naruto became nervous and scared when he heard the usually talking amongst them. Would Iruka change his mind and leave him? Iruka squeezed his hand, "Ignore them, Naruto," Iruka stated, "I'm not going anywhere."
Naruto smiled, "Iruka-sensei," he said, "Can we get ramen?"
"Maybe when we go talk to Sasuke tonight, ne?" Iruka said smiling, "But right now you have homework."
Naruto shifted, "Um…Iruka-sensei…" he said softly.
"I'll help you," Iruka said, "I know you have a hard time paying attention."
"I…ah…" Naruto looked down.
Iruka blinked, but unlocked his house. They walked inside and removed their shoes, "Come on," Iruka said pulling Naruto along.
Naruto sat at the table in the kitchen, "Alright," Iruka said sitting beside him, "What's the hardest subject?"
"…Everything," Naruto whispered.
"Come on Naruto," Iruka said gently, "There must be one subject that's easier than the other."
Naruto looked away. Iruka blinked, "Naruto? What's wrong?" he asked.
"…I can't read…" Naruto mumbled.
Iruka went wide eyed, "What? But you took the Pre-Academy classes," he said shocked.
"…Sensei didn't like me…" Naruto said then began to tear up, "I try to understand what you teach, honest, but…"
"Shh," Iruka pulled Naruto close to him, "Shh…it's alright. I'll teach you, okay? It's really not that hard."
Naruto sniffled and Iruka patted his head, "It wasn't your fault Naruto," he said.
"But why!" Naruto yelled, "Why does everyone hate me?!"
Iruka winced, "Some people are just mean, Naruto," Iruka said, "And they don't understand. I'll be honest," Iruka looked at Naruto, "I didn't like you at the beginning either," Naruto began to tear up, "But!" he said quickly, "I realized how stupid I was being. There's nothing wrong with you, Naruto. Absolutely nothing."
Naruto pounced on Iruka and cried into him. Iruka just held the boy. Iruka soon became worried when Naruto stopped crying, but it disappeared when he looked down. The five-year-old had fallen asleep. The teacher picked him up and went upstairs. He walked in a room with only a twin sized bed and set Naruto on the mattress and covered him with the blanket. Iruka then decided it was high time he talked to the Hokage again. This was wrong. Iruka was about to leave when he realized Naruto might panic if he was just suddenly gone. Leaving a note wouldn't help because the boy couldn't read. Iruka had to think. He suddenly snapped his fingers and ran out.
Iruka soon found who he was looking for, "Kakashi-san!" he yelled.
Kakashi turned, "Ah, Iruka," he said, "What can I do for you?"
"I need to ask a favor that I hope you won't mind doing," Iruka said practically begging.
"Hmm?" Kakashi asked.
Iruka looked around before replying, "I need you two watch Naruto for me," he said, "I need to talk to Hokage-sama about something."
Kakashi blinked, "I thought Hokage-sama was joking," he laughed slightly, "You're really wanting to take in those three kids?"
Iruka glared, "Will you do it or not?" he asked, "I'm afraid Naruto will wake up and panic thinking I left him."
"Why didn't you just leave a note?" Kakashi asked.
Iruka clinched his hands into fists, "Naruto wasn't taught to read," he stated.
Kakashi was silent, "Got it," he stated, "Third house just before the Uchiha Compounds, right?"
Iruka smiled, "Hai," he said, "And thank you," he then took off running, but then stopped and turned, "And no reading your perverted books to him!" he then turned around and ran again.
Kakashi just stared as Iruka ran off, "Hasn't even had the kid a day and already he's become a father," he shrugged and quickly ran off to Iruka's house.
A/N This is the first chapter. I would greatly appreciate reviews! I'm honestly not sure how old Iruka and Kakashi are. I'm just assuming they're 20-ish. Besides…it's an AU. Anyway, I would love to know what you all think. This is my first Naruto fanfic and I want to know how it will fair. Please and thank you!