I remember the day I came close to dying like it was only yesterday. Maka and I were fighting Crona and his demon sword, Ragnarok. Crona had black blood in his vains and was impossible to defeat. He took a swing at Maka with Ragnarok, but I jumped in front of her. The blade of the Demon Sword cut me diagonally across my chest, causing blood to instantly soak my white shirt. That's all I remember of that day, besides hearing Maka scream my name as she watched in horror as my blood began puddling around me.




"Maka, what the hell was that for?" I asked a bit pissed off, as I threw the pillow she whacked me with back at her.

Her eyes drifted down to her feet as she quietly said, "You looked restless, that's all."

I shrugged and rolled over to my side so she couldn't see that my eyes had begun to water. She sighed and walked away, muffling her sobs with her hands. Did I say something wrong?

Her door slammed shut, followed by her muffled cries. I heard her screaming things, all of which were followed by "I hate you Soul!" and the occasional, "Damn you Soul!" After a while of listening to her screaming, I got up and walked over to her door and knocked three times.

"Go away Soul!" cried Maka, "just go away!"

I took a deep breath and said, "Maka, I know that cool guys like me ignore the many emotions of girls, but those guys are assholes," I paused a moment, waiting for a response before I continued, "I know you're in there so I'm gonna say it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being pissed off at you for waking me up when you thought I was restless, and I hope you can forgive me, Maka."

There was a long silence after I had finished, which made me rather nervous. And then I heard her walk toward the door and say, in a barely audible voice, "it's okay." I let out a sigh of relief before I opened her door and let myself in. I found her curled up in a ball against the wall with her head resting on her knees.

Say something idiot! I thought to myself.

She sniffled a few times, oblivious to my presence. I watched for a while before I sat myself down next to her. She moved her head to look at me, her emerald green eyes filled with tears begging to fall as she looked straight into mine, trying to read my poker face.

"Maka," I gently said, "y'know if you ever need to-OW!"

I sat propped up against the wall as I rubbed to spot she whacked me with a book. Where the hell did that come from? She hasn't moved from that spot yet.

"That was for every time you were a jerk to me and never apologized," she said in a shaky voice.

She allowed herself to let out a small giggle of amusement and cracked a small smile as she watched me rub my head, trying to ease the pain. Gosh, she's so … so adorable. I smiled inwardly to myself. She was so cute when she did that little giggle and somehow even more so whenever she was pissed.

"Oi, Maka, dinner's on me tonight, 'kay?"

She shrugged, "As long as it's not Chinese of any kind, I guess it's fine."

"Haha, okay. How 'bout Thai?"

It's not Chinese is it?"


"Then it's fine."

I got up, messed upher hair, and walked to the kitchen. God damn it Soul, you should have thrown your arm around her or something! You're so stupid!

After dinner, I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. Maka was busy in the kitchen cleaning the dishes, even though I had said that I would take care of them. Over the noise of the T.V and the clang of dishes, I heard her humming a song from what was now our favorite T.V show we sat down and watched every Friday night at nine until it was cancelled this past year. I listened to her for a while after I had turned off the T.V when I found nothing of interest on.

"Shit!" yelled Maka.

"What'd you do now, Maka?" I asked.

"Nothing, just cut my finger on a knife. That's all," she called with pain in her voice.

"Lemme see it." I groaned as I got up from the couch.

When I got over to her, I looked at it for a while before I had her follow me to the bathroom so she could wash it off for me to get a better look.

"Ouch! What the hell, Soul!" cried Maka as I squeezed her finger just below the cut.

"Hey, suck it up. Just think, the scar this little cut will leave will fade, unlike the one on my chest," I said as I watched her eyes water at the thought of it.

It was silent for a time as I tended to her cut. She didn't look up at me when I wrapped her finger in gauze. After I finished, I lifted her hand in a motion that made it seem as though I was inspecting my work and gently kissed her wounded finger.

"What was that for!?" Maka asked, as she snatched her hand back , clearly flustered by my action.

"I-I kissed it…I've seen it done and thought that it was kinda cute," I explained, bracing for another Maka Chop.

Her eyes locked with mine, trying to read my thoughts and emotions, We stood like that for what felt like an eternity until she dropped her gaze, muttered a half-hearted thank you, and rushed out to her room.

She was right there! I should have told her! I could have kissed her and, ugh! You're such an idiot Soul! So uncool man!

I took in a deep breath as I walked to my room, letting it out as I laid down in my bed. I let out a stream of curses, loud enough for Maka to walk in a few seconds later.

"Soul, are you alright?" she asked in her sweet voice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. It's nothing. I'll be fine," I said as coolly as I could.

"oh, okay," she said, a bit let down as she left.

I glanced at my clock, it read 9:45pm. Well, it's bed time for me.

I woke up the next morning at around eleven. The sun was streaming through my window, hitting me right in the eyes. Ugh. I rolled over away from my window and yanked the sheets over my face, but met more resistance than usual. I propped myself up on my forearms, expecting to see Blair in her human form sitting on my bed, but instead ended up nudging Maka lightly on her head with my elbow.

"I can live with this," I whispered to myself, my voice sounding a bit too happy.

I laid back down, careful not to hit her again, and nervously wrapped my arm around her. She shifted a little bit and rolled over, her head just barely touching my chest. I let out a sigh of relief when she stopped moving. Her eyes cracked open as she slowly began to wake up.

'Good morning, beautiful,' I thought to myself as I said, "well, look who's awake."

"Hi Soul," said Maka, her voice a bit horse.

She yawned, sat up and stretched, and laid back down…putting her head on my chest. Keep it cool. Cool guys like me always have this happen, it's not a big deal, I thought to myself as I felt my heart begin to race.

"Soul, you're really warm…and comfortable," Maka half mumbled into my chest.

"Haha, I'm also under the covers you nerd." I said as I started to gently rub her back.