Her ginger curls bounced with each step as she gently skipped through the woods. She had, like most adventurous young girls, drifted away from her family who were situated near some picnic benches in the woodland. Of course, a proper young lady would never allow her light yellow dress to get muddy, but as she was only 6 it can be in this instance forgiven. She disliked greatly having to act like a lady, for as a child she did not find it entertaining, but rather boring. So that is what led her down the endless twisty pathway leading deeper and deeper into mystery.

The woodland, which had trees that looked as though they reached the sky, shadowed her small figure and shielded her from the blinding light. Giggling, she gave a small twirl pretending that she was a fairy which reminded her of the stories her nanny had recently read her before going to bed. Wishing she could fly, the small child jumped over the large tree roots that attempted to trip her up as she went further. Yet, her giggling was cut off rather abruptly when a rustling came from deeper in the woods. Now a normal child, or it is assumed that a normal child would do, is to run away from the sound. But Penelope on the other hand, looked only slightly nervous as she began to approach the sound. Something in the child's innocent mind echoed the hope that it was fairy, and therefore she found herself being drawn nearer to where the sound had came from.

Now she stood in perhaps one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen in her small life. Golden leaves littered the floor and occasionally the trees above would drop a few more, allowing the beams of sunlight to lick her porcelain skin. Green eyes full of innocence widened at the beauty and she gave a smile before looking for the source of the sound.

"H..hello?" She whispered quietly. The only reply that seemed to come was the trees creaking and small chirping of birds from above. Feeling as though she had been let down, Penelope slowly sank to the floor so that she coud lay there and watch the wildlife around her. But as she began to relax, she turned her head and was met with two glowing golden eyes from the bush very close to her. Her green eyes widened in shock and she jerked her body away, hoping to create more distant. The figure, who's own eyes had widened slightly, was led on his stomach and seemed to be struggling to breathe properly. His features, which were mostly shadowed, alarmed the girl as his skin was a lot paler than her own, which was rare since she had often been told by her parents that her skin was the palest they had ever seen.

But she didn't scream at the figure, as he seemed to expect. Watching her curiously, his eyebrows began to climb his forehead when she suddenly started to crawl towards him, very hesitantly. Her dress, which had once been beautifully pure was now soiled in leaves and dirt, yet Penelope didn't really mind. Her small heart raced as anxious thoughts flickered through her mind. When she was more or less a foot away from him, she slowly reached a hand to his face, and pressed her hand to his forehead. She had seen her mother do this a lot to her when she was ill, and it seemed to determine what was wrong. Hoping that it had the same effect, Penelope was shocked when her hand met ice cold skin. Flinching, she retreated her hand but carefully moved closer to get a better look at him.

"H..Hello, I..I'm Penelope!" She introduced with a smile. He didn't seem to react at first, instead staring at her as though she was something from another planet. Biting her chapped lips, she glanced at his body and gave a gasp when she saw a dark red liquid coming from his shirt. He reminded her of a butler, not one that her family had since the man in front of her was much better dressed. Getting an idea the young girl began to get up, in hope that she could find him help, yet she was suddenly pulled down by a cold hand on her wrist. Giving a cry of surprise, she ended up falling nearly on him, and very quickly tried to move away.

"Please don't be alarmed" came the calm yet raspy voice. She had ceased her struggling and now stared at him with large eyes.

"You're bleeding" she whimpered, obviously scared by his sudden actions. Noticing this, the man slowly sat up, grunting slightly at the pain, and placed his free hand over the wound. This caused him to hiss, making Penelope flinch in his grasp once more. Giving her his full attention, he was intrigued , most children and adults would have screamed or cried by now, yet she stayed quiet and seemed more concerned with his health. Smiling at her innocence, he could smell her soul now that he focused on it, and he was surprised he didn't start drooling. It was perhaps one of the most innocent soul he had come across in his entire existence, and he wanted it. Badly.

"A pleasure to meet you Penelope, my name is Claude Faustus". He bowed his head, but did not let go of the child's hand. Penelope, who hadn't expected a reply, smiled and nodded showing that she was happy. But this was short lived as concern was evident on her face as the blood had now stained Claude's once white glove entirely.

"Let me go and get help" she said quietly, and began to pull her hand away. However this was stopped as he suddenly tugged her arm making the young girl face to face to him. She could even feel his cold breath on her cheeks.

"Do you truly want to help?" Claude asked, feeling confused. In his life, no one had ever been willing to help him, not without something in return and yet here was this child, who's soul seemed so pure, willing to help for nothing.

She nodded her head enthusiastically, trying to convey how much she wanted him to be better. Penelope didn't like to see people in pain, or animals for that matter. She remembered her horrible cousin killing a ladybird and how she had spent an hour crying afterwards. Her parents found it silly, but her nanny on the other hand had said that it only shows how caring she was as a person.

Happy that she was willing to help him, Claude slowly lifted the small girls hand and with one sharp nail, began to cut the skin. Penelope was transfixed on the scene in front of her, her eyes felt heavy and her body felt as though she was floating on a cloud. She didn't even react to the small stinging pain on her hand. All that she remembered was two red eyes blazing like fire, and her hand feeling a sudden warmth around it.

Claude had watched with blood lust filled eyes as the girl collapsed to the ground. Sucking gently on her petite hand, he couldn't suppress the moan that was emitted from his mouth. Her blood tasted heavenly, if only he could compare. But he couldn't kill her, no, he was indebted to her now. She saved his life with her blood, and for as long as she lived he would have to protect her from harm. Unless she asked for a favour. Thankfully, he thought, she was a child and therefore would ask for something frivolous like a pony, or a new doll. This would erase his immediate debt and allow him to peruse another soul. Although he so wished that he could have hers.

Feeling the wound close, he slipped his stained glove off and brought the child into his arms. Feeling the protective instincts already flaring up, he began to rock her back and forth in a soothing manner, hoping she would awake soon. He was glad that his ability to make humans sleep worked on the child as he hardly wanted to cause her any pain. For she had saved him after all. Feeling her stir in his arms, two bright green eyes shined up at him, and instead of a scream he had expected, she smiled.

"Are you feeling better?!" She cried happily. 'Ahhh' he thought 'it must have removed her short-term memory'. Smiling back, hoping it didn't look like a grimace, he nodded.

"Yes thank you Penelope, and all because of you". She seemed to find this confusing and before she could ask why, Claude began to explain the debt that he now owed.

"Because you helped me, I am now at your service, I can grant you any wish, anything your heart desires. All you have to do is say" he couldn't help but smile as the girl who was in his arms scrunched up her face in concentration. She was obviously thinking had about her wish.

Penelope couldn't think however. She did not want any toys, for she preferred her nanny to read to her. She had no interest in clothes. And then she thought of it, although she had nanny, she was often very lonely. She wanted a friend, a friend forever.

"I wish that you can be my friend forever!" She exclaimed happily, before hugging him tightly around the neck. At that moment Claude couldn't believe what he had got himself into. Not only was he to now serve a child as a friend. Which he had no experience in being. But he had to be around the girl, who's soul was far too tempting.

"If that is what you wish, then that is what you shall get" he replied, hoping she didn't hear the agitation in his voice.


Penelope smiled to herself as she snuggled closer into her friends side. For as long as she could remember, Claude had read her stories and even at the age of 17 she didn't get bored. His calm voice entranced her and although the stories were interesting, he would always make her drift off to sleep. So moving the deep orange curls that framed her face out of the way, she suddenly sat up and stared at him. He didn't seem to care, as he carried on reading which made her chuckle. He seemed to put up with her odd behaviour rather well, and she wondered what he had dealt with in the past.

Yes she knew he was a demon. On her 7th Birthday, a new butler had enrolled at her small estate and of course she was beyond happy as he had kept his word. On her 10th birthday her father passed away leaving everything to her mother. Then only 5 years later, her mother who had been on a trip in Scotland had died in a horrible train crash, meaning ultimately everything was now Penelope's. She found out he was a demon very soon after, as her crazy uncle came around to the estate and demanded she handed over all of her family wealth to him. When she had declined, he had attempted to kill her and that is when she saw her friend as he truly was. A monster. All that was left of her uncle was a bloody mess and Penelope had been so scared of Claude that she was considering running away. However, he had obviously sensed this and began to explain what he was to her. At 15 years old, Penelope would not be ashamed to say she fainted, and it took her a while to come to terms with it. But when she did, she tried to see him as more of a guardian angel than a demon, as to her he had always been kind.

So as she stared at him, she began to truly wonder what he thought of her. Did he really like her as a friend or was this the outcome of a child's dream? She felt sick at the thought of him actually hating her. But she had to know. Unfortunately she couldn't ask the serious question whilst her legs were entangled with his own and her body basically wrapped around his own. So sitting up and making sure she wasn't touching him at all, Penelope took a deep breath, gaining his attention at last.

Gold eyes met light green.

"Claude, do you really see me as a friend? Or am I just a debt you need to pay?"