Hey, I am so so sorry I have not updated in so long. I don't really have a good reason except for that I got a lot of homework to do, plus pantomime auditions and rehearsals. However, here it is. Hope you enjoy it! xx

Following the back of Harry, we finally found an empty compartment. Crowding onto the cushioned seats; squishing against each other as we tried to fit everyone in.

"So, how long is this train ride?" I asked, leaning against the soft headboard.

"Um, seven maybe eight hours long." Harry uncertainly replied worry etched across his face. I bolted upright, oh Gods! Seven maybe eight hours stuck doing nothing. Someone is probably going to end up dead; sitting down doing nothing is torture.

"I'll go and a..." Hermione started. The train crashed to a stop. They heard clambering on the outside walls and looked to the slowly freezing window. We saw the face of a blonde haired man illuminated in the window.


A green light shot into his chest as he was blasted off the train. Faces were pressed against the glass, trying in vain to see what was happening.

Outside robed paranormal figures glided towards him and the sun clouded over. Other men could be faintly seen running towards the lone figure, streaks of light shooting through the air. The man turned into a black substance, something like smoke, and shot into the air. Several bursts of the same eerie light shot from out stretched wands and the shadow came crashing down. Bright green light blazed out of his wand a moment later, making the other men drop like flies- only a few were left. He kept running with the paranormal figures in hot pursuit of this obviously convicted criminal. Silence drifted around us.

"Who and what the fuck was that?" I asked, breaking the tense silence cloaking us.

"That was Lucius Malfoy. He was and still is a death eater. He despises me for destroying his master, Lord Voldemort. That was the first time he has made an attempt on my life, he must be getting really desperate." Harry replied, sorting out who that was.

"What the fucking hell were those black giant bat things? They radiated death and misery but I have never met them before." Nico asked, a need for understanding flitting across his features.

"Those were dementors. They feed on the happiness of people, leaving them with their worst nightmares and memories." Hermione muttered. Silence once again filled the carriage room, shocked and grave faces lined the carriage walls.

"This is some serious shit. How long until we are there again?" I said, breaking the tense silence.

"Um, we still have around five hours left. The train hasn't started moving yet again so... it will definitely be a long time, we also might be late for the sorting and the feast." Harry replied, uneasiness in his green eyes. A warm hand slipped into mine as Annabeth looked reassuringly at me. This long train ride would be nothing. Absolutely nothing. Time would pass by so quickly that we won't know it passed. Maybe I'm blathering on to help pass the time and occupy my restless mind.

Dear Zeus, Poseidon or anyone, please make the train move so we can start the torturous five hours to Hogwarts. Nothing. Of course, they are selfish beings anyway.

Half an hour later the train creakingly started to move along, all the while building up speed. Finally the previous speed was achieves as the English scenery started to wiz by our windows.


I can't remember how long it has been but it feels like I've been sitting down for eternity. The moon shone out of the ink black sky like a massive tip-ex blot, illuminating trees and hills. It disoriented the images, making the countryside look like massive giants and weird plant like creatures.

"Shouldn't we start getting changed? I mean we must be at least half an hour away, we can't be that far away." Hermione stated with her head stuck into her 'Hogwarts- A History' book.

"Sure, but what would we do? Our stuff is already at Hogwarts, we don't have anything to change into." Will asked, balancing Nico's head on his shoulder. You see, Nico fell asleep on Will a few hours ago and as he had purple bags underneath his eyes, Will and all of us allowed him to sleep. Plus he is quite moody, more that normally, when he gets tired. We thought it would be in out, and everyone else's, interest to allow him to sleep.

"Um, stay in your clothes you have on now maybe. I don't know; Hermione's the brains of the group. I'm just the tag along." Ron whispered, not wanting to wake up the sleeping time bomb.

"Ron, you know you are important in this group. You're my best mate, I wouldn't have anyone else to help me fight Voldemort or destroy those horcruxes." Harry reassured his ginger haired friend.

"Whatever mate. Hermione is right you know; we do need to robe up. We won't be very far from Hogwarts."

I don't know what they meant by 'robing up' but it definitely didn't look good. This was evident from the looks of disgust and apprehension gracing Ron's and Harry's faces.

"You have a point, come on. Let's get going. We might as well get ready." Harry said as he got up from his seat.

Ten minutes later, Harry, Ron and Hermione came back; all dressed in black dresses. Long billowy sleeves extended from a black robe, the hem draping around the remaining part of their bodies. Simply, they looked ridiculous.

A round of sniggers could be heard as the rest of us observed the stupid outfit that these poor children were forced to wear. However, once we all realised that we might be subject to this newly invented torture of wearing an unflattering dress, the giggling subsided and silence coated the train compartment once again.

A gasp burst out of my wise girl's mouth, a castle was able to be seen through the compartment window. Turrets of different sizes framed a large keep, lights twinkled in the growing dark; illuminating the lake and forest at its borders. The moon and blaring lights reflected off a pitch black lake that wound its way around and through the mound of rock the situated on.

Annabeth was literally jumping up and down on her seat on the carriage seat, blabbering about the architecture and just generally being my wise girl. Hermione had joined her with sprouting off random facts about the history of this castle. It came to mine and everyone else's that this was Hogwarts.

"It definitely doesn't look like deformed pigskin, that's disappointing. Hey death breath, wake up! We are almost there." Thalia muttered rather loudly from across Nico. An evil grin stretched her features as a groan radiated from death breath. The effect was instantaneous. Annabeth stopped jumping; Hermione stopped talking and Will looked down at his boyfriend. Nothing stirred.

Eyes fluttered open, revealing dead eyes and a frown gathered in the middle of Nico's forehead. Everyone waited with baited breath as the prince of the underworld woke up.

"Who the hell woke me up? If any of you, except Will, woke me up you will pay for it." He drawled, piercing eyes seeking for the unfortunate victim. They passed over me, landing on Thalia. Her smirk grew wider as Nico's eyes glowered at her. He had found his victim. He started to get up but was abruptly stopped.

Fortunately for Thalia, the train had come to a swift stop; sending the prowling Nico to the ground. Quick as lightning, Thalia jumped up from the seat and dashed for the exit. Covering her flee we all rushed away from the moody demigod, hoping we wouldn't be his scapegoat.

Dashing off the carriage compartment, I followed all the other students in ridiculous gowns. Until I heard a bellowing voice calling.

"All firs' years an' new teachers. All firs' years an' new teachers, over here please. All firs' years an' new teachers."