Percy POV

Nightmares. All I get after visiting Tartarus. Almost real visions of Annabeth dying, dying and dying. Normally, I would wake up to Annabeth comforting me. Not this time. All I got was ear-splitting silence and the shadows as company. You see, my darling wise girl was on a quest. Or a voluntary job that involves death, monsters and slightly evil goddesses/gods. Me, stucki at camp doing nothing. What I mean by nothing is annoy Nico and Thalia, train and sleep.

Currently, I was lying on my bed looking up at the shadows that danced on my cabin ceiling. Until, Leo burst in panting and slightly steaming.

"Percy! Chiron wants you at the big house. He said something about a quest with pinecone face and death breath. He also said that you had to go now. Rather loudly" he said whilst deflating from running.

"Fine. Just coming. Did he tell you what the quest would be about as Thalia and Nico are involved?" I groaned out as i jumped off my bunk.

"Nope." He said popping the (p).

Wlaking out of my cabin, I set off for the big house. Once there, I found Chiron, Thalia and Nico sitting around the ping pong table.

"Ah, Percy is here so now we can start with why I have asked you to come here. There is a world, much like yours but without the monsters. The people who make up this culture are most commonly called witches and wizards. We may know them as Hecates blessed children. Their culture is like ours but very different, first: they have to propel their magic by wands, second: they have a fully working government and lastly: they are currently recovering from a Dark Lord who killed innocents to further his control on the wizarding world. Understand?"

No one spoke or confirmed that they understood. Thalia had a look of shock bordering disbelief gracing her features, Nico just looked bored. Looking as if they weren't going to speak I spoke up.

"So, there is a world where there is magical people who need our help?"

"Yes" Chiron replied

"I'm ok with this. I mean they don't know about our 'civilisation' so we should be ok, shouldn't we?"

"Actually, you will be revealing yourself and our culture to the school."

"SCHOOL!" we all yelled

"Yes, school. You will go there to teach the children and learn." Chiron huffed out as if he had run 10k.

"Fine" we all grumbled out.

"Good. Your stuff is already at the school waiting for you. Unfortunly, you will have to use wands so you will have them as well. Good luck with this quest."

"Chiron. You haven't told us what the school is called." Thalia called out.

"Oh yes, I forgot. It is called Hogwarts."

A second past until we were all in stitches. Who would name a school after deformed pig skin? Even Nico was on the floor giggling like a maniac, halia had tears streaming out of her eyes whilst she held her stomach silently laughing. Me, I was on the floor having a laughing fit.

"H-h-Hogwarts?!" We all spluttered out

"Yes. Hogwarts" Chiron said as if it was normal

"You mean, this school was called after deformed ppig skin?" Nico managed whilst taking breaths for oxygen.

"Yes. Now, if you could all grow up, I would like to introduce you to Mr Weasley. He and his family will take care of you until school starts. He will transport you to his family house, The Burrow. Hurry now. We haven't got all day"

With that Chiron walked out the door. We got up from the floor and followed to find a ginger haired man in golf trousers and a biker jacket.

"Hello. My name is Mr. Weasley. I'm to apparate you all to my house the burrow."