~Chain of Memories~

Another Story guys! I hope you give this a try too. Thank you :)

Warning: This story is Rated-T for G and Gokudera's swearing might as well from every character. This story was inspired by the anime called Pandora Hearts, yet not so similar.

Gender-fic, Female Tsuna! Female Giotto! HibariXTsuna, GiottoXAlaude. Pardon for any OCCness Smart!Tsuna, LessClumsy!Tsuna. A little open Hibari.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. KHR belongs to Amano Akira-sama, and Pandora Hearts to Jun Mochizuki-sama.


Criticisms are accepted. Deeply apologize for any grammar errors and spelling errors


'Thoughts in flashback/dreams'


-Character interjection-

'Normal thought/word indication'

"Normal POV"

Chapter 1: Dream Fragments

'A-re? Where am I?'

'Why is it so dark?' I look around me to see nothing, but dark surrounding. However, when I look at my own hand... 'Why am I glowing?'

Suddenly I feel so light, it makes me feel like I'm flying- or more like floating. Did I mention I'm floating naked? Guess not.

The view changed before my eyes, and if I was floating before, I found myself sitting down on the soft green grass this time –still naked- I heard someone humming a soothing melody.

As I moved in closer, passing through some bushes, approaching the melody, only to find-



Groaning, I sit up straight. I was so close to find out the source of that soothing melody and now, glaring at the now broken alarm clock, I sigh. Another peaceful day, yet I'm disappointed. Looking at the wall clock, it reads 6:30, meaning I still have an hour to spare; an hour, in which class will start, I might not get so late. After tidy up my room, I leave the room to proceed to my daily routine which is kind of boring. Taking up a fresh and nice bath consumes a good 15 minutes, wearing the exact school uniform –consist of a dark blue skirt that ends above the knee, a long white sleeve, red ribbon, and yellow school coat (like the boy's school coat) black knee socks, and shoes- I decide that I'll keep my hair down.

Getting out the house with a slice of toast, I walk toward my destination- school –why does it sound like it suck too much?-

Ah! I haven't properly introduced myself –since when did I sense that introducing is this important? - My bad! I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, but you can just address me Tsuna. Residing in Namimori Japan, age of 14, actually this is my first day in middle school. I was supposed to go to Midori Middle School but I've changed my mind, it'll be a hassle maintaining my grades there since they have high standards –well, I'm not saying that Nami-chu doesn't have high standard-

Oh right. Nami-chu is a shortcut name for my school. –hey! Don't blame me I read it in the school magazine-

*clears throat*

Anyway now that you know my name, I'll tell you about my life. Let's see when I was 5, my father died 'in a very disturbing accident'. My mother and I couldn't get over the fact that my idiot of a father died at all. And that's the start of my nightmares. After that when I'm at the age of 9, my mother died in a car accident –since I'm there- so now obviously I live alone, it's not that sad at all, since mother and father are both watching me and I know it.

Well anyways, just before, you probably saw me in a desperate state of wanting to know where that soothing melody belongs to. Well to tell you the truth, I've been getting a strange dream since father died, but it only began as walking in a dark area –which is completely black with a touch of violet- and a fancy door that seems to lead me out of that mystery place, unfortunately before I could opened that door, I always found myself waking up.

My dream today was not that new, before I can see a figure I guess it's a 'he' –because the figure got a short hair- well, pale blonde hair and was wearing a velvet coat or a cape- that, I don't really know. Anyway it's all blur and that's the only thing I can probably remember.

I find myself nearing the school gates, students –old and new- are entering. I suddenly feel my whole body sweat in nervousness? Quiet but more of a feeling I can't pin point

Letting out a breath I haven't noticed I'm holding, walking closer I saw dudes wearing black trench coat and weird hairstyle surrounding the school -and if I say weird, I mean it's totally creepy weird-

They don't seem dangerous. Yet

Deciding to approach the school –or else I'm doom, not that I know it yet- I saw a figure that made my heart beats fast,

I observe his leaning form for a moment, he have short black hair, with a fringe that joins at the center of his face, and parts at the side, leaving a sort of 'M', sharp grey eyes, which he uses to intimidate the others, he wore the discipline committee uniform, black trouser, long sleeve white shirt, a red arm bad with a kanji of 'Discipline'

As I near him I can't help but stop right in front of him. I can feel his rather questioning stare at me; I look at him matching his question stare.

"Have we met before?"

Realizing what I've just said, I didn't mean to voice up my opinion.

"A-ah! Sorry, I just have this feeling that we've met before hahaha, my bad." laughing nervously, I bowed down to show my apology and leave without second glances. That sure was a huge shit I put myself into.

Time pass and I'm here sitting inside the class.

"Ohayo minna (good morning everybody) I'm Mikuru Tokigawa (A/N: Random name lol) I'll be your homeroom teacher for this year. I hope we all get along nee?" the teacher, which I will call Miku-sensei from now on, said.

"Let's get to know each other nee? Let's start with the first row" and yes, begins the boring part of the year –or rather the most disturbing part of the year-

I only paid attention on some students who introduced themselves –which is the row next to me and the row next to me (2nd row, and the 3rd row, they only have 4 rows and 6 columns)

I learned that the girl sitting on the 4th column –which is also my column - is dubbed as the school idol since elementary days, Sasagawa Kyoko, beside her (on the 3rd column) is none other than Kurokawa Hana. I kind of know them since elementary days but didn't dare to approach. And the one sitting on the 3rd row, 6th column is Yamamoto Takeshi, the baseball idol; again I have this feeling that I know him. Well yes I know him but not that 'know him so close' okay?

"Sawada Tsunayoshi" I simply state and continue to drowse off and let the teacher blab about things I simply don't care.

My mind flies again at the raven haired dude I saw at the gates this morning as many questions fly in my head.

Do I know him?

Did we actually meet?

Does he know me?

More so.

Why do I feel like I know him since I haven't seen him before and yet I feel like I know him for so long.

This is really confusing me, the more I question myself the more I crave for answers.

Sighing. This is going to be a long day.

-Hibari's POV-

"Have we met before?" that simple question throws the great Hibari Kyoya off guard. Yes it is the first time he saw the herbivore –the brunette- but so many question runs in his head.

Did I know her?

Or more like

Did I actually meet her before?

Or so

Does she know me?

And more so.

-Change or POV?-

Man, on later days you two (Tsuna and Hibari) will prove just how much both of you are correct –that you know each other-

Oh well. Time will tell.

But, it's way too soon to find out the truth, at least not yet.


Hello minna~ I decided to upload this since this can't get out of my head –the idea- I hope you guys like it even though this chapter is boring –in my opinion- I also need your help minna~ so please answer this question thru reviewing –since I won't post a poll-

Question: should I stick to the name 'Giotto' since the character is playing the female one or should I give Giotto another name for being female if yes please suggest a name :)

That's all PLEASE REVIEW! Jaaa~