It was mayhem in sickbay, three crew members had been injured in the blast which he had to tend too and to top it off he was currently trying to deal with Trip who was mid-seizure all while phasors were being aimed at his head by their guests.

In all the fuss with the rescuing of the crew now pointing phasors at him he had forgotten to wake Trip up for his anti-seizure medication, the shock of the blast and falling over hadn't helped and the wounded coming in with other crewmembers supporting them hadn't helped. The following three aliens charging in with Phasors certainly wasn't a remedy either.

Phlox just held Trip steady so he wouldn't hit anyone, he had had to read up about Trips's seizures after they had started after the fall. It was called PTE (post-traumatic epilepsy) - Phlox had to keep track of how long they lasted so the gun waving was not helping. If it lasted too long it would have bad consequences for Trip especially now.

What felt like hours later but was in actual fact only 2 minutes Trip stopped shaking, Phlox moved him into the recovery position and started to fade everything else around him back into focus.

'I have been told to escort all crew members back to their quarters' One of them spoke roughly indicating with his weapon for Phlox to move

'I have 3 patients in dire need of urgent medical care and a ward to care for, I am not going anywhere!' Phlox replied angrily getting up slowly from his position next to Trip on the floor but not moving so far away as he would soon be regaining consciousness and would need aid again. .

'I have my orders' The same one spoke again moving to jam the gun into Phlox as motivation. Phlox didn't even flinch as the gun hit him too angry at the people in front of him. After all the kindness the captain had shown and they did this.

'Well I have decency' Phlox snarled back at them before noticing Trip beginning to wake up so he ducked down to aid him missing a Phaser beam that was aimed at his chest by inches burning one of his cabinets behind him.

'Leave' The alien snarled, Phlox had obviously pissed him off

Phlox stayed very still and put a hand on Trips shoulder a little forcefully to stop him from rising as he began to panic.

'Stay still Trip' Phlox murmured hoping he heard and didn't continue to struggle he stilled and whimpered but he did stop fighting to get up.

One of the other aliens stepped forward to the other and pulled his weapon down, 'Look let's just let him stay here- we can guard the door he's not getting out anywhere' he reasoned with him looking down guiltily at Phlox and Trip on the floor who's whimpering was getting louder.

The captor snorted in disgust but did as the other suggested and they moved off to stand guard at the door. Once they were passed the double doors Phlox moved to the first task of getting Trip calmed down and settling in his chair before he continued care on the other three crewmembers.

Things got even more hectic as they had to try and take back the ship but luckily Trip had calmed and back on his mediation had fallen asleep. Much like every other alien on the ship soon did.

I had a shake a few days ago. because the ship shook, and there was loud.

I don't like loud I don't remember much that happened after cause after I shake I get really tired but I remember being scared. Phlox said that was because there were bad people in sickbay trying to hurt us but he and Cap'n made them go away.

He visited today which i enjoyed, i like spending time with cap'n. I normally see him every day at 18:00 because its written in my calendar but he didn't visit while i was tired, Phlox said he was busy being the cap'n to the ship. Hoshi visited instead though. I like Hoshi she gives me lots of hugs, and she snuck me a cookie.

It was a good visit. He said when i'm a little better i can spend some time on the bridge so we can see each other more. I got him to write that on my Memory Padd so I wouldn't forget. I'm excited about it so i hope i don't forget. I forget a lot of things that are in my Padd. I don't like that i have to read it every day. It's boring

He brought Porthos again, Porthos is really nice and he really likes cheese too but Capt'n told me not to let him have too much cause it's bad for dogs. Capt'n says when i move out of Sickbay Porthos could stay with me for company.

I don't want to move out of my sickbay. even though it's not my sickbay. Its Phlox's. But i don't really remember what i had before. It's nice here i don't want to leave. I have my sheild and Phlox is there when things go bad.

We put on some movies to watch, Cap'n says i used to organise whole movie nights for the crew to watch them even though no-one agreed with my taste. I got tired halfway through the second movie though so Cap'n helped me put my favorite sleep shirt on. Its blue, but they are all blue cept this one is the baggiest and i can get my arms though it mostly okay and he said goodnight and promised to see me tomorrow.

I told him he should put that in my calendar but i don't think he heard me because he just smiled and closed my shield.

December 4th 2163

Phlox was in his office when he got the hail from the Captain, he wouldn't be able to make it for visiting Trip because of the new development with the mission. Phlox had heard through the grapevine of the ship that an old blue friend had reappeared so Phlox wasn't too surprised that Jon was cancelling.

Anomalies had rocked the ship a few hours earlier. Thankfully Trip had been asleep mid nap so he had missed the destructive wave rocking the ship and also just as thankfully had slept through it, he was still asleep last he checked but he hadn't checked since he started his vulcan tea and it was now cold.

Phlox got up putting down his research into his condition down next to his mug. Everything had suggested a routine and a plan but out here in the expanse Trip just wasn't getting that stability.

Trip looked up to Phlox as he came in and waved to him from across sickbay like it was the first time he had seen him that day, despite Phlox helping him get ready for his nap earlier it made Phlox smile - Trip was almost a refreshing breath of air compared to all the tension on ship.

'Sleep. Good' He smiled waving his memory padd in front of him where he was reading it. Obviously it seems he had forgotten a few things since waking up which was great he was using his padd but bad because..

'Ox. Cap here soon?'

Phlox held back his expression, not wanting to show Trip his sad expression

'No Trip the Captain can't come today something important came up in the mission, do you need help getting to the bathroom?'

Trip shook his head negative slowly before stopping to speak, 'Cap ...Mission?' he questioned sounding strained.

'It's in your memory padd remember?' Phlox indicated pressing a button on the side, 'The important mission the ships on, how you got hurt'

Trip frowned, 'I remember my head.. broke' he tried to word, 'I know … broke head' he tried again and Phlox could see he was getting frustrated with not being able to communicate properly.

'Breathe Trip' Phlox commanded putting a calming hand on his shoulder, 'You remember how you broke your head?' Phlox questioned

Trip smiled, 'Lizzie. Lizzie helped me shhhh'

Phlox tried to keep a smile on his face, "Remember about Lizzie too?" much as it was tempting to not mention the loss of Trip's sister in all his journals it did mention to not pander to his reality as it would only hurt Trip more in the long run

Trip frowned at Phlox but didn't answer and stayed silent as he shuffled off to the bathroom at the far end of sickbay. Taking the memory padd with him in his good hand. His opposite sides strength was improving - but not well so Trip still preferred to carry things on his good side.

While he was away Phlox got another hail through from the Captain, saying that He and Shraan would like to visit if he thought Trip was up to it. Phlox agreed, what with Trip's obsession with the colour blue it might be amusing for an Andorian to visit the sickbay- and at least the routine would be secured again at least a little.

Phlox heard the captain and shrann coming just after Trip did. He had made it back to his temporary home when he heard the captains voice floating down the corridor outside sickbay and his head shot up from his Memory Pad.

"Late" he exclaimed at the Captain when he walked through the doors, the other commander right behind him. He didn't seem accusing in his words more excited and pleased to see the captain.

"I know Trip but I brought a visitor as an apology" John explained as Shraan stepped out from behind him looking curiously at Trip.

"So that's what I am to you now Pink Skin?" Retorted Shraan his antenna dipping slightly as he joked with the captain.

"Blue .. Got Blue Ox, Like Shield?"

Shraan looked momentarily affronted and was about to retort before Phlox stepped in, "Yes Trip, Commander Shraan has blue skin like your shield but remember what you have to say sometimes when your words go before your brain?"

"Sorry..escaping words, like it"

Shraan furrowed his brow a little then leaned over to the captain, "I know you mentioned he was sick but this is dire, would you like me to send over one of my medical team to take a look?"

Jon shook his head, "Phlox said he was already better than anything he expected so I'm just happy everyday that he's alive and can still talk to us, He has quite the obsession with the colour blue i'm afraid"

"It is far superior to Pink anyway" Shraan commented dryly, and Jon rolled his eyes at the Andorian.

Shraan approached Trip from across Sickbay where he was sat on his bed, trying not to look too imposing in his imperial guard attire

"So who wins in a fight Commander, Blue or Pink?"

Trip frowned, "Comman... der?"

Phlox interjected at that point from across the room, "He means you Trip, that was your old title remember?"

Trip smiled, "Oh head blue "

Shraan grinned and recalling an earlier conversation he had in engineering with the new head engineer he spoke, "You know Captain there is an anti-matter injector on my ship that's compatible with yours and much more superior, much like the colour blue. I will see that it comes over"

Trip's eyes seemed to light up a little, like he almost remembered something to do with the engineering of the ship for a second before he exclaimed, "Cap Porthos?"

Jon joined Shraan by the bed, "Hoshi's bringing him by later for me while we carry on the mission, remember the mission?"

Jon had been around Trip enough now to know that Phlox encouraged Trip to remember the important parts on his own - to improve his memory so he wouldn't always need the padd.

"I read bathroom padd sleep Xindi" Trip waved the padd in his hand to indicate it, "Hoshi Blue visit's 8"

"Great Job" Smiled Jon, "I have to go now and run the ship, you going to be okay down here?"

"Shield" Trip nodded indicating he would be fine, and he went back to reading the padd as the two officers walked off Phlox nodding to both of them as they left.

"Blue gone?" Trip asked a few minutes later as Phlox began to organise his research together again to head back into his office, "Commander Shraan has left Trip yes?" Phlox questioned the engineer from piling up his padds.

"Pink " Trip nodded, "Cap Pink Win"

Phlox laughed, "You told him what he wanted to hear to help the captain" Trip nodded and laughed too, "Blue colour nice gullible"