I did what I promised myself not to do. I started another fanfic. This one is pretty much the whole Haku part of the Ren family X reader. You are a teenage start of the story is around ten years before the normal Magi story. So Hakuyuu and Hakuren are still alive (yay)

Edit: since it's not allowed to use a "you POV" the story will be in the "I POV". The first three chapters have been changed to that, but I don't know if it's actually good that way. Please forgive me if those chapters look a bit strange. I had to change it and the other chapters will written in a better "I POV" I promise.

I plucked at my dress for no good reason. After all there was no reason to be shy. My father had decided to send me to the Kou empire to talk about a possible alliance. Kou.. from what I knew it was a small empire in the far east. But even if it was small, it was powerful. Powerful enough that my father wanted to start and alliance with it. I let out a small sigh. Why couldn't he send my twin sister or go himself? I'd rather stay back in the castle, practicing swordplay in secret. But no, ny father thought it'd be a good idea to send his teenage daughter to the other side of the continent.

"Princess, we have arrived at Rakushou." I heard one of my knights say. Well it was about time. I had felt locked up in a cage after two weeks of traveling. When the carriage stopped moving, I decided to take a peek outside. The city was so different from what I was used to. Slowly I stepped outside. The gates of the palace were waiting for me. Behind those would be a royal family waiting for me. I noticed your hands were shaking. Didn't I tell myself not to be nervous? My father had high expectations of me, so being nervous was a no go. I took a step, my knights close by my side. They walked in front of me, saying what they meant told to say.

"Princess [name] of the [country name] Kingdom has arrived."


The palace was spacious but not too big. I figured they would expand it when there would be more money to spend. A group of soldiers had greeted me at the gate. From there they guided me to the meeting room of the palace. I disliked the way the people dressed. They were inside a PALACE. So I felt like they should dress like it. My maids were dressed properly at least. Here they wore the same clothes as the poor people outside. Anyone with a decent job and place to live should've been allowed to wear something nice. Not something similar to garbage bags. I shook my head as I walked past. The disapproving glances meant nothing to me. I only questioned why my country would ever want to be friends with this one.

"Greetings, princess. I am Ren Hakuyuu and this is my brother Ren Hakuren." A man said to me when I entered the meeting room. "I am the first imperial prince of the Kou empire. I am sorry we were unable to meet you at the gates, but our meeting took longer than anticipated." The first prince said to me as he made a small bow. The boy behind him, his brother I assumed by his hair, bowed too.

"It is no problem. I have been in good care ever since I arrived at your border. I thank you for that." I responded to them.

"What was your reason of travelling this distance at your age? Your father did not provide us with any information about your visit."

'Of course he didn't.' I thought. My father was that kind of man. He'd send his daughter away for a long and dangerous journey and then forget to tell the destination why she was coming.

"I am terribly sorry that no information has reached your side." I said, trying to make up for my father's mistakes as I always did. "My visit has one purpose. My country, the [country name] Kingdom wants to form an alliance with the Kou empire. We wish to see your collaboration." I formed my hands in a formal greeting and bowed at the two princes.

Hakuyuu seemed shocked, while Hakuren looked happy.

"Why is the king sending his daughter over for such a big decision? If you really want this to happen, you'll have to meet with emperor Hakutoku." Hakuyuu said after a moment of silence.

"That's fine. I didn't think this would be settled within a few minutes. Otherwise my journey would have been pretty pointless." I answered in agreement. But I wouldn't mind leaving immediately. I just had to stay polite as long as possible.

"I'll see if the man has time for you." Hakuren said. Apparently he didn't want to stay polite, calling his father "the man".

I bowed again. "I thank you for your cooperation." I told him as he dashed out of the room.

"If you want to, I can give you a walk through the palace. I don't think Hakuren will return soon. He tends to forget things like these." Hakuyuu said to me after he had watched his brother leave.

I nodded. "I'd love to see the palace a little bit better."


Hakuyuu led me around the gardens of the palace. I had dismissed my guards as I felt save enough around Hakuyuu. He showed me a pond and the peach trees growing all around the place. I wondered if someone in the palace loved peaches so much that he'd fill his whole garden with them. There probably was, since I'd do the same for my own favorite fruits. Suddenly I heard a voice call out to my companion.

"Brother Yuu." A small boy, probably around six years old, came running to me.

"Hakuryuu, you shouldn't run away like that." A girl came running after him.

I saw Hakuyuu smile. He sat down and embraced the little boy.

"Have you been a good boy, Hakuryuu?"

"Yeah. Sister helped me learn a lot of things." Hakuryuu said.

"Did she now? How nice of her." Hakuyuu said in response. He picked up the boy and walked up to the girl.

"It's great to see you two get along so well, Hakuei. Hakuryuu, stay with your sister a little longer okay."

The boy seemed disappointed.

"I want to be with brother Yuu instead." He complained.

The older man laughed. "Sorry little brother. I'll be with you after some time. You see that pretty lady over there?" He pointed at me. "Your brother is showing her around. She came from a country far away. She's a princess you know. Maybe she'll play with you too." He told the kid as he placed him down next to his sister. When he came back to my side I watched the two kids play and smiled.

"Your family?" I asked when the two of us continued our walk.

"Yes. Hakuryuu and Hakuei are my younger brother and sister."

"You must love them very much."

"I do. I would do anything for them to be happy."

"Your siblings are really lucky with a brother like you." An unintended sigh escaped my lips as I spoke. Hakuyuu looked at me with an interested gaze.

"Are you on bad terms with your siblings?" He asked me. His voice almost sounds concerned. But what would my family ties be of interest to the prince.

"Not really like that. It's more-"

"Yuu, princess. I spoke to father. He's ready to meet the princess now."

It was Hakuren. He came running down the hallway. As he stood in front of me, I could see had ran the whole way.

"I see. Prince Hakuyuu, prince Hakuren, could you escort me to the emporer." I requested as I bowed once again. Oh how it bothered me to bow this much. This was exactly why I always let my sister do these things. I wasn't meant to do this.


"Greeted, emperor Hakutoku of the great Kou empire. I've come from the [country name] kingdom as its representative. I [name], as the first royal princess have come to make an proposal to you."

I stood before the emperor. The two princes had joined his side after they had let me in. Now I was bowing down before the most important man of the empire. No matter how horrible it was to do, I knew my manners well enough.

"Raise your head, young princess." The emperor spoke. "Tell me what your father's intentions are."

"Yes, emperor. I am here to propose an alliance between the Kou empire and the [country name] kingdom."

I saw the emperor move around in his chair. He leaned forward in order to listen closer to me. The princes shifted their attention to me too.

"I see. But why does he send his daughter? If he wants to make a strong alliance, it'd be better for the king to be present himself."

"This just shows how low he thinks about this." I mumbled. Soon after I realized my words had been loud enough to be heard. All those etiquettes and I still messed up at the most important part.

"What do you mean by that, princess?" Emperor Hakutoku asked me. Well, there was no turning back now , was there? Mother always said: "once you start something, you'll have to finish it". I guessed it was because of that she had stayed by my father's side until she died.

"If my father had taken this alliance serious, he would've come himself or he would've send my sister. But at the moment, you are talking to me and not to her. So I can guess he thinks of your empire lightly." I answered.

"And what about you?" Now Hakuyuu was talking. "Do you take our empire as lightly as your father?"

I shook your head. From what I had seen on my first day, the empire was strong. It could be as strong as my own country or maybe even stronger.

"I believe your empire holds a great power. It is because of that I believe our countries should join forces in order to attain an ever greater power. While the Kou empire is known for its great troops, the [country name] kingdom is a place with great knowledge about magic and magoi manipulation. Our troops may be small, but they are strong. An alliance will be a good choice for the both of us."

"I see. I will consider your proposal. Return to your country when you are ready to leave. I will have soldiers accompany you to the border. When I have made up my mind, I will let your father know." The emperor spoke after listening to my story.

"I thank you for considering our offer. I will then take my leave." I bowed once again and left the room.


Four days. I had stayed in the palace for FOUR days. And none of the people told me if a decision had been made.

My knights were restless. They stayed by my side as strolled around the garden and talked to the young Hakuryuu. Hakuyuu and Hakuren were barely available, but the younger siblings had enough time to play with me. If my knights left me alone, I'd take a sword and practice. But it seemed my father had noticed my little hobby and thus instructed them to never leave me alone. Only when I went to bed, they'd give me space. But then again, sneaking out was no option as they guarded both my door and window. It was boring. And I remembered there was still a long way back home.

Being a princess on a diplomatic journey was really horrible. Next time I'd give the spot to my sister. We were twins and even though you were the older one, she was the one that gained the most love from your father. It probably was because she acted the way a princess should act. She stayed inside and did cute things like petting animals and dancing. Her negotiating skills were minimal so the job would always be done by your countries officials. She was a princess just to show. I was the opposite. I loved fighting and if I could I would also read any book available. Both were unappreciated by your father. Even learning about foreign politics was forbidden. "You'll only end up learning unnecessary things." He told me one day. And I didn't understand him. After all, learning about the way other countries worked was one step closer to being a great ruler. But I wasn't meant to rule. I was supposed to be cute and innocent. I would become an ignorant girl who'd have to take the world as it was. But I just couldn't do that. Because the outside world did exist and I needed to know about it if I wanted to help my people. It actually made me wonder if I really wanted to return home. But I had to. My father was waiting for my report. And so I left the empire after four days. Neither Hakuyuu nor Hakuren were present when I left. But Hakuryuu was there. And his bright smile made me feel like a normal human being. My great hatred to the empire had been dissolved by the smiles of the royal princes. Even on my way back, I could not forget prince Hakuyuu's smile.

Okay since this is my first time writing a reader fanfic, I'd love to hear what you think of it. And I can't promise frequent updates. I don't want this to be my main fic at the moment. My Magi X Dmmd crossover has top priority right now. But I will write for this as the ideas are filling my head.

So yeah, REVIEW?