Wilder Wardens

Author: USA Tiger

Disclaimer: The Dragon Age series is the property of BioWare. The LOtR Elven language belongs to J. R. R. Tolkien.

Author Note: Ouch, not quite but close to a year since I updated this. It's not like I haven't been writing on this story, I just got so many others things going on and sometimes I am just over tired from my real world job as well. This is a lot shorter than usual, many readers from other stories has suggested maybe trying to type up shorter chapters to post more often so this is an experiment to see if maybe it will help some.

Also, since I made it months after I last updated, I have a twitter account now so if you like to follow me usa_tiger1983 I post updates on what's going on and story recs and that sort of stuff.

Thanks goes out to my beta and head minion Asilyessam who checks behind me for grammar and spelling mistakes and checks that my lore is correct.

Chapter 11

Loghain rode hard from Ostagar back to Denerim, traveling with only a couple of his close personal guards while the rest of his men made their way back to the capital on foot. Once back in the city, he had greeted his daughter Anora and had met up with Rendon Howe. He had confirmed Cailan's death as well as the betrayal of the Gray Wardens, at least as far as the public was concerned. Already word had been send out to the other nobles to travel to Denerim for a Landsmeet, order had to been secured now before the ridiculous rumors of there being a Blight got out and scared everyone.

It was only once he was in the privacy of his rooms did Loghain allow himself to sit and think. He was not proud that he had to leave Cailan behind to his fate. He had truly cared for the boy, he was Rowan and Maric's son, the husband to his little girl. But the blasted boy wouldn't listen to him; Loghain had tried again and again to get the younger man to listen to him, to return to the castle for safety, to not speak with those Maker-damned Orlesians or those Gray Wardens. But Cailan had refused and Loghain had the safety of Ferelden to think of, including from her king. He had enacted on the promise he made to Maric so long again, to retreat instead of risking his life and the life of his men to save his king. Still he had a feeling Rowan was screaming at him from beyond the grave.

Loghain glanced over his shoulder as the door to his quarters opened, sneering a bit as he saw Howe then turned back to the fire place. He wasn't sure on how he felt about Rendon, the man had always been a good ally but rumors had been going around of the man being responsible of the only other Teyrn of Ferelden, Bryce Cousland, and his family's death baring his oldeest child Fergus. But the young man had been lost before the battle of Ostagar in the Wilds so it was unclear if Fergus lived or not.

"What is it?" Loghain asked.

"I have an interesting report sire," Howe said. "There seem to be Gray Wardens that survived Ostagar. Several of the men who stayed behind have sent reports by raven that they saw at least 4 Wardens escaping the battle, how I don't know. But we can be sure they will act against you."

Loghain considered that for a moment, nodding to himself. There would be survivors wouldn't there, for a moment he wondered if Maric's bastard son was one of them, he wouldn't be surprised if the boy inherited his father's astounding luck.

"If you permit me sire… I have arranged for a… solution," Howe continued. Curious Loghain turned and watched as Rendon stepped back and presented an Elven man with bronzed skin, blond locks and golden eyes, a facial tattoo made of three wavy lines on the left side of his face.

"The Antivan Crows send their regards," the Elven man said with a thick Antivan accent. Loghain looked from the Elf to Howe then shook his head, turning back to the fireplace.

"An assassin?" he said with a touch of disgust that they had to go down this route, drinking form his goblet of white.

"Against Gray Wardens," Howe said smoothly, "we will need the very best."

The Elf let out a chuckle before adding, "And the most expensive." For a moment Loghain said nothing turning his head toward the other two in the room. Using assassins, the Crows or any other group, was not something he enjoyed. He would rather hunt down the Gray Wardens himself but he had much more important things on his plate right now and didn't need the Wardens mucking everything up.

"Just get it done," he rasped, leaving it all in Howe's hands. Both Howe and the Elf bowed their heads, the Elven man quickly turning and leaving the room while Howe followed at a much slower pace.

Alistair yawned as he strapped on the last of his armor, he had slept extremely well. The beds in the Elven inn were comfortable, the rooms neat and clean and the food and drink had been excellent. He never had Elven made ale before, hadn't even thought there was such a thing as Elven made drinks. But there was and Alistair had to say he really enjoyed it. He also really enjoyed the cheese as well.

'Honestly, I could live here just for that,' he mused to himself as he grabbed his sword and shield. He blushed as he also remembered all the Elven lasses and even lads that had flirted with him. They were extremely straight forward, the girls giggling as they made Alistair blush. He had even gotten a kiss or two on the cheek, he had been pretty buzzed by that point but he was sure at least a couple had been from the lads. Still they respected him when Alistair had, blushing hotly, turned down their offers of having a 'roll in the furs'. Maker he couldn't believe how many of them had offered to take him to bed.

"Good morning brother," Cailan greeted, appearing much more awake than Alistair was as the younger man stepped out of the inn/tavern.

"Hmm? Oh, mornin'," Alistair said around a yawn as he leaned against the rail by Cailan who gave his brother a little amused smirk.

"You were very popular last night," he teased laughing as Alistair blushed and sputtered.

"H-hey! It wasn't like that!" he said his face red as a tomato.

"I don't know, many of them seemed intent to get to know you better," Cailan continued on.

"Well tis no accounting for taste on their part," Morrigan said as she joined them. Alistair sighed at the jab; this woman was so hard to get along with.

"So where are Atreyu and Raziel?" He asked changing the subject. "Has anyone seen them this morning?"

"I believe I saw them leaving into the forest, in that direction," Calian said pointing, he had awoken early still use to the hours he had when in court and on the battlefield. He may have not done anything like chores or anything as such, but Calian still had duties that required him awakening with if not before the sun rose.

"Ah, I believe I know where they are," Morrigan said as she glanced in the direction that Cailan pointed. "They have gone to visit the Soul Tree grove, no doubt to pay respects to Raistlin's tree."

"The what tree?" Alistair asked. Morrigan sighed and rubbed her forehead as she answered.

"Soul Tree, tis a Wilder Elf tradition. Trees are important to all Elves, even City Elves plant a tree they refer to as Vhenadahl, the 'tree of the people', within their alienages. Dalish plant a tree with those who died within their clans," Morrigan waved her hand in the direction of the surrounding forest. "The Wilders on the other hand will plant a sapling with each birth of an Elfkit, it is thought that their very souls are tied to these trees."

"Is it some old Elven thing then?" Cailan asked curious. Morrigan shook her head.

"No, I do not believe it is from Arlathan, though trees were important there as well," she said. "It is something the Wilders started after the city's fall. Come, I will show you." She walked off down the nearest ramp toward one of the many entrances of the village. The brothers looked at each other them moved to follow the Witch of the Wild.

"So what are we doing?" Raziel asked as he never really got an answer when he asked that same question earlier. They were standing at the base of a large, tall oak tree. Not the tallest or the largest in the area, but it had several years on it.

"This is Ada's Soul Tree," Atreyu said with a sad smile as he placed his hand against the tree's trunk. "His ashes would have been laid to rest here when he was killed, but since I was in that gods forsaken magi circle afterward… I know his spirit has already passed on but I still want to do my own ceremony before we leave."

"I understand," Raziel said as he laid his hand on Atreyu's shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. Atreyu chuckled reaching up to place his hand on top of Raziel's and the other slid into Falkor's fur as the white wolf pressed against his legs.

"Ma serannas lethallin," he said then turned to face him with a small smile. "You'll get to see bit of impressive magic, have you ever seen a fire dance?"

"No, I've never heard of that," Raziel said with wide honey toned eyes.

"Ah then this should be interesting then," Atreyu said. "Come, let's gather some wood to make a fire."

Raziel and Atreyu spent the never few minutes finding dry wooden branches on the forest floor and fist size rocks to make a fire pit with. Raziel giggled as Da'fen followed him with a tiny stick in his mouth.

"Are you helping ma da'len?" he cooed to his wolf cub. Da'fen's tail wagged happily as he dropped the stick on Raziel's foot.

"Ah, that is perfect," Atreyu said with humor as he dropped his bundle. "Just what we needed." Raziel dropped his bundle on top of Atreyu's then kicked Da'fen's stick in with the rest. As they set up the bonfire for Atreyu's ritual, a piece of wood cracked behind them as something, or someone, stepped on it. Both Elves turned, a fireball in Atreyu's upturned hand and a dagger held ready in Raziel's.

"By the gods, we could have killed you," Atreyu said as he clenched his fist shut to dispel the fireball. Alistair blushed and rubbed the back of his neck as he had been the one to step on the branch. "What are you three doing here?"

"I am the one who brought them," Morrigan said as stepped into the tiny clearing and sat herself on a fallen tree. "They were curious about the Soul Trees, I agreed to show them."

"We can leave if you're in the middle of something important," Cailan offered as he took in the bonfire that Atreyu and Raziel built. Atreyu sighed and shook his head.

"No, there is no harm for you to stay, just don't interrupt me once I start," he said. The brothers agreed and quickly joined Morrigan to the side. Raziel sat the last of the rocks around the wood then picked up Da'fen, climbing on the tree trunk to sit. Falkor whined and pressed up against Atreyu's legs. "Go on my friend, it will be fine," Atreyu said softly as he ran a soothing hand over Falkor's head. The white wolf walked over and curled up under the fallen tree watching his master.

Once everything was ready, Atreyu faced his father's Soul Tree letting his mind fill with memories of the parent that had raised him for most of his young life before the Circle. His missed his Ada, as he missed his Momma, but he had more memories of Raistlin than he did of Midna. Memories of laughter, of love, of the lessons his father taught him of magic and herbs and herbalism. Of hunting and nights filled with stories of both their family and their peoples past.

Atreyu bowed his head saying a soft prayer to the old gods in Elven, wishing for the continued safety of his father in the afterlife, for any blessings or wisdom his father's spirit could give Atreyu and his new friends and comrades on this upcoming fight against the Darkspawn and any others that stood in their way to bringing safety back to the lands.

With the word of the last prayer on his lips, Atreyu turned on his heel to face the unlit bonfire and cupped his hands together. He blew across the palms, a torrent of fire appearing and striking the wood setting it alight. (1)

"Maker's breath!" Alistair exclaimed as he jumped.

"Amazing," Cailan agreed.

"I've never seen a mage use magic in that way," Alistair said. Raziel watched with delighted and amazed wide eyes. Morrigan just smirked, this trick was hardly the most impressive type of magic she had ever seen, mages in Chantry ran Circles were limited in what they were allowed to learn and how to use the magic they were gifted with. She was glad to see her dear friend had not allowed the fools in the Chantry and their Templar dogs to beat that out of him.

Atreyu gathered two handfuls of fire into his hands, stepping back from the bonfire, letting the flames hover above his palms. Taking a deep breath, Atreyu started to move, to dance to a beat only he could hear. It was strange to be doing a fire dance without any music but he was use to it as he had practiced this sort of thing back in the tower tucked away in forgotten and hidden rooms and hallways. Fire was his element and this was an excellent way to practice controlling magic; only Jowan, Silver and Anders had seen him do this sort of dance before and kept it secret.

Directed by Atreyu's will and magic, the fireballs started to shift around the mage moving with the Elf's strange dance as the flames danced and twirled around Atreyu. (2)

Raziel, Cailan and Alistair watched in awe as Atreyu moved and danced around the bonfire to a soundless song. Watched as the flames moved around the Elf and never lost control.

"Maker's breath," Alistair whispered.

Raziel meanwhile was in thrall with everything, his honey eyes half closed. Like all Elves he was more sensitive to the Fade though he himself was not a mage. He had been too many funerals of his clan mates where a eulogy was sung by everyone as the body was laid to rest in the ground and a tree planted on top of the grave. Yet somehow this was more… and at the same time it seemed so wrong there was no music for Atreyu's soul felt dance. Licking his lips and hoping Atreyu didn't mind, Raziel started singing.

"hahren na melana sahlin

emma ir abelas

souver'inan isala hamin

vhenan him dor'felas

in uthenera na revas

vir sulahn'nehn
vir dirthera
vir samahl la numin
vir lath sa'vunin"

Atreyu's eyes were closed as he settled into the rhythm of the dance, letting the energies in the air guide him, letting Raziel sweetly singing one of the old songs flow through him. The magics all around had the fire within the pit flare brightly, seemingly growing bigger all on its own, light pouring from it and circling around Atreyu as if joining in on his dance.

Cailan glanced over at Morrigan for a moment then quickly glanced back when he registered the look of surprise on her face.

"Lady Morrigan?"

"I have never seen this before," she whispered. "Tis power in the air, something special is to happen."

The power in the air seemed to build up more and more, Alistair sucked in a breath as the felt the magic thanks to his Templar training. He had already felt the Veil between this world and the Fade was a bit thinner here, he thought it was due to the amount of magic users in Atreyu's village, but now it felt stronger. He hoped Fade demons didn't sudden pop up.

All at once the power reached its peak, the fire in the pit roaring as the flames reached high toward the sky. The light that had been circling Atreyu flung itself away into the flames resulting in a small booming explosion that startled everyone. Atreyu's movement's stopped, the fireballs he had been directing with his magic dissipating into trails of smoke as he turned to stare into the fire.

Falkor started howling, Da'fen quickly following the elder wolf's example, and then their song was quickly joined by other wolves in the distance howling in unison. The light and smoke from the fire rose into the air and took the shape of a wolf, running around the clearing on paws that never touched the ground. Its head was leaned back as if it was also singing the wolf song, coming to a stop in front of Atreyu. The others watched with baited breath as the howls tapered off and the wolf made of smoke shifted into an Elven man.

"A-ada?" Atreyu asked softly with wide crystal blue eyes. The Elven man, Raistlin Surana, gave Atreyu a soft gentle smile and reached up to cup Atreyu's cheek, leaning his forehead against his son's gently. Atreyu's eyes slid closed, a few tears slipping down his cheeks, there was no warm flesh but he could feel the power behind the cooled smoke and magic. He could feel his father's spirit there with him. "Ada, I missed you. I'm s-so sorry that…" the word caught in Atreyu's throat, everything he had ever wanted to say to his father and now he couldn't get them out.

The spirit of Raistlin smiled sadly, his thumb tracing over Atreyu's cheek then kissed his cub's forehead. A little sob escaped Atreyu as he felt the love and forgiveness pouring from his father, letting him know there was nothing for Atreyu to be sorry for. Atreyu's eyes opened as he felt the presence of his father move away, Raistlin once against turning into a wolf. The spirit circled Atreyu's new companions, making Alistair and Cailan jump, Raziel look in awe and Morrigan smile sadly. Atreyu swore his father was giving his own blessing of protection and watched as the wolf ran toward Raistlin's Soul Tree, circling the trunk in an upward spiral until it disappeared out of sight.

Atreyu slowly dropped to his knees as the pressure of magic faded from the clearing, Falkor running to his master's side and pressing his furry form against Atreyu's. Raziel wasn't far behind as he dropped to Atreyu's other side and wrapped an arm around the older Elf.

"Are you okay Atreyu?" Raziel asked.

"Yeah lethallin, I will be," Atreyu assured his younger friend, giving a watery laugh as Da'fen started licking the tears from his cheeks. "I just wasn't expecting that."

"What was that?" Alistair asked as he and the others came closer. "Was that really… who was that?"

"Twas Raistlin Surana, Atreyu's father," Morrigan said in a soft tone. Raistlin had always been kind to her, treating her as one of his cubs with how close she and Atreyu had been as children. She had been saddened when she had learned of his death by the hands of the Templars, another reason why she hated them so. "I believe he twas waiting on you my friend to truly send his spirit off, as a final goodbye."

"Yeah… I didn't think I would see him," Atreyu had one arm wrapped around Raziel's waist in a half hug while his other hand wiped the remains of the tear tracks from his eyes. "But I'm glad I did. At least my heart rests a little easier, one less burden on my soul before we face the Darkspawn again."

"It was like nothing I ever heard of or seen before, but thank you for letting us witness it," Calian said, the more he was seeing of this Elven culture, seeing its magics and history, the more he was seeing just how far off the Chantry teachings were. It was something he would have to keep close to him on this journey.

Atreyu took a deep breath then stood, patting Falkor on the head.

"Let's head back to the village shall we? Hopefully the chief and the elders have come to their decision, then we can start heading toward Lothering," he said as he started putting out the fire.

(1) This is something I got from the 2008 movie Inkheart, an okay movie in my opinion but one thing that always stuck with me from that film that I thought was so cool was one of the characters Duskfinger had this fire breathing ability called dragon breath where he blew across his palms to make the fire appear. I always thought that was so cool looking so that's sorta what Atreyu is doing here.

(2) Look up fire dancing, it's very cool to watch (one of my kinfolk can do it, it's really cool) but Atreyu is just using magic to guide fireballs.