Chapter 2

Barage of Storm

The new duo, Nagisa concluded, are weird.

Tsuna, the teacher, the older one, actually paid very much respect to Reborn, despite him being younger by at least 10 years. And Reborn did not have any reservation when it comes to teasing and ordering Tsuna-sensei.

But somehow, once Tsuna-sensei ordered something to Reborn, Reborn will execute it flawlessly.

By the first day, Tsuna-sensei had managed to be the talk of their class, with his warm and welcoming smile.

Reborn on the other hand, became the talk of the class in a more negative light.

Reborn was mostly silent, observing, the lone wolf type. And he was downright rude, ignoring any of the class's attempts at making the friendly chat, only answering to Tsuna-sensei, Karasuma-sensei and Korosensei.

And worst of all, he insulted the whole Class E.

"I don't care if your intellect is of Class E or Class A, but all I see right here, in this class, is children playing hitman. It is an insult to a professional hitman like me."

That was what he said, but Tsuna-sensei laughed it off, saying Reborn is in an irritable mood.

And lastly, Tsuna and Reborn speaks as if Reborn was an adult, as if Reborn was older than Tsuna-sensei himself, and Tsuna admits to being Reborn's student at one point.

That was odd. If that was so, won't Reborn be a genius baby tutor?

Nagisa expressed his question verbally, which in turn, gained Tsuna-sensei's laugh.

(If only Nagisa knew what Tsuna needed to tolerate on daily basis when he was in Junior High.)

"By the way, we will be doing assassinations at random time, random place, just to show you guys how you should run a plan," Tsuna said, "You're not skilled enough for a confrontation, unlike Reborn who was practically the strongest one out there, that was why you need to invest on teamwork and detailed, tricky plan."

"Oh," Tsuna said, as if he just recalled something, "Of course, if Reborn or I happen to kill him during our lessons, the reward will go to my Mafia Famiglia."

And Tsuna-sensei suddenly ducked under the table, barely avoiding the flurry of gunshots from Reborn.

Real bullets. Not those rubbery Anti-sensei bullets, but real bullets.

"Tsuna," Reborn said, voice thick with malice, "We will be the ones to kill the octopus and complete the mission. I will not accept any less."

When Reborn left outside, and Tsuna sensei returned from under the table, he laughed light heartedly, assuring the class that he is okay, that Reborn was usually like that.

"He is a hitman with 100% success rate." Tsuna said, "And his current mission is to kill an alien octopus with the Mach Speed of 20. It was a new kind of assassination and confrontation, Reborn may not look like it, but he is actually quite fired up. And I swear, by few months, you can be a decent assassin of Korosensei."

"Oh! And lastly," Tsuna exclaimed, "The governments allowed me to call for my colleagues to aid in assassination and teach you, so don't be surprised if there are weird men or wome-"


The door was thrown open, and Tsuna sensei sighed, faintly, Nagisa heard him mumbling, "So that's why my Hyper Intuition was tingling. There goes my warning."

"Jyuudaime!" a glassed silver-haired man barged in, wearing suits very much like Tsuna-sensei. Where Tsuna-sensei's tie is orange, the silver-haired tie is red. "What is this report about a mission to eradicate alien in this scho…ol…"

The man's voice became smaller as his eyes landed on a certain yellow octopus.

With a shaky voice, the man asked," I-is that… what I think… it is?"

"Yes, Hayato, but please-"

The silver haired man lunged at Korosensei, and Korosensei was none the wiser when the man started to 'grope' him.

"NUYAAAH? GYAAAHHH! Get this perverted gay of me! GYAAAKKK! HELP SENSEI! ANYONE!"

"Tentacles and soft yellow skin which gives out some sort of sticky chemical, very much like mucus. Soft tentacles, certainly not for offensive punches. But report said 'Mach 20 Speed' and regenerative abilities, so still dangerous. There are 4 holes on the face. What for?"

The man poked one of the black dots.

"GYAAAH! My eyes!"

"So two of those holes are for eyes. What of the other two?"

The man was pulled back by Tsuna-sensei just before he could poke the other hole.

"Get off me you fuckin- Jyuudaime! I'm sorry for cursing at you! I thought someone was trying to prevent me from studying an UMA!"

Tsuna kept on staring at him. The silver haired man was flustered for a moment before he regained his bearing.

"My apologize, Jyuudaime," The silver haired man said, this time with calm voice. "I was supposed to be helping out in the office and yet I got excited when I heard news of a mission regarding UMA from your earlier call to the point that I immediately flew here from Italy with the fastest jet. I was out of turn."

How the heck did you go here from Italy that fast? It was only a few hours! Was what the class thought.

"Go back, Hayato, the office must be in shambles without you."


Tsuna-sensei sighed as he thrust Hayato with some bottles. "These contain the things you might be interested in researching. Go back for now. I'll call you here some time soon."

"H-hai!" Hayato, answered, this time with a happy grin as he held the bottles tighter. "I request a full research team for this!"

"Yes, but don't forget your work. And ask the technician to develop better weapon using Anti-Sensei materials. The matter of this Korosensei is serious, we cannot let Korosensei succeed in destroying Earth. It would be pointless to continue maintaining the Family if that happens."


And with that, the silver haired man went out of the door.

"I-is he gone?" Korosensei asked, head poking out of the teacher's desk.

"He is." Tsuna answered, "But he will be back after handling some matters."

Korosensei gulped.
