Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon A Time, just the OC'S and Hunter's Fairytale story plot. So the way this will work is that all odd Chapters will be a Episode and the even Chapters will be Hunter's story.


"Hunter! Hunter!" The ravenette in question looked up from her book and smiled brightly as her little brother came charging into the living room. She placed her book down beside her, not evening bothering to remember her place as she caught her brother. Pulling him to her, she places a big nosey kiss onto his cheek as he squirm to get away.

"Yes, Henry?" She chuckled as she releases him, watching him wipe the kiss off his cheek in disgust knowing it was just for show.

"I found my mom!" She stared at him confused for a minute before her eyes widen in surprise and happiness.

"Really?" She asked him in excitement. Henry and Hunter had been looking for Henry's real mother since he got that fairytale book from his teacher, Ms. Blanchard. Henry nodded his head quickly and showed her the address. When she read the address, her smile started to fade. "Henry, I can't leave Storybrooke. I can't go with you." Henry had come to his big sister in confidence that she would believe him when he told her about that curse that had a hold over everyone in Storybrooke and she did. She was the only one who believed him, he didn't know if it was just to make him feel better or what but she was willing to help with Operation Cobra.

"That's okay. I just need you to distract mom until I can bring her here." Hunter gave him a smirk that would make a pirate wary of what she was planing.

"I can do that." She told him. They both went upstairs to his room to help him pack and then she drove him to the town line. They had called a taxi to take him to the bus station to meet Henry, Hunter waved to Henry until she couldn't see him any more. There was just one part of the plan Henry hadn't told his sister. He wasn't just bring Emma Swan back but also, Jason Jones.


It wasn't until the next day when their mother finally realized that her ten year old son was missing. Hunter's head snapped to the door when it slammed open, she stared at her mother with wide eyes as she slowly stalked into the room.

"Where is Henry, Hunter?" She asked her in a sicking sweet voice. Hunter morphed her expression into confusion trying to throw her mother off.

"I don't understand?" The woman gave pause as her daughter sat up in her bed.

"Henry's missing." Hunter let out a fake gasp of shock. "Do you know where he is?"

"Mom, I bet he went to school early is all." She told her. Her mother let out a frustrated sigh as she sat down on the edge of Hunter's bed. Hunter placed a calming and comforting hand on her mother's shoulder. "I'm sure he's fine, mom. No need to fret." She inwardly grimaced as her mother brought her into her arms.

"Your right as always, Hunter." Her mother planted at kiss to her head. "I be lost without you." Hunter bit her lip, guiltily. Her mother got up and headed to the door, before turning back to look at her beautiful purple eyed daughter. "I love you, Hunter."

"Love you too, mom." She returned and let out a sigh of relief when the door closes. She flops back on her bed with a groan. "God, did that just make me feel like the worst daughter ever." She muttered as she got up and went to her closet. Pulling out some gray jogging pants and tank top, tossing those on she put her collar-bone length hair up into a messy pony tail and trotted downstairs to the kitchen. Going to the fridge, she dig around for something quick to eat but only found apples. "Do we have anything else beside apples?" She asked aloud.

"I thought you liked apples?" Hunter let out a surprise squeak at her mother's voice. She peeked around the door and found her mother, smirking. She held out a bottle of water and a granola bar to her. "Better get a move on or you'll be late to work." Hunter grinned and took the offered bottle and food.

"Me late? Never." She said as put her shoes on. "See you later, mom!" She called as she jogged down the walkway. She waved to people as she jogged passed them, she didn't stop jogging until she reached the docks. She stopped at the very edge of the docks and plopped down, taking a break to eat and rehydrate. She stared out into the water, her mind wondering to the curse that Henry was so sure about was real. If Hunter could be truthful about it, she always thought she was meant for something more then this life. She wished she could just sail away from here, but she couldn't. She was stuck here and she couldn't just leave her mother all by herself, it was a selfish idea no matter how much she wish it could be real. Hunter gave a sigh as she stood up and toss her trash into a trashcan and jogged back to her home to change for work. She toed off her shoes at the door and walked upstairs to her bathroom. She got undress and hopped into the shower washing the sweat off. She quickly dried off and got dress into the school swimsuit and some jogging pants and white shirt. She put her tennis shoes back on and got into her car, heading to the school. She waved to her best friend and Henry's teacher, Mary Margaret, as she parked her car. She held out a to-go coffee cup to her when she got closer.

"One hot chocolate with extra whip cream and cinnamon, milady." Mary did a little mock bow causing the girls to chuckle.

"Thank you, Mary." Hunter told her as she took a sip as they walked to their classrooms. Just as they got to Mary's room, Hunter turned to her. "Oh! Before I forget, Henry's at home with mom. He's feeling a bit under the weather." Mary raised an eyebrow at her before nodding in acceptance.

"You two are thicker then thieves." Hunter smirked.

"I like to think we're more like pirates then thieves." Mary chuckled and entered her room.

"See you at lunch, Hunter." Hunter simply grinned and walked to the swimming pool were her first class was waiting for her. Soon the day was over and Hunter was on her way home when her phone began to ring. Hunter glanced at her phone in the cup holder and her mother's named showed on the caller ID.

"Yeah, I'm so not answering." She said as the phone kept ringing. She was in so much trouble when she got home, she could just tell. She pulled into the driveway and turned her car off, but stayed where she was. "Well, time to face the music." She got out of the car and headed to her doom. The front door swung open before she could even touch the handle.

"Odette Hunter Mills!" Oh yeah, she was in deep trouble. "Where is your brother, young lady!" Her mother shouted at her on the porch, Graham behind her.

"Mom, I —" Hunter trailed off as a yellow bug pulled up to their front lawn gate. A tall blonde woman stepped out of the driver side followed by a equal tall ravenette man from the passenger side, then Henry quickly followed after the male.

"Henry? Uh! Henry!" His mother yells, running to them as they walked up to the others. She drags him into a hug. "Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened?" She asked him.

"I found my real mom!" he exclaimed and raced over to his sister. Hunter pulled him into a tight hug and walked him inside up to his room.

"So, you found her?" She asked as she tucked him in.

"Yeah!" He said, "And her cousin, too!" Hunter tilted her head to the side confused.

"Cousin?" She question. Henry simply gave her a smirk which had her rolling her eyes. "Never should of taught you that." She smiled as she brushed his hair back and leant forward, placing a kiss to his forehead. "Goodnight, Henry."

"Night, Hunter." She walked out of his room, bumping into Graham. She let out a sigh and walked around the man as he followed after her.

"Hunter, can't we talk about this?" He asked her. She turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"About the fact that you're sleeping with my mother? No." He went to open his mouth but she held up a hand, silencing him. "I don't want to hear it, Graham." He let out a tired sigh as he followed her to the foyer.

"Madam Mayor, you can relax. Other than being a tired little boy, Henry's fine." Hunter rolled her eyes as she walked over to her mother and their guests.

"Thank you, Sheriff." He leaves with a nod and they walk into the sitting room. Hunter turned to the man and woman, holding her hand out to them.

"Hello, I'm Hunter Mills. I'm Henry's sister." The male gives a gentle smile that makes his breathtaking blue eyes brighter as he shook her hand.

"Jason Jones." He nods to the blonde woman with green eyes. "That's Emma Swan." She shakes hands with her as well.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Hunter told them with a bright smile.

"I'm sorry he dragged you out of your lives. I really don't know what's gotten into him." Regina spoke up, frowning a bit at her daughter's sudden friendliness.

"Kid's having a rough time. Happens." Jason shrugs.

"You have to understand, ever since I became mayor, balancing things has been tricky. You have a job, I assume?" She asked them.

"Uh, we keep busy. Yeah." Emma answered her.

"Imagine having another one on top of it. That's being a single mom of two. So I push forward. Am I strict?" Hunter looked away, 'Hell yes, your strict.' she thought. "I suppose. But I do it for his own good. I want Henry to excel in life. I don't think that makes me evil, do you?"

"I'm — sure he's just saying that because of the fairytale thing." Emma said. Regina looks at them, confused.

"What fairytale thing?" She asked them.

"You know, his book. How he thinks everyone's a cartoon character from it. Like his shrink is Jiminy Cricket." Jason told her.

"I'm sorry, I really have no idea what you're talking about." Emma and Jason glanced at each other before standing up.

"You know what, it's none of our business. He's your kid. And we really should be heading back." Emma said.

"Of course." Regina replies and walks them to the door. Hunter took this time to escape upstairs to her room before her mother could catch her. "Hunter!" Her mother banged on her door.

"Henry's asleep, mom. Please, just go to bed." She told her through the door. She heard her mother storm off to her room and slam her door shut. Hunter let out a breath of relief and went to bed. The next day, she quickly got ready for her jog and raced down to the docks and back home. She wasted no time getting ready for school and she left the house as fast as she entered it. She meet up with Mary as usual with their hot chocolate and went to their classes. Hunter returned to Mary's room for lunch just as the bell rang and children raced out of their classrooms.

"Hey." Mary smiled as she accepts a pear from a student.

"Why thank you!" Hunter moves over to sit on her desk before standing up quickly when her mother entered the room. "Miss Mills, what are you doing here?"

"Where's my son?" She asked Mary. The girls looked at each other confused then back to Regina.

"Henry . . . I assumed he was home with you." Mary told her.

"I thought he was here." Hunter said to her mother.

"You think I'd be here if he was? Did you give him your credit card so he can find them?" She gestures towards Emma and Jason, standing just inside the doorway. Mary looks at them, extremely confused.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked them.

"I'm — I'm his . . ." Emma stuttered.

"The woman who gave him up for adoption." Jason glared at Regina's back as they walked inside the room.

"You don't know anything about this, do you?" Emma asked Mary.

"No, unfortunately not." She goes to her purse and looked in her wallet for her credit card. "Clever boy. I should never have given him that book."

"What in the hell is this book I keep hearing about?" Regina asked them all.

"Just some old stories I gave him. As you well know, Henry is a special boy; so smart, so creative, and as you might be aware, lonely. He needed it." Mary told her.

"What he needs is a dose of reality. This is a waste of time. Have a nice trip back to Boston." Regina walks out in a huff, knocking over a stack of books on the way out making Hunter roll her eyes. Emma bends down to help Mary pick them up. Jason turned to Hunter with his arms cross, still glaring.

"Your mom always a bitch, then?" He asked her.

"Oh, yeah." She answered him, causing him to smirk.

"Sorry to bother you." They turn back to Emma and Mary.

"No, it's — it's okay, I fear this is partially my fault." She told her.

"How's a book supposed to help?" Jason asked her.

"What do you think stories are for? These stories? The classics? There's a reason we all know them. They're a way for us to deal with our world. A world that doesn't always make sense. See, Henry hasn't had the easiest life." They all leave the classroom, walking down the hall.

"Yeah, she's kind of a hard-ass." That cause Hunter to snort.

"No, it's more than her. He's like any adopted child. He wrestles with that most basic question they all inevitably face: why would anyone give me away?" Hunter let out a silent groan at Mary's foot in mouth moment. She turns around to Jason and Emma. "I am so sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean in any way to judge you . . ."

"It's okay." Emma told her when they all knew it really wasn't.

"Look, I gave the book to him because I wanted Henry to have the most important thing anyone can have; hope. Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing." She told them. Emma and Jason glanced at the both of us for a moment.

"You know where he is, don't you?" Jason asked Hunter with a grin.

"Oh, yeah." She smirked, "Try his castle." Hunter turned to Mary. "Come on, lunch's on me." Mary simply rolled her eyes and followed after her friend. When it's time to go home, Hunter climbs up the tree next to her window and slips inside her room to avoid seeing her pissed mother. Hunter picked up a book to read when she heard the front door open and someone running up the stairs. 'Henry's home.' She thought simply and went back to reading. She glances up when her door opens and Henry dashed in. He goes straight to the window and stares out, watching something intensely.

"Henry, what are you doing?" Hunter asked him as she went to sit beside him.
"The clock tower, just watch it." He told her and they sat there, watching the clock tower that never told the time beside 8:15. Hunter let out a gasp of shock when the minute hand moved, Henry grins as the clock shows 8:16.