Renji couldn't help but feel a little excited when he arrived at the school Monday morning. He got there half hour early setting up the oval for an obstacle course. He was putting the crawling net in place when he was distracted by a shadow from the 7:30am sun Renji looked up placing his hand over his eyes as he was approached

"Renji Abarai?"

He dropped his hand when the man stood before him. He was a little gobsmacked looking at the handsome man with warm caramel coloured eyes, slicked back chocolate brown eyes and a very sexy smile.


He asked and held out his hand for him to shake

"Pleasure to meet you. I was told to look for a man with bright red hair and black tattoos"

Renji dropped the shake and let out a chuckle

"Usually it's the asshole that sleeps with everyone"

He became slightly wide eyed his filter didn't always work. He was slightly embarrassed.

"Yes I was informed of your past relationship with Byakuya Kuchiki. It seems the other faculty were witnessed to the end of your relationship"

Renji nodded his head. Unfortunately things had come loose while they were at work and everyone was witnessed to it.

"Yeah not the best moment but you don't have to worry sir. It won't happen again"

Renji looked down and finished spreading out the crawl net. He was reminded of Byakuya again. He felt a hand on his shoulder that made him pause

"I don't advocate inter office relationships Renji but we all...break the rules sometimes"

Renji had been distracted all morning. He kept replaying Aizen's words in his head. He wasn't sure what he meant by it.


Grimmjow yelled at one of the students and grabbed a ball throwing it at him. They weren't the kindest teachers and yet somehow they were actually liked. Grimmjow's loud yelling had bought him out of his trance.

"I think Aizen hit on me"

"Well he works quick it's only nine am. You attract them like honey don't ya"

Renji rose and dropped his brows with a grin

"Dudes love me Grimmjow even the straight ones...but seriously Grimmjow...I think I'm the office slut. I think he actually thinks I'm going to sleep with him"

Renji gave Grimmjow a serious look. He had only slept with Byakuya and Grimmjow but he was starting to feel like a whore and he wasn't even sure he would be able to refuse Aizen if he did want to sleep with him.

"Alright I'll sort this out"

Grimmjow replied and Renji cocked his brow looking at him

"Really? You're gonna fix this and I mean properly without embarrassing me?"

"You trust me don't you?"

"Yeah of course"

There was no doubt about that he really did trust Grimmjow, with his life.


Once the first class was over Renji hit the teachers' lounge. He was really starting to consider quitting his job. He didn't know what was wrong with him, why the hell did he have to have a relationship with Byakuya for? and why was it that almost every second day some part of the school was used as a sex room? He had sex with both Byakuya and Grimmjow at the school. It wasn't the most ideal school to work at but it was his job and he used it as his own personal playground. Renji made his coffee and sat at the table sighing as he pushed through his crimson strands. His next group wasn't until the end of the day so he had time to kill.

"Problem solved, you are no longer the whore and Aizen won't touch you, you're welcome"

Grimmjow said as he sat beside him. Renji looked up, he knew Grimmjow would fix his problem but he didn't think it would happen that quickly.

"Thanks Grimm"

Renji simply replied. He didn't want to know how he fixed it all he cared about was he had and maybe now he had a chance to get a better reputation.

"You look like shit, go home I'll cover for you"

Even Renji couldn't hide that he wasn't feeling his best from Grimmjow but the man did know him rather well. He nodded his head


Renji stood up and grabbed his messenger bag putting it over his shoulder

"I'll see you tonight"

Renji kissed Grimmjow's temple

"Hey I'm gonna be a little late tonight so AH don't wait up"

Great he was going off to fuck some chick or dude again. It was starting to bother Renji that he wasn't enough for him

"Whatever, see you later"

Renji couldn't help but brood over everything. First his bad decisions, dating Byakuya and sending him away, Grimmjow's need to fuck everything and anything. He knew exactly why he cared. Grimmjow was his soul mate they were perfect together and he loved the guy. They could have been happy together but because Grimmjow couldn't keep his dick in his pants and Renji's mind was on Byakuya most of the time they couldn't be together. When Renji got home he had gone straight to his room and to his bed. Holding his phone in his hand he started to text Byakuya he needed to put it to rest. He needed to move on and he couldn't while Byakuya was still lingering even though he had been gone

"Call me I need to talk to you"

Renji read aloud and then hovered his thumb over the send button. He couldn't press it. Byakuya leaving and having no contact with Renji was that closure. Renji put down the phone, ignoring it.

" He left you, he broke your heart, he is the one who left because he didn't love you so get over it already..fuck"

Renji spoke to himself. He really was feeling miserable. He didn't know why he cared so much about someone that didn't care about him.

Renji had fallen asleep at some point and by the time he woke up it was the middle of the night. He could hear Grimmjow's voice in the kitchen. He slid out of bed and made his way into the room

"It was fun alright but I ain't looking for anything serious we fucked that's all it was. Just stay away from Renji alright he ain't a fucking whore ready for the taking"

Renji couldn't believe it Grimmjow had sex with Aizen. He suddenly felt a rage come over him when Grimmjow hung up the phone Renji couldn't help himself he punched Grimmjow in the face

"What the fuck!"

"You fucking asshole. You are no better than Byakuya. You pretend you care about me but you're full of shit! Fuck you!"

Renji grabbed his jacket that rested on the kitchen table and stormed out of the apartment. He didn't know where he was going but he was angry. He didn't care that he was barefoot he was too angry to care about anything. He continued to storm around the streets until he found himself a park bench and took a seat. He tried to breath but he was so enraged it was the first time he had lashed out at Grimmjow. He could have done anything but sleep with Aizen. He knew Grimmjow was a slut and he knew what he was like but stupidly Renji held onto the fact that maybe one day things would be different. The more Renji sat there the calmer he became. He knew Grimmjow was just trying to protect him he just did it the wrong way.

"Hey slugger, nice right hook, look you actually gave me a fat lip"

Renji looked at Grimmjow and his fat busted lip

"Sorry Grimm...I-"

"Hey it's ok you were pissed I get it"

Renji looked down and away he really did feel like a prick for punching Grimmjow.

"So I fucked up...I did sleep with Aizen but I only did it to protect you. See I got this problem..I'm a little possesive over you and when I think some charming sexy dude wants to take you away I get a little defensive"

Renji looked at Grimmjow again

"I don't get it Grimm I mean even you said it yourself we have a perfect relationship. I know that you don't want to settle down but I'm not just some person Grimmjow. It's me. Would it really be so bad?"

Renji asked the man beside him. He could hear the desperation and almost sadness in his own voice. He never sounded like that but he had reached his tether.

"No and that's the problem. It is you. Look I don't wanna break your heart Renj' I don't want it to be that hurts you. I want to be the one that makes you happy and the one that makes you feel loved and not like a cum dumpster but I don't know how to do that"

Renji gave a closed mouth laugh and shook his head

"Grimmjow you do realize that you do make me happy and you do make me feel loved. You have since we were fourteen years old. You worry about something you've never had to worry about"

He heard Grimmjow sigh loudly

"Well shit...after all this time...we could been together for eighteen I coulda saved you from Kuchiki"

" that whole thing about not being about to keep your dick in your pants?"

"Complete bullshit til Aizen you were the only one I was sleeping with. It was just a cover for all that sentimental crap"

Renji looked at Grimmjow with surprise

"I was the only one?"

Before Grimmjow could answer Renji had his arms wrapped around Grimmjow and hugged him tightly