Author's Note
Thank you to everyone who reviewed my last chapter. The fact that people are still interested in this story makes me so happy. Your reviews always motivate me to keep writing, I appreciate every single review, favorite, and follow.
Please enjoy this chapter.
Regina's POV
As soon as I left Maleficent's apartment I made my way to my car, driving at a dangerous speed to my vault. I'm shocked I managed to make it here in one piece, avoiding any accidents.
I know I could have got one of them to transport us all to my vault, but I needed time to think on my own without any interruptions. I don't want to answer several questions, I need to process what's happened. The fact that someone has Emma. My Emma.
If I wasn't so goddam focused on Robin, Emma would have been with me and I would have been able to keep her safe. I would have snapped the persons neck before they even reached her. Whoever has her wouldn't have been able to get close.
The mansion is protected by several protection spells, I am the Evil Queen after all. Someone would have to be really powerful to break through them, and if they did, I would know. I would feel the barriers being broken no matter where I was in this godforsaken town.
If she doesn't make it out of this, I will never forgive myself. I won't be able to survive this, survive losing her. I cursed a whole kingdom because I lost Daniel. This town thinks me cursing them to forget their memories for 30 years was evil? That them being stuck having in door plumbing, and new technology was evil? I could have killed Snow White if I really wanted to. Before and after I enacted the curse. I could have easily killed Snow before Rumple put a protection spell on her. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I gave her a poison apple to put her in an endless sleep. I could have killed her there and then. I wanted her to suffer, something that took me a while to realise. I didn't want to kill her, I wanted her to feel my pain.
The few who truly know me know the way I love, and hate is on a spectrum that many people will never reach or understand. If she is taken away from me, then this town will truly have someone to fear. I will burn this town to ash. Until there is nothing left. Whoever has Emma will understand why I was called the Evil Queen; I will remind this town why I was called the Evil Queen. That not even they have experienced the magnitude of my power.
They think because I tried to 'kill' Snow I am evil? At the time I believed Snow was the only reason Daniel died. I wanted revenge against someone who killed my fiancé. That was normal in those times, people have been killed for less. I was only considered evil because Snow gave me that title. My kingdom flourished, better than it had under previous monarchs' rule. I gave harsh sentences to those who deserved it, whether people believed they were fair or not is irrelevant.
I will make them realise why the term Evil Queen was never warranted. I will make them realise the destruction I can cause at the flick of my wrist. That what they experienced is nothing compared to what I could do.
The fact that the 'Evil Queen' caused so much fear and I wasn't using my full power, I don't want to think about what will happen if I did. Knowing I will easily give in to the darkness I fought so hard to get rid of scares me. That Henry will see the person he once feared.
He has never met the Evil Queen, he thinks he has, but he hasn't. The person he thought was the Evil Queen is nothing like the reality, or what will happen if I lose Emma. Another reason why I need to find her.
I know the darkness will always be a part of me, the 'Evil Queen' has gotten me through the darkest parts of my life, but she has also hindered me in several ways. I am so different from what I once was that it is so easy to see the Evil Queen as another person. I haven't given into the darkness in so long, if I was to give into it now, I don't know if I will be able to come back from it.
I am not the Evil Queen anymore; I don't thirst for revenge the way I once did. Nor am I the young naive girl who craves for love and acceptance, but both are still a part of me. The fact that I am so quick to forget the self-control I have learnt over the years shows the Evil Queen will always be part of me. The fact that I have taken Robin back several times, regardless of all he has done shows that there will always be a part of me that will always crave love and acceptance.
Mother made sure of that. That was the one trait she never wanted to get rid of, because she knew she could use this to manipulate me and allow others to do the same if it benefited her. I will always want those two things: love and acceptance. No matter how hard I try to tell myself otherwise, that naïve girl remains.
The girl who will take these two things from anyone who is willing to give it. Which usually ends up being the wrong person, my mother, Rumple, Maleficent, the list goes on. Maleficent is probably one of the few people in my past who hasn't used this against me. However, when I first met her, I knew the story of her cursing a baby to an eternal sleep. I was still 'innocent' when I met Mal, so that fact alone should have sent me running in the opposite direction, nevertheless I still wanted her approval.
Not saying she didn't have her reasons for doing what she did whether just or not. 'Hero's' love to only tell half of the story, regardless I shouldn't have wanted her approval. I even prayed for the king's approval when I was at my lowest, stupid enough to believe that if he loved me his abuse would stop. A fact I don't want to dwell on.
There are a few people I have put my love and trust in who have not let me down. Who wanted nothing in return for such precious gifts. Henry and Emma are the few people I can trust to be there for me and expect nothing in return. Maleficent is also someone I can trust regardless of our complex history, like me cursing her for 30 years.
As much as I love daddy, even he let me down. I hate to admit it and I probably will never admit it out loud, but he also failed me due to his fear. I understand why he was fearful; everyone was fearful of Cora.
Even Henry had his moments when he gave up on me, not that I blame him at all. But Emma, Emma is different. No matter how many times I push her away she always comes back. She has always fought for me no matter what. Has always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself.
She has saved my life and soul on so many occasions, wanting nothing in return other than my friendship. She wants to fix the broken pieces of my fragile heart, and for me to accept her and the broken pieces that also reside within her.
She has fought Cora when no one else has. Has fought any other person who has threaten to hurt me in any way whether human or not. She has put me first when nobody else has, even if it could mean potentially losing her own life or those she cares about. We have both put our lives on the line for each other or Henry. She cares for me in a way no one has in my life. She understands the darkness and how it can consume someone whole.
I know Daniel loved me with all his heart and I loved him just as much, but he has only seen the naïve girl I once was. The girl who believed I could run away from my problems; that as long as I had love, true love, then everything would be OK.
That girl doesn't exist anymore, yet Emma still accepts me. Emma doesn't just want the girl I used to be, or the 'Evil Queen', she wants all of me; the good and the bad. She doesn't want me to change myself, she accepts all of me. She wants the women I am today. Something I have wished for decades; to find someone who just wants me for me.
And most importantly; she loves me. She loves me even though I don't deserve her love. I have said many times that Hook doesn't deserve her, but deep down I know I don't either. She deserves someone who is good and not destructive like me or manipulative like Hook. She needs someone who can give her a healthy relationship, who can love her in a healthy manner. My love runs too deep and it's so destructive. It's one of my best traits as well as my worst. The fact that I love so hard. She needs someone who is not afraid of love the way I am, who is not traumatised by loss. It's one of the reasons why I settled for Robin.
Even knowing this, that Emma is too good for me I still want her. I still want to fight for her, to prove myself worthy for the both of us. Now that I have finally admitted to myself that I love Emma Swan, and she has admitted her feelings for me, I won't stand by and let someone else take Emma's heart. I won't be able to let Hook or anyone else take her away from me. The thought of her with someone else hurts my heart in a way I haven't felt in years, and to know that Emma must have felt this way when I chose Robin makes me sick. I just know once I find Emma, I will treat her the way she deserves to be treated. Like the princess she is. I would also love to see the look on her face at me referring her to a princess that should be courted.
If I am not able to prove myself to Emma… If we were to end things like this; with her thinking I don't care about her, or her thinking she is someone for me to use when I need a distraction... If Emma was to die, there would be no light left. Any light magic I have in me, the parts that the darkness was unable to reach would be consumed. I don't even think the Evil Queen would be left, because even the Evil Queen cared regardless of what others think. I just know whatever is left would be far worse than the Evil Queen, because even the evil queen had limits. The same way Snow, the King, my mother, and Rumple helped me create the so called 'Evil Queen', whoever has Emma will create something much worse.
Just the thought that Emma is suffering makes me want to tear this hold town to shreds, until there is nothing left. The fact that our bond is clearly being blocked by unnatural sources, lets me know that what I am feeling is nothing compared to what Emma is going through. I even feel selfish for supressing the pain, Emma does not get to suppress the pain so why should I be able to? She is in this position because of me, she left the mansion because of me. I don't even want to know what they're doing to cause this much pain. I have experienced and have implemented torture, but I have never experienced anything like this before.
I am worried about not being able to survive this, but how will Emma?
If. No, when I find her, how will she be able to come back from this? What if she thinks I abandoned her? Apart of me is afraid of what I will find when I do find her. The time when her pain was so strong all I could think about was death, how easy it would be to accept death over the pain. The thought alone makes my heart race, that I was so close to ending my life due to Emma's projected feelings. The fact that Emma knows that she can't die, that she can't just pull out her heart the same way I did, I don't know what that will do to her mentally. One thing I can promise is I will avenge Emma; whoever has Emma will beg and plead for their death by the time I'm done with them.
I will not give up on Emma. I will find her; this pain will not keep me from her. I can't give up on Emma because she has never given up on me, no matter the circumstance. No matter what happens I will find Emma and I will help her through this.
Not wanting to continue to let my dark thoughts take over me, I make my way further into my vault. Going to where I place my most valuable objects; Pulling out a small black box, a sadistic smirk falls over my face as the box opens revealing a black leather cuff.
I turn around at the sound of Maleficent's voice.
"She better be here. I don't know why she didn't just let us use our magic to transport the three of us here together"
"Someone clearly loves the sound of their own voice"
I walk up to the two Queens.
"What is there not to love, it is quite angelic. You should know, didn't you try to impersonate me so you could steal the little mermaids voice? What do they say in this realm? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Yes, I believe that is the saying"
"Please, don't fatter yourself"
"I don't need to when I have you"
"Get over yourself. In regard to my methods of transport, I had my reasons, ones that I do not need to explain to you"
I need her help I chant in my head like a ritual.
"So, did you bring the things we will need? Every second I waste Emma suffers"
"Yes, we brought everything. Do you think you will be able to handle your sister without your magic? I don't think it would be wise to remove the suppressant before it runs its course" The concern was clear in Maleficent's voice.
"As long as you do your part, I'll be fine"
"Here" I give the magical cuff to Maleficent.
"Make sure you put this on Zelena's wrist"
"I know what this is regina, I know how it works"
"Good. So, you won't mess up then"
"Is it really necessary to take her powers away?"
I don't know why Maleficent cares weather I take Zelena's magic away or not, it's not like Zelena would hesitate to kill her.
"It will only supress them, you know that"
"Yes, but you know it doesn't feel like that. The cuff feels like your magic has been ripped from you, stolen. It's a violation Regina"
"Well, maybe I would care if she didn't try to kill me and my family on several occasions"
"What's stopping her from just cutting off her wrist. I would cut my wrist off if I knew it would take the cuff off, and I know both you and Maleficent would do it to. What's stopping your sister from doing the same, she seems like the type. It's not like she wouldn't be able to heal herself"
"I made changes to the cuff a while ago, only I can take it off and I will let her know that. So, unless she wants to risk bleeding to death, she will hold off on cutting her own limbs off. Now can we find my sister please?"
They both give a brief nod in response.
Surprisingly we worked cohesively as we created the locating spell. It wasn't long before I was adding my blood into the potion to activate the magic. I watch as the potion bubbles and turns red. Both Maleficent and Ursula pour part of the red bubbling liquid into cups before taking large gulps of the liquid. A few minutes had passed as I waited in silence for them to find Zelena's location. Every minute that passed felt like hours. All I could think of is how Emma is currently suffering with every minute that passes.
"I. I don't feel anything. I can't sense her. I'm sorry Regina"
I refuse to accept the pity in Maleficent's voice.
Why does it sound like she's ready to give up?!
"Try again!"
I could see the concentration on Maleficent's face as she tried to search for my sister. Both Ursula and Maleficent's bodies began to tremble as they used their magic to locate my sister.
Ursula let out a gasp before reaching to grabbing Maleficent's arm to prevent herself from connecting with the floor. Maleficent's concentration immediately broken as she brought Ursula into her arms. The affection Maleficent showed Ursula was the only thing that stopped me from demanding her to continue the locating spell.
"I found her" Ursula says breathless, as if she has just run a marathon.
Not waiting for a response; we were all surrounded by Ursula's magic before we all appeared in front of a small house just outside of town.
"Now what? We found her but we used a lot of magic to get here and she clearly has a protection barrier up" Ursula states clearly winded, leaning into Maleficent's hold.
"Well, I didn't ask you to transport us as soon as you found her"
"Like you would have allowed me to galivant around once I found your sisters location. The magic she's using to cloak herself is strong. If I let go of the location for even a second, we wouldn't be here right now"
She's right; I would have demanded we to went Zelena as soon as her location was found. I didn't think this out as well as I could have. Not that I will let her know that, but I don't know what they want from me. All I want to do is find Emma, of course my judgement is slightly clouded.
"She would have used most of her magic on the cloaking spell, I don't expect this barrier to be that strong. Both you and Mal should be able to take it down. Once the barrier is down, I will then face my sister. She will be shocked that not only was I able to find her, but also take down her barrier. We will be able to use that to our advantage"
"You seem to be taking a lot of the credit for someone who did nothing" Ursula states rolling her eyes.
"You can take all the credit you like once my sister is detained" I hiss out.
I take a deep breath trying to calm the rage I could feel burning inside of me.
"Once Zelena is distracted Maleficent, you will put the cuff on"
"And what's stopping her from killing you as soon as she realises what's happening?"
"I appreciate your concern Mal, but I know my sister. She won't kill me-"
"Are you sure?! You must not be talking about the same Zelena. From what I heard she threw you into the clock tower" Ursula laughs out.
"And into a car" Maleficent says in a bored tone.
"Apparently, she also threw you across the street like a rag doll, and you think she won't take the chance to try and kill you again? Don't be delusional"
"OK. You've both made your points"
"Regina, you had magic when those events took place. Me and Ursula are not trying to say these things to piss you off"
"Speak for yourself, I'm hoping she will see sense. Oh, and please don't forget that she almost choked you to death in front of the whole town"
"Yes, we've had our fights, but I am still here am I not. I won in the end and I will win now. Her need to always give a speech will forever be her downfall"
"Seems like a trait that runs in the family" Ursula says under her breath.
Before I could comment on Ursula's words Maleficent interjected.
"Ursula will go with you"
"Who? Volunteer yourself thank you. If Regina wants to put her life at risk that's fine, but don't put her life on my hands. I don't need the whole charming clan coming after me because she decided to go get herself killed"
"Like I told Maleficent, your concern is much appreciated" The sarcasm and irritation clear in my voice.
"If you're too scared to take on my sister then you can leave"
"Scared? Don't insult me. You're sister maybe powerful, but not that powerful"
"So, are you going to help or not? Is that not why you're here?" The very little patience I had for the sea bitch was quickly diminishing with every word she said.
Ursula looked at Maleficent, both having a conversation without having to say any words.
"Are you really questioning my help? You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me"
"I'm going to take that as a yes"
"Like I said, I don't want to miss the action"
"Now that has been established for the hundredth time. Would you shut up and take this goddam barrier down?"
"You know, you might want to be nicer to the people who are helping you. I know Ursula can be a bit… Challenging, but we're trying to help you. Please don't forget that"
Ignoring Maleficent's words and Ursula's smug look, I move to the side and I watch as they used their magic to break down the barrier. If Emma wasn't in trouble, I would question the newfound dynamic between them.
Like I predicted the magical barrier was not a strong as the cloaking spell and it was down within seconds. Once I was able to cross the barrier I walked forward with purpose, Ursula not far behind me.
Surprised that Zelena hadn't made her presence known as soon as the barrier was taken down. Deciding I no longer wanted to play her little game, I make my way to the front door knocking as hard as I could.
"Enough games Zelena! I know you're here!"
"Clearly we're not going for the surprise tactic"
Ignoring Ursula's words, I continue to pound at the door.
"I don't have time for this. I said I wanted some action; I didn't come here to talk to a door" With a wave of her hand the front door viciously swung open. The door now hanging off its hinges.
We both walk further into the small house.
"Regina, so nice of you to come over. Is all the shouting really necessary?"
I quickly turn around to face the voice I have come to despise
"Did you come to see how your niece or nephew was doing? I can see you brought one of your hero friends"
"Hero? Please never refer me as a hero or put me and hero in the same sentence"
"I'm sorry who are you again? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Who you are is irrelevant to me, I could care less who you are. Nevertheless, since you decided to join my baby sister who always thinks she's powerful enough to take me on, you can also die with her"
Ursula lets out a dark laugh before walking towards Zelena.
"I'll like to see you try"
Zelena smirks, and before I could process what was happening, I felt my body being lifted off the ground and thrown before my body collided with the nearest wall.
"What is it with you and throwing Regina around like a rag doll? I'm starting to think you have a fetish. I'm surprise she doesn't have brain damage" Ursula throws a fire ball at Zelena that she easily deflects before throwing her own.
Zelena lets out a cackle throwing several fire balls at both me and Ursula like a maniac.
I Just about manage to doge the fireball that was thrown my way, flinging my body to the side to avoid the flames.
she quickly beings to gain the upper hand, as Ursula tries to deflect the fire balls thrown both my way and hers.
Where the hell is Maleficent?
A fire ball almost hitting Ursula in the chest, her quick turn causes the magic to hit her arm.
"Damn it" Ursula grabs her injured arm.
"What's wrong? Not as powerful as you thought you were? Don't worry, this is a lesson I've had to teach my sister many times"
Zelena threw out her arms, using her magic to send Ursula flying through the wall into the next room. Large pieces of the wall flying everywhere due to the impact.
Stepping through the hole she just created, Zelena walks towards Ursula as if she was ready to devour her prey, like she was ready to go in for the kill.
"Now look what you made me do. My living room is ruined. I actually liked that table"
Zelena gestures to the broken wood that was now beneath Ursula's body.
Without thinking I charge towards Zelena, as fast as my injured body with allow, using my body to throw us both to the ground.
Ursula wipes the blood that ran down her mouth before letting a growl. Before Zelena could react octopus like tentacles quickly extend out to grab Zelena by her neck, squeezing tightly while the other tentacle wrapped around Zelena's body holding her hostage on the floor. Before she could use her magic to free herself, Maleficent appeared in a black cloud and before the cloud was clear she put the cuff on Zelena's wrist.
"NO!" Zelena struggled against Ursula's hold.
"Well it took you long enough! Were the hell were you when I was being thrown into walls?"
"I was waiting for the right time. Plus, I thought you could take her. I know not to be so optimistic next time"
"Maybe leave the optimism for the heroes" Ursula raises to her feet brushing off the debris on her cloths.
"As much as I would love to hear your lovers spat-"
"Yes, we know we're wasting precious time. We get it. Could I at least get a thank you for saving your life multiple times?"
I look down at Zelena before looking back at Ursula.
"Of course, you will think your little body slam makes us even"
"Unhand me. You filthy piece of-"
"You know you might want to think twice about insulting the person who has you by the neck" Ursula tightens her hold on Zelena's neck to prove her point. Bringing the witch to her feet so that she was suspended a few inches off the floor.
"Just kill me. What are you waiting for?!" Zelena manages to hiss out despite the hold on her neck.
She thinks if she hurt Emma, I would give her a quick death, no it would be slow and painful.
"You think I came all this way to give you an easy death?" I laugh out ignoring the look Maleficent was giving me.
I don't need her approval. Whether she approves of what I do right now is irrelevant.
"Tell me were Emma is and I may consider making a quick end to your worthless life"
Zelena continued to struggle against Ursula's hold, clearly struggling to breathe let alone talk.
"Let her go" I demanded.
I watched as Zelena's body fell to the floor and I couldn't help the satisfaction I felt as her body hit the floor hard. I could see she was trying to show that the impact did not affect her, that she wasn't in pain. I watched as she tried to even out her breaths while trying to get as much oxygen into her lungs as possible.
I walk up to my long-lost sister kneeling down before grabbing her hair tightly and tilting her head up, so she was looking directly at me.
"I will only ask you this one more time. Where. Is. Emma Swan"
I tighten my hold on her hair, digging my nails into her scalp.
No matter how hard she tried to hide her pain I could see through her mask.
"Why would I have the saviour? What would I want with her?" She hissed out.
"You expect me to believe you have nothing to do with Miss Swan's disappearance?! Ever since you came to Storybrooke you have tried to ruin my life in every way possible. You've threatened my family, my life, and anyone I love and hold dear to me on more than one occasion. I should kill you right now. It would be so easy; you don't have your magic right now"
"Regina" I could hear the clear warning in Maleficent's voice.
"As much as I hate to admit it, the charming's have made you apart of their hero clan-" Maleficent states clearly trying to prevent me from reverting back to my dark ways.
"Hero be damned"
"Regina, Henry wouldn't want you to kill her" Maleficent tries to reason with me.
"She has threatened Henry's life! Why should I spare her life when she just tried to kill me moments ago?!"
"Yes, please kill me. Take another one of Robin's family members away. I wonder how him, your son, and the rest of the town will feel once they find out you were responsible for the death of an unborn child. I am sure that will erase your hero title"
My free hand immediately wraps around her neck despite her words and I begin to squeeze at her neck in blind rage.
"Regina, she's with child" I barely hear Maleficent say, focus on squeezing the life out of my sister.
Maleficent tries to grab hold of my arm, trying to pull my hold from her neck however this action only causes me to tighten my hold, and it's only until I see the genuine fear in my sisters' eyes that I let go.
I step back in shock as I watch Zelena grasp at her neck letting out harsh coughs as she gasped for air a second time.
Shocked that I could have ended her life if I held on just a little bit longer. That I could have ended an innocent life in the process due to my rage. Regardless of what I feel for Zelena, her unborn child is innocent. They don't deserve to have their life taken away because of their mother's actions.
I close both of my hands into fists, bring them to the side of my body to stop them from shaking.
I've never physically hurt a child before, even when I was at my worse. The thought I that I came so close today makes me sick.
"Just tell me were Emma is"
Zelena protectively puts her hand on her stomach.
"I don't know" She barely manages out.
Not trusting myself to get close to her again I look at both Ursula and Maleficent.
"Search everywhere. She has to be somewhere. Mal, you search the perimeter and Ursula you search the rest of the house. I'll watch her"
"Maybe you should search the rest of the house and I'll watch her" Ursula suggested and Maleficent agreed, clearly not trusting me to be alone with Zelena. Not that I blame them after what just happened.
"You'll both be able to get through any remaining magical barriers that maybe still up. You'll also be able to sense any magical presence or beings better than I can right now. I won't do anything"
They both reluctantly leave the room without another word.
"If I knew the saviour would get this reaction out of you, I would have killed her instead of Marian" Her voice strained due to the damage both me and Ursula inflicted on her neck.
I take a step back creating more space between us, not rising to the bait.
"You know I didn't think you had it in you sister" She emphasises the term sister mockingly.
"I knew you would eventually let that hero persona go, but I didn't think you were the type to kill children, an unborn child at that. Then again, Snow White did have to send her daughter away so I should have known better. I wonder what your so-called hero friends would think knowing you tried to kill my defenceless child. I'm sure they would gladly give you your title back as the Evil Queen".
No matter how much I try to block out and ignore her words, they get to me.
"I haven't. I don't kill children; I never have, and I never will. I wasn't going to kill Snow's child and I won't kill yours. No matter what you have done your child is innocent"
"You think I don't know the reason why you won't harm my child is because of Robin?!"
She slowly stands up to her feet.
"That the reason why you stopped was because of your so-called soulmate. You think I don't know of Robin's plan to take my child away from me?!"
Her hands go to her stomach as if she was trying to shield the unborn child of the chaos around her. "That once I give birth to my child I will be killed, so you and Robin can play happy families" She walks towards me with purpose. With every step she takes I could feel her anger radiating off her in large waves.
"I will kill both of you before I let you take my baby from me. You won't take the one person who will choose me before anyone else!"
I look at her dead in the eye, making sure she was looking directly at me before responding.
"I'm not here to take your child, I know how it feels to have someone come in and try to take your child away. I don't plan to do that to you. Now if you were a threat to said child then precautions will be made"
"And who are you to decide if I will be a threat to my child or not?" She hisses out, her face only inches away from my own.
"I didn't say I would be the judge and the jury"
"But you would be the one to make the final decision. You're just like everyone else, you are no different. I know you want to take my child away; you will use the fact that I am a 'villain' to justify yourself"
I shake my head, tired of this one-sided fight and hatred.
Apart of me wants to know what happened to Zelena, wants to know what she meant about me being like everyone else. But we don't have that relationship, that sibling bond where you confide in each other. From her statement and her obsession with me, she clearly didn't have the best life.
"Zelena we have had enough hurt in both of our lives to last us a lifetime. I won't let my niece or nephew go through what I did with Cora"
"You don't get to make that decision"
"Well you should have thought about that before you decided to come back into my town. Before you decided that your revenge was more important. I don't want your child, and I don't want Robin-"
"Well Robin says otherwise"
"He doesn't speak for me"
"Trouble in paradise?" She smirks stepping back, clearly waiting for a reaction, when she didn't get one, she continues"
"Well I can't pretend like I'm shocked. You know sleeping with someone's sister would put a strain on anyone's relationship"
I take a deep breath.
"I am not here to discuss mine and Robins relationship. I am here for the saviour"
"This again? I don't have the idiot. One would think you know your sister better. If I had her you would know, I am not the secretive type. I don't care who knows my plans, if anything, I love telling you what I am going to do. I love watching you scramble as you try to find a way to stop me"
As much as I know what she is saying is true, I don't want to listen to logic and reason. If she doesn't have Emma then I am right back at the beginning, not knowing were she is.
"Just give her up Zelena, your barriers have been broken down. Your magic is neutralised-
"Because you took it away! Your just like. Like-"
"Like whom Zelena?!"
"You have no right to take my magic away!"
Before I could react the back of her hand connected with the side of my face, her nails scratching against my face.
In a rage I grab both of her hands pushing her harshly towards the nearest wall.
"Well maybe if you just left me alone and stayed outside the town line you would still have your magic. If you left the saviour alone, you would still have your magic!"
"How many times do I have to tell you? I. Do. Not. Have. Your. Precious. Saviour!"
"You're lying!" I tighten my hold on her arms, tight enough to leave bruises.
"You're pathetic" She laughs out.
"And to think mother kept you"
As soon as the words left her mouth, it was as if something snapped within me.
I could feel my whole body shake with rage and I roughly let go of her hands stepping back before I do something I regret for the rest of my life. I grab the nearest thing next to me before throwing it only a few inches away from her face. The glass vase shattered into millions of pieces as it connected with the wall and she flinches in clear shock and fear.
"Why did you have to come back?! You could have started fresh; you could have started a new family with Robin and Roland. Yet you come back for what? This false idea that my life was rainbows and sunshine's. That mother was this amazing woman who just wanted what was best for her daughter. How could you be so naïve? You hear what I became, you have heard the stories of the Evil Queen, yet you think my life was amazing. That I was this spoilt princess who was ungrateful to her mother?" The disgust clear in my voice.
How can she be so stupid?
I close the gap between us that I created.
"Cora was abusive. She groomed me so she could sell me off to the highest bidder. She abused me emotionally and physically for power! She sold me to a man she would have married herself! A man she would have married if It wasn't for you! If anything, I should hate you"
I frustratedly run my hands through my hair.
"She sold me to King Leopard for power"
Even saying his name makes me sick. I have not said his name in so long, hearing it come out of my mouth almost feels like poison going down my throat.
"I love my father but even he was not strong enough to stop Cora's abuse, and this is what your jealous of? Of a mother who abused her child and a father who stood by and watched it happen? Cora killed my fiancé right in front of my face. Just so she could take the last bit of hope in my life away before she sold me off, so I wouldn't fight or resist. I had to raise a child while being a child myself. The same child who could not keep a simple secret that lead to my fiancé's death. A child who was so self-centred she could not see the abuse that her own father inflicted onto her precious stepmother.
You wanted to be Queen so bad, for what? To marry someone three times your age. To be trapped in a castle with no one in your corner. To be forced to lay with someone who is old enough to be your great grandfather. To have the people not like you because you couldn't make your abuser happy? To still be considered a terrible Queen even though the kingdom flourished under your rule?
You're delusional, a part of me hopes you get what you want. That you get to live my life, so you can finally understand. You think I'm weak? The fact that you can do all of this because your jealous? You wouldn't have lasted a year under Cora or the King". I laugh out an empty laugh.
"They would have destroyed you" I whisper into her ear.
"We couldn't find the saviour" Maleficent announces both her and Ursula's presence.
"What happened?" Maleficent questions the scratch marks going down the side of my face.
Ignoring them both I turn back to my sister.
"Maybe being suck in this farmhouse will give you a minuscule idea of how it felt to be trapped in that castle. Oh, and you might want to hold off on cutting any limbs off, doing so won't bring your magic back, but please be my guess and try test this theory"
I turn to face the queens of darkness.
"Let's go"
"That's it?" The shock in Ursula's voice was easily detected.
"She's not here"
If they couldn't find Emma and Zelena has not gloated even once about having the saviour, then it's unlikely that she is here. Which means I've wasted, and I am currently wasting valuable time.
Not waiting for there response I make my way out of the small house.
"Please put barriers up to prevent anyone from coming in or out. She doesn't have magic so the magic stopping her from leaving doesn't have to be strong"
Trusting that despite how drained or tired they maybe, they will do as I ask.
I walk ahead taking deep breaths as I fight the tears that threatened to fall down my face.
It wasn't long before the barrier was up around the house.
Emma should have been here. Why wasn't she here?!
I should have known that she wasn't here. As soon as I saw the look of confusion on Zelena's face regarding Emma, that should have been enough confirmation. As soon as Zelena's magic was blocked that should have been enough to tell me Emma wasn't here, she wouldn't have been able to block me and Emma's blood bond without her magic. Even though I would have not been able to feel Emma due to my magic being supressed, she would have been able to feel me, and I know she would have come to me.
"Well at least she won't starve in there, the amount of food she has in each room is worrying" Ursula tries to lighten the dim mood.
Sighing I turn around to face both women.
"I know I have asked you to use a lot of magic today, but I still need your help. I don't know where Emma is and the only way to find her is through the blood bond. I really wanted her to be with Zelena because It makes everything easy, but of course nothing is ever easy for me"
"Were here to help Regina, we will do everything we can" Maleficent reassures me; Her way of telling me not to worry about the amount of magic they've used.
Once again, we were in back in my vault back to square one.
For once can't things be simple!
I just. I don't know if I have the strength to go through that pain again. What if I'm not strong enough to find Emma?
"Are you ready?" I flinch at Maleficent's soft touch.
"You know we don't have to do this Regina; we can keep looking for the saviour"
"We don't have time" I breathe out defeated.
"OK. The suppressant potion should run out within a few hours"
"I need to do this now; I can't wait any longer Mal. She needs me now, who knows what their doing to her"
It wasn't long before Maleficent was passing me a clear potion, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought it was water.
"Just focus on Emma, the blood bond will do the rest. Me and Ursula will do our best to minimise any potential pain"
I take the clear liquid from Maleficent's hand, quickly downing the clear liquid.
I wait for something to happen, anything. Yet I feel nothing. No pain, no bone breaking feeling. Nothing. And I feel my chest begin to rapidly rise and fall in panic as my mind tries to process what this could mean.
I wasn't sure which Queen called my name.
It felt like I couldn't breathe.
"I can't feel her. I can't-"
"Regina calm down. Just breathe"
"I should be able to feel something, anything!"
Frustrated at myself for letting them see me like this, so close to breaking down.
"What if she's dead? What if we took too long and she's gone? What if they figured out how to kill a Hybrid?"
"We will find her Regina"
"You don't know that! I should have used the blood bond from the beginning. You should have let me-"
Before I could finish my sentence, searing pain shot all over my body.
"Emma" I Scream out in pain, yet there was a sense of relief at the pain I was feeling. This pain lets me know I still have a chance to save Emma.
My relief quickly being clouded by the pain. It felt like someone was running several blades against my body. Every breath I took felt like someone was clawing their hands down my throat.
"Focus on Emma Regina!"
The voice says sounding so far away.
Confused about what I was being asked, all I could think about was this never-ending pain.
I drop to my knees as the pain intensifies.
"Focus Regina!" A voice calls out before another one follows.
"Emma needs you. You need to focus on the goddam saviour or this would have been for nothing"
"I. I can't"
"You can Regina. As much as I make fun of you and the saviour, your bond is like nothing I have ever seen. You have to focus; you have to do this for Emma, or you will lose her"
I try to do what the voice is telling me to do, I try to focus on Emma and doing so just causes more pain.
I let out another scream as my body convulses.
I just want the pain to stop.
"Emma!" I scream out her name repeatedly.
Praying that somehow, she will hear my screams, that she will hear me calling out for her.
I try to focus on anything other than the pain. I try to remember all of our times together.
I think about when she first came to Storybrooke with Henry by her side. The way she said hi, how nervous she looked. How she was the first person to challenge me in years, decades. I remember the first time we used magic together, how our magic just fit simultaneously. I think of all the things we have done together with our magic, how we were able to move a moon together, open portals. Something you only hear about in storybooks. I remember our first kiss; how passionate it was. And I remember the hurt look in her face after we were intimate, a look that I never want to see again.
"Please! Just let me go! I won't hurt anyone, I promise! Please!"
I snap my head up at a painful speed. Praying my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.
I let out a gasp at the view in front of me. The blood. There was so much blood.
Author's Note
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to leave a review on your way out.