This is going to be a collection of shorter stories, though I noticed that I am not the best at keeping it short. This first chapter was supposed to be a one shot, but I couldn't do it :D But, well, you'll live, I guess.

I think I'm going to do this without betaring, I know how much work it is and my beta can't keep up :D So if it is too bad, tell me and I'll search for a better solution :)

I can do this, I can do this, I can't... Kurt was entering the dentist's office. The 19 year old had been in pain for a while, but his fear had kept him from making the appointment. For most people a visit was uncomfortable, for him it was just about unbearable. If it wasn't for Rachel, he wouldn't be here. He would still be at home, living off painkillers, like he had been for a few weeks. Rachel had noticed his changes and somehow figured out what was wrong, made the appointment behind his back and dropped him off at the office.

"Hello, dear, how may I help you?", the blond receptionist asked sweetly. Even through his fear, Kurt instantly felt a like for the young man.

Kurt was standing in the door, up until now he had been unsure to enter, now there was no choice. He was an adult for god's sake. He could handle this. He took a deep breath and went closer to the reception. "I'm Kurt Hummel, I am here for an appointment...", it didn't sound as keen as he intended to, but Kurt was okay with it. He was happy about even getting the few words out.

"Oh, hello, Kurt. I am Jeff. Yes, you are, I see. I'd like you to fill out these.", he handed some paperwork to Kurt, who had put out his hand in a receiving manner. "You don't have to be nervous, Blaine is really nice." Jeff said with a wink.

Great... Is it that easy to see? Kurt thought, gulping.

Kurt was walking to one of the comfortable chairs in the waiting area, sluggishly. He couldn't help his anxiousness and, even though he knew it wouldn't help, he filled out everything very slowly. The time cushion was too big, anyway, and he handed the paper to the receptionist, still having a few minutes. At least Kurt thought so. Shortly after he had sat back down he saw a rather short man, probably under thirty, with gelled back hair walking out of one of the rooms in the back.

"Great, see you in six months, then.", a skinny girl said, shaking the man's hand.

"I'll be looking forward to it.", the main said smiling and even waving a slight goodbye as the girl was leaving.

He waited for her to leave, before he got up to the front. "Hey, Jeff. I got finished quicker than expected and I see my new patient is here all ready?"

Jeff nodded, then, having lowered his voice, so Kurt couldn't hear he talked to Blaine. "He seems rather scared and I could not find any documents of anything later than 2004."

Blaine smiled knowingly. "I guess it is good that we have some extra time on hand, then.", he said in the same, quiet, voice.

He turned around, clapped his hand's and spoke up, waking Kurt up from his thoughts of leaving. "Hello, there.", he smiled at the boy sitting there, all shaky.

Kurt felt week. He had actually not eaten a lot over the last few days and the lack of food wasn't helping his thoughts. He took a deep breath, before he felt well enough to start speaking. "Hello, Dr." He was aware of his voice trembling, but there was not point in trying to fight it.

"Hi. Would you mind coming back with me?", Blaine said, pointing to another room. "Oh and call me Blaine."

Actually Kurt did mind. It was one point knowing that he was in a dentist's office, it was another seeing everything. But he did follow.

The room looked quite nice. Well, it did from a rational point of view. It did awaken memories in Kurt, he had put so much effort in to forget. He felt a tear building up in his eye, and he wiped it of swiftly. Blaine had entered the room already, while Kurt was still hesitating.

"We have time, I won't do anything yet. How about this, you sit down in this chair...", Blaine patted a chair that was standing on a wall, "and we just talk?"

Kurt nodded. He had promised, not only to Rachel, but also to himself, that he was going to try. He entered and sat down. Blaine got a stool and moved it quickly, so he was facing Kurt, now.

"Your friend has booked you in for a longer time sloth, we have time, just talk to me. What makes you this scared?",

Kurt thought about it for a few moments. Not that he hadn't done this before, but it changed with everything he thought of. "It is everything... I don't like the tools, the smell, the noises... But I think it is the pain that makes me the most scared..." He shrugged.

Blaine nodded. "I get all of this a lot. But we can do something about everything. I don't have to use all the scary tools, the noises can be covered by music. About the smells... Take a deep breath for me."

That was a weird command, but Kurt obeyed. He expected to be hit by the scent of the torture chamber, this pesky clean smell that only doctor's offices had but it didn't really come.

Blaine must have noticed Kurt's confused expression, when he smelled the air around him. "I know, it is unexpected not to smell the strong smell. But, really, we just used a different scented sterilising liquid.", Blaine said, actually chuckling. Kurt liked this man, despite his profession. "And, believe me, it is really hard to be in pain with modern techniques, so that is the only thing you don't have to face at all. And, keep in mind, you control the situation. We don't do anything you don't allow to be done. You can't always stop. And don't hesitate to stop me. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in any way, so if you can't do it, you can always say stop or raise your hand. Okay?"

Kurt didn't feel great, but yeah, he was okay with that. "Yes..." He said slowly. "I think I can handle it."

Blaine grinned. "Sounds great. I understand that you have been avoiding this for a while?"

Kurt nodded.

"About how long has it been? You don't have to tell me, but it might help." Blaine said carefully.

That was another thing Kurt feared. Would Blaine judge him? "I know, it is way too long, but I must have been nine. That would be 10 years... I am not sure, maybe a little more, maybe a little less..." Kurt new that he was about to tear up and Blaine seemed to notice as well.

"Don't worry, it is okay. Well, I would like to to take on regular check ups from now, but the important thing is that you came here, now." He smiled and Kurt couldn't help but lift the corners of his mouth, too. "Are you doing okay?"

Kurt nodded. He had been better, but it wasn't too bad.

"Good. Okay, Kurt. I understand you are in pain?", Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded.

"Mhmm... How long has it been going?" Blaine was coming from the psychological approach to the real thing. There was a reason for Kurt to be here, and it wasn't pleasant.

"Well, maybe ten days... It was sensitive before, but I think a piece broke off and...", Kurt's voice, that had been week already, broke.

Blaine nodded. "Don't worry. Breath...", Kurt listened and tried to breath slowly and after a minute or so he had calmed down enough for Blaine to continue. "I'm going to take a few X-rays, first, if that is okay. No looking, yet."

"I need to get this done, don't I?", Kurt said and nodded.

"It is your decision, really. But yes, I would like you to do it. But I need you to sit in the chair for me."

Kurt felt ready for now. He got up quickly, because he didn't know how much longer this feeling of braveness was going to last. The chair was not as uncomfortable as he had remembered and he was rather thankful for it.

"Okay, Kurt. I have to put this in to get a picture, I know the area is sensitive, but try biting down...", Kurt bit down, the pain, which was still tranquilized by the medicine he had taken, was bearable. "Great. Hold still and I'll be back in a few seconds" Blaine said after he'd adjusted the X-ray machine. It was done quickly and before Kurt was able to really think about everything the bit wing had been taken out and Blaine had sat back down. He was smiling again.

"I gave it to my assistant Quinn, she'll develop the pictures. If you'd be okay with it, I'd like to take a look now. We want to get you out of pain, don't we?"

Kurt wanted to agree, but it wasn't as easy. He knew that the tears were streaming down his cheeks again. This was embarrassing.

"Kurt, you don't need to worry, I see scared patients daily, I have actually been in the same situation, not very long ago. I get it. But I can tell from your smile, that I have seen so much worse. It really doesn't look bad, Kurt. Don't be ashamed." Blaine smiled. He felt bad for the scared boy, he really shouldn't have to worry.

Kurt smiled, could that man read his mind? He swallowed hard, before he nodded again. "I... I think I am ready..."

Blaine grinned. "Great, Kurt. You are doing incredibly well. We won't do a cleaning or anything you might fear, I am just going to give you a thorough exam. We will see what needs to be done from there, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan...", Kurt said half-heartedly.

"You're gonna be fine, I promise.", Blaine said, before he put the bib on. "Okay, Kurt. Let's take a peak. Open when you feel ready."

An assistant had joined them and was sitting on the computer.

Kurt leaned back, took a deep breath and opened his mouth fractionally. Blaine took the opportunity. "Kurt, just a little wider... Thank you."

It wasn't too bad. He could spot a few problems a two more extensive ones, but over all, it looked fine. "Kurt, your teeth look good, really. You are doing amazing. Tell me if you need a break."

Kurt shook his head, he was okay.

"The pain comes from the top left?", Blaine asked and Kurt nodded. "I see..." Blaine said.

He gave a few numbers to the assistant and said a few things Kurt didn't understand.

"Kurt? Everything okay? Give me a thumbs up, if so...", Blaine said and Kurt put up his thumb. Blaine was really gentile, making sure not to touch the area of concern. "Good. You are doing a fantastic job. Do you know what a probe is?"

"Yeeath...", Kurt said, and Blaine smiled at the sound.

"Okay, would you be okay with me using it?"

Kurt gave another thumbs up. If he was already uncomfortable, this was not going to make the situation worse and it really needed to be done. It had been way too long.

"Thank you." Blaine said and swiftly switched his tools. Kurt listened. He knew that the numbers were okay, which made him feel glad.

"Good job, all seems great, keep up the flossing." Blaine said. Reassuring was an important thing for patients as scared as Kurt. "And we are done." He said and Kurt closed in an instant. He mouth felt a little weird and he could taste a little blood, but it was okay.

Kurt smiled and Blaine grinned at the sight of that.