Okay, so this is an experiment. To see if I'm any good at writing in the SW:TCW fandom. Please leave me a review if you're interested in the plot at all so I'll know if it's worth the effort or I should just let it play out in my mind and leave it unwritten. Thank you!

About the fic: This is supposed to be RexSoka, if you expected something else or this is not your cup of tea I apologize. I plan to write the story all the way up to Order 66 and beyond, although I have two ideas I can't choose between at this point. We'll cross that bridge later :)

Disclaimer: If I owned SW I would have given the clones a strong leader and would've let them rebel against the Republic and the longnecks. As I don't seem to own the franchise, well, I remain a dreamer...

She was agitated, annoyed, and infuriated by the news on the HoloNet. She couldn't and wouldn't believe that nonsense about Fives.

Ready to take action as soon as possible, but missing crucial information to do so she waited on tenterhooks, anticipating the call. Pacing the length of the apartment's living room she swore under her breath.

And then she answered the incoming call the moment her comlink went off.

Not long after he left the 79's Fives was hit by a dizzy spell on his way to sector I9, coming close to crashing into another speeder. He barely managed to get his vehicle back under control when he was suddenly plucked out of his seat and yanked into a Robo-Hack. The offended Bith driver yelled obscenities after him, but he was soon forgotten as the shocked ARC sprawled inelegantly on the floor of the repulsorcraft furrowed his brows, staring at the smirking young woman in front of him.

"Commander?" his voice was filled with disbelief and confusion and the Togruta chuckled, offering her hand to the clone.

"I'm not your commander anymore, Fives. I'm not even a Jedi, remember?" grabbing the trooper's hand she pulled him to his feet, only to gently push him into a seat a second later. "Now that's better, isn't it? It's good to see you again, although I wish it was under different circumstances."

"Sir?" Fives was still visibly at a loss for words, not quite sure how – or, as a matter of fact, why – he found himself suddenly hauled into an airspeeder and off to an unknown location by his former superior.

Before he could further assess the situation or even try to regain his bearings his drugged, overwhelmed brain decided to shut itself off and he promptly passed out with a last thought that maybe he was, after all, losing his mind.