Hello, people, and welcome to my first Mighty Med/Lab Rats cross-over! I'm very excited about this story, and I hope you'll like to reading as much as I like writing it. Also, this will be a little AU, taking place after Lab Rats episode "Armed and Dangerous" and Mighty Med episode "Future tense". I got the idea before Rise of the Secret Soldiers even existed. That's all there is to say now, so just enjoy!


It sure is dark in here.

Yep, you're right. That's a supervillain in custody thinking this. But then again, what else was there to do but to think when they found a way to immobilize you, to take away your powers and leave you to rot away in the darkness.

How often had Wi-Fi already thought this? How often had Wi-Fi just wondered about the darkness of his prison?

Off course, there wasn't much to think about. The only things he could think about were the darkness of his prison cell in the USB-stick and about his work. He had made his hobby out of his work, which is, off course, stealing information and placing it on the internet, selling it to the villains who could pay him the minimum price of 75.000 dollar. That was what he was best at – stealing important information. In fact, it was his hobby. Oh, and being stealthy enough not to get caught. Being able to turn molecular structures into their binary counterparts and transfer them into any digital equipment was a very useful power he used all the time. It was faster than travelling by… by the fastest vehicle in the world, faster than that. He almost had gotten to the super-secret superhero files at the Mighty Med, but they caught him and put him in this prison.

Then there was this idiot teenager who was at the Mighty Med for some reason and foolishly freed him. He, again, was very close of reaching those superhero files. He came close, too close, and then they lured him into a trap with pictures of bridges instead of superhero files. Immediately after realizing his mistake, he was pulled back in his USB-prison, where he could do nothing but think and be immobilized, unable to use any of his powers, unable to do anything at all except thinking.

Although he disliked his current position, he absolutely hated it when he was interrogated. And he was interrogated a lot of time. They just plugged in his prison to a computer and made sure not to press CTRL, ALT and F8. They all knew those were the buttons he needed to escape. Those who interrogated him never pressed any buttons. When he felt how the USB-stick was plugged in again, they were going to interrogate him again.

He was glad there was something more than darkness to be seen. Yet, as he looked from the screen to the outside world, it still was rather dark. Figures. There were few lights who barely gave enough light to see the entire room. There was one person, but Wi-Fi couldn't see his (her?) face. He only knew this person was staying silent, as if he (she?) was looking at some sort of exhibition.

Wi-Fi, though quite vain and self-absorbed, didn't like the position he was in. He wasn't a freaking animal in a zoo!

"Who are you?" Oh, it was nice to hear his own voice again! "Where am I?"

"You could be a little nicer to your savior." Okay, so his captor was a man. Makes sense – most villains were male. It was very hard to find a female villain these days. He tried to look better at this man's face. Yet, it was covered with something Wi-Fi couldn't identify. The closest he got was a mask or blanket. If he tried to keep his identity a secret, he was doing a great job.

Wow, wait a second! Savior?

"So you got me out of Mighty Max? Great, thanks," he said, "but I wouldn't call you my savior. And, er, would you let me out? Control, alt, F8. I've got some work to do." Yeah, he really needed to make up to the lost time. There hasn't been any new information on his website for a while an if he wanted to keep living the dream, he really needed to steal more information which the heroes could buy. Maybe he'd go for Titanio's current hide-out? He dislike Titanio enough to sell the location of his hide-out.

"Yes, you do." Now the villain was curious. Either the mystery man agreed with him, or there was a deeper meaning to these three simple words. Wi-Fi started to get more irritated and curious with every passing second. It was clear this mystery man was a villain, so why wouldn't he let him go? They were colleagues, they had to have each other's backs. They were supposed to help each other. But apparently, this man had different rules.

"Okay, man, what's your deal? Do you want a discount? You'll get it with the next three purchases if you let me go. Control, alt, F8."

"I already heard you the first time," the man said, intimidating enough to make Wi-Fi shut up, "I've got a job for you."

Did I mention he also takes jobs from others for a minimum wage of 50.000 dollar per day?

Wi-Fi's curious side showed up again. He dropped the irritated attitude, and would – starting from now – be a little nicer to his potential new customer. Maybe he'd give him more than 50.000 dollars per day if he acted a little nicer. He leaned closer to the man, as close as the computer allowed it.

"What do you want me to do?"

"How long have you been in there?" Wi-Fi rose an eyebrow.

"June 30, 2014. What did I miss?" He was afraid to miss anything. There were always opportunities to take, and any missed opportunity was a big loss.

"Only a few months," Wi-Fi sighed relieved, " But there is something you should know. One month after you got yourself captured, it was revealed three bionic people exist." Wi-Fi shrugged. Bionic people? Was that guy making fun of him? Bionic people, half human half robot, they weren't too surprising – just think of Megahertz. He wouldn't be surprised, only very angry someone stole his idea. Wi-Fi decided to think this guy was lying and he crossed his arms.

"So? What am I supposed to do? They're just human. They're Normos." And Wi-Fi wasn't doing business with Normos; he liked to keep the normal civilians out of his work unless they pay him 1.000.000 dollar. Then he'd do something to physically hurt them. He had no trouble stealing information or money from them, as long as they didn't physically suffer any wounds.

"They're Normos with chips in the back of their necks." And now Wi-Fi cared more about it, only because he heard the word 'chips', "Those chips allow them to do incredible things. They're stronger, faster, smarter than the average human. And they can do more than just that."

"I get it. You want me to see if I can implant a virus." Wi-Fi had not expected the man would be furious.

"No!" the man yelled, "I want you to take them over. That chip allows them to be controlled by someone. And I want that person to be me." A sly grin appeared on Wi-Fi's face. Now he got where this was going.

"I see. You're going to use them for your evil plans – if you have them, off course." The man nodded. Okay, taking over bionic people. Why not? Everything's possible in this crazy place we call earth; crazy enough for superheroes and villains to exist, and apparently bionic people as well.

"I'll take the job," Wi-Fi said. "But I'll have to do some research, so it might take a while. I'll do it for… let's say 70.000 dollars."

"60.000 dollar," the man argued. Wi-Fi shook his head.

"65.000 dollar. That's the lowest I'll go."

"It's a compromise. We have a deal." Wi-Fi nodded. They had come to an agreement. Man, this is the best rescue he could imagine! He was freed and he immediately made a deal for 65.000 dollar. This couldn't get any better.

Or maybe it could.

"I can't work from my prison. Control, alt…"

"I'll do it! Stop saying that!" the mystery man's gloved hands typed in the code, and Wi-Fi was free. It was such an incredible feeling. Okay, he might just be standing in a room that wasn't digital, but if you were trapped in a USB-stick prison for several months, what'd you feel?

When he turned around to thank the man once more for getting him out, he noticed the man was gone. There was no trace of the man, but the computer still stood in place, along with a chair. Wi-Fi considered this the man's parting gift and part of the payment; he was keeping the computer.

The freed villain immediately sat down and researched 'bionic people' on Google.