A/N: Hey guys! First fanfic! I had been wanting to publish this from a very long time. This is my very first story, and I couldn't find a beta, so if there are any errors, my apologies in advance. I write to become a better writer, and there is no way to do that without your help. Please please please review and tell me what you think of this story. I also want to thank the people reading this for making their way through the ridiculous summary till the story. I really hope you enjoy this. I need to stop rambling and get on with the story

Disclaimer: I don't own TMR. The genius mind of James Dashner does. Though I wish I did, unfortunately, I don't.

I gasped awake and shuffled around until my back hit the wall. No… not a wall, some sort of a wire mesh. I pounded against it. "HEY!"I screamed, "WHERE AM I?".

I continued to scream and pound against the mesh, when suddenly, a voice interrupted me.

"OI! Quit your yapping and sit down!"

I turned around, yet saw only darkness. I lobbed around with my hands to get a feel of my surroundings, and the voice came again.

"Dude, it's not that dark. You can see you know, some light's coming in from who-knows-where."

And then I remembered. It was so obvious, I was surprised I hadn't known earlier, though I suppose I had been too caught up in making sense of my surrounding to think about it. But now that the realization dawned on me, I sat down, disoriented.

"I can't."I replied, "I'm blind."

There was silence. The only sounds were of the engines as we went up. I'd figured out that much by now. My senses were sharp, very sharp. We were in some kind of elevator, heading straight up, the girl and I. The voice definitely belonged to a girl. We were surrounded by wooden boxes, and from a whiff and a crunch, I deduced that the girl was eating an apple.

Finally, the silence was too much to bear. "Say something. I can't stand total silence after total darkness." I requested the girl.

After a pause, she said "You scream like a chicken."

I cracked a smile, despite our situation, and slowly moved over to the source of the voice. I felt around with my hands for obstacles, and touching someone's leg. I immediately pulled back, heat rising up to my cheeks. "Sorry, I'm just trying to know where you are."

A hand patted my shoulder. "Chill mate, and look here. Screaming ain't gonna help no one. Trust me on that. I did it for an hour, before deciding it was useless. I then sat down and ate this marvelously delicious apple." She said with obvious sarcasm. She pushed a round fruit into my hands and said, "here. Calm your prissy throat and eat this."

I tentatively took a bite. I didn't know if it was safe to eat, but the girl seemed to have merrily been munching on it and was okay.

"What happened? What is this place?"

"Look bro, nothing much happened before you came round. I woke up about an hour and a half ago, panicked, then came to my senses and ate." She shifted, and I could hear the clinking of metal chain links. "Are you… chained?" I asked.

"Yep." She rattled the chain again and said, "Apparently the buggers who put us here, 'cause we obviously didn't jump in ourselves, thought I'd try something stupid and dangerous, so they took all the precaution."

"Uh… would you have tried something stupid and dangerous?"


I laughed, but quickly quieted down. "Fine then, what else?"

"That's it mate. After that, the only thing that happened was that I got to see you scream your little girly head off. It was pretty funny, no offense. That is, until it starting hurting my ears."

I realized suddenly, that being caught up in knowing the surroundings, I hadn't asked her name.

"What your name?"

"Hey, man, why do I gotta answer everything? What's yours?"

I thought for a second, then replied, "Aidan."

"Aidan, hmm… weird name." she said. "Why?" I asked, a little self conscious. "'Cause it seems familiar. Where you from?"

Now that she said it, I realized another obvious fact. Something that I shouldn't have missed. I didn't know where I was from. In fact, I didn't know anything about myself. I frantically searched for the answers in my brain, coming up with absolutely none.

The only thing I knew about myself was my name.

A/N: So? Whaddya think of it? Should I continue? Should I not? Is it so bad that I should delete it? Please review!