A/N: the world of HP belongs to J.K Rowling

"Wait!" came a cry that echoed across the vast courtyard. Silence fell, as slowly the voice rang out. Devastated buildings lined the scene, with cement littering the pavement. Flyers were strewn across the way; flittering in the wind and landing, only to be squashed beneath the feet of hundreds of soldiers. The courtyard, previously filled with a flurry of noise which accompanied war wherever it went, was now almost silent as feet slapped the pavement.

Nobody knows exactly how the war began. The details of which will be decided in years to come by the historians and teachers of the victors. As days turned to months, and one death turned to thousands, the already prominent division between the muggles and the wizards now ran deep across the country. Every area of the United Kingdom played their gruesome part in the potentially genocidal attack by both parties. While one side was advantaged with the gift of magic, the other had numbers that the other knew not. Where one wizard struck down a muggle, twelve took their place. Their weapons significantly less developed, yet deadly to those who encounter it. Protego will not stop a bullet.

As the girl bravely walked between the two front lines, her father – who stood amongst the ranks of wizard warriors, let out a shout of fright.
"What are you doing!?"

The girl continued walking until she had the eyes of every soul from both sides. Slowly she approached the row of guns, barrels pointed dangerously at her chest. Her heart was pounding in her ears and drowned out the protests of her father and friends standing across the courtyard. Every move she made was deliberate and graceful. Her feet touched the ground with purpose and her hands swayed softly by her sides. As she reached the line, the bayonets barely an inch from her skin, she lifted her hand and revealed a small flower, which she calmly offered the petrified soldier in front of her.

Without thought, the soldier let his weapon fall and accepted the delicate daisy. As he did, the girl raised her hands in a sign of continued peace and moved slowly away from the muggle soldiers. Her eyes surveyed the crowd in front of her and, as she turned, began to stare into the eyes of those she would call allies.

"This war," she called, her arms stretched high as her voice projected across the courtyard, "is pointless! What are we fighting for?"
As she called each of these, her piercing eyes stared at a soldier from both sides. Her voice hit each of them like a wave. As their eyes connected, the warriors suddenly felt too ashamed to hold her gaze and looked down at her feet.

"We are brothers!" She continued, her voice sounding stronger as her speech dragged on. "We should fight together, not each other! We have been separated by secrecy for, what we believed to be, our safety. But that is not true. Together we are powerful, together we are unstoppable. We were kept apart because those who control us fear what we may do together. The ignorant, and the scared, are far easier to control."

"Why sacrifice more lives in this hopeless war," the girl let her hands fall, "when we could move on and create a world of innovation without segregation. Muggles," she looked to the soldiers, "and Wizards," she looked to her people,