WARNING: SPOILERS for the most recent episode. wow i just watched the episode an hour ago and it was so cute omg its so obvious that pearl had a crush on rose, poor thing. so i had to write this

Pearl was pacing around the temple, still thinking about the encounter with the human before.

"What does Rose see in that human? I can sing too...if I tried."

Amethyst was rolling around the floor and laughed at Pearl's worry. "Yeah right! You've never sang before! You only want to try now cause you think Rose likes that!"

Pearl turned to Amethyst, blushing, her hands balled up in fists. "That's not true! I just want to show Rose that I also can do what that human can, so it's nothing special!"

Garnet was sitting in the corner of the room ignoring their conversation.

"Oh yeah, why don't you try it then?" Amethyst stood up and ran to where Pearl stood. "Sing!"

Pearl got shocked at the challenge and looked around the room. Rose was nowhere to be found. She coughed into her hand. "Ok, fine! I'll show you I can sing as well as some human!"

She opened her mouth but words wouldn't come out. Amethyst started laughing, falling to the floor. Pearl blushed with embarrassment and anger. "See, you can't sing! Hahahaha!" She pointed at Pearl.

Pearl tried again, this time her voice coming out but it cracked. "Ugh! You're distracting me, Amethyst!"

"No I'm not, you just can't sing!" She continued to laugh.

"Come here, you!" She grabbed the smaller gem and Amethyst kept on laughing.

"Pearl, Amethyst, are you fighting?"

Pearl gasped as she saw Rose coming through the door. She let go of Amethyst. "No no! We were just playing!"

Rose walked to her and Pearl looked down, feeling guilty. Rose smiled and placed her hand on Pearl's shoulder, making Pearl blush.

"Pearl, you don't have to force yourself to do something because you think I like it." Pearl looked up at Rose's smiling face.

"I-I-" No words came out. She was so embarrassed at the fact that Rose had heard her trying to sing.

"Pearl, that human will not come between us. I promise."

Amethyst was laying on the floor watching the scene and giggled. "Pearl got jealous!"

Pearl blushed even harder and went to grab Amethyst again. "I did not!"

They ran around the room, with Pearl following Amethyst.

Rose laughed. But inside she knew that wasn't true. She felt sorry for Pearl. She still cared about her but...

Rose turned around looking outside the door, where the human had been just moments ago.

'I'm sorry, Pearl. But he was really cute...'