This chapter is different because it is a backstory of the Tamaki dies chapter.

Chapter 13- Promise

Kyoya hadn't really known to expect when Tamaki missed school one day but insisted that none of the other Host Club members come check on him. Kyoya, however, had been specifically invited. And since Kyoya had never been able to understand what went on inside of Tamaki's brain he had no idea what to expect.

He'd spent plenty of time at Tamaki's house. In Tamaki's bedroom. They would talk or do homework. They were top of the class and worked together at every opportunity to get an even better grade. He had sat beside Tamaki at the piano while his friend played. Tamaki's skills were unmatched by anyone Kyoya had ever heard play, and one of his favorite things in the world was sitting and listening to Tamaki's music and just forgetting about life and responsibilities. Kyoya didn't expect to hear any music that day. He suspected the visit was at least mildly important or he wouldn't have been summoned alone.

It started out fairly normal. Antoinette attacked him with her tongue, jumping happily on him. Another on of Kyoya's secrets was that he really liked dogs, at least Tamaki's dog. He scratched Antoinette behind the ears and smiled at her. Tamaki was standing on the top of the stairs watching. Kyoya managed to get out from under and over enthusiastic Antoinette and headed up the steps to see Tamaki. Tamaki was still in his pajamas. He looked sleepy and innocent, like a young child rather than the charming prince he usually strode around as.

"Are you okay Tamaki?" Kyoya asked, concerned.

"Come into my room and sit down anywhere." Tamaki ordered. His voice wavered a little in a way Kyoya hadn't heard before. Kyoya followed him, worried. They both sat on the bed. Kyoya found himself instinctively hugging on Antoinette, who wasn't supposed to be on the bed but usually was anyway. Tamaki stroked Antoinette, sighing.

"Okay what's wrong. Tell me what's wrong right now." Kyoya commanded, nervous, jittery and upset.

"I'm sick."

"You missed school, I knew that already." Tamaki wouldn't have missed host club for any less of a reason.

"No, Kyo its..." Tamaki sighed. He stood. He combed his hand through his unbrushed hair, paced a few steps.

"I'm really sick. Like my mom was, but, worse. I want you to take over host club completely and you'll probably get top of the class like you wanted..." Kyoya was standing, though his legs suddenly felt weak, unable to hold him up.

"What do you mean really sick? What do you mean worse?" Words swam around him. He felt ill.

"You're taking this badly I'm sorry don't be upset..." Kyoya sank back down on the bed, paler than usual.

"I'm not upset. I'm really not this is fixable it's okay, you can get better I'll make sure you get the best medical treatment out there your mom got better she was fine so you'll get better too. This is fixable..." He was talking frantically, mostly to himself. Tamaki gripped his shoulders, Kyoya realized he was shaking.

"I SAID IT WAS WORSE KYOYA! I NEED YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT I'M NOT GETTING BETTER!" Kyoya didn't know if Tamaki was yelling or if that was just how the words impacted him. He did know however that he was yelling when he replied.

"YOU ARE GETTING BETTER YOU HAVE TO." He screamed, his throat aching afterwards. He saw Tamaki as he said he was, sick, worse, not getting better. A living corpse. He trembled, backed away.

"Say you're going to get better. Please say it. Let me help. Let my family help. We've got thousands of medical experts at our disposal let them try to find a cure you can get better let me help please let me help..." Tamaki shook his head.

"I don't want that Kyo. I don't need that. There are a lot of people your staff can help. I'm not one of them. Let them focus on the people they can help."

"Is there anything I can do?" Kyoya was desperate, close to weeping. He wasn't the sick one but he looked like a mess, still trembling, knees weak.

"Two things." Tamaki said, managing a smile.

"I'll do it. Anything just let me help." His voice was strained.

"Don't tell the others. The host club, your family, anyone. Second, just be my friend. Just stick around." Kyoya was hesitant to promise the first, but the second was much easier.

"I promise I will."

"Good. Well that's settled. Come on. I'll play for you." He hadn't expected to hear music this visit. He didn't really hear it though. He kept hearing the words. "I need you to understand that I'm not getting better." It did sound and awful lot like yelling. Each piano key screamed it, until he pushed away from the piano bench and ran out of the house.