Hey guys! I've decided that this is gonna be the last chapter for this story. I'll make a backstory for Kai and the Spring Knight though.

"So," I said to a man in black and red Spartan armor, "What's with the sudden armor change?"

"I didn't change it," He said, "I washed my armor."

"What's your backstory?" I asked him.

"Before I joined up with the freelancers, "He explained, "Before they fell apart, I was operative for the insurrection organization."

"How did that go?" I asked.

"I'm getting to that part," He said, "My last mission with them was infiltrating a top-secret facility that only Malcom Hargrove knew about, and was keeping it a secret from the insurrection leader, and every other UNSC personnel worthy of knowing about it."

"What happened when you infiltrated the facility?" I asked him.

He looked around to see if anyone was listening, then leaned in, "I saw something in there that nobody should ever have to see," He told me, "I saw entire worlds burning without help. Dimensions and galaxies being consumed by the eternal black space around it. Worst of all, I saw them,"

"Saw who?" I asked curiously.

"Cinder. Meta. The Insurrectionists. BioBlood. A bunch of people I've never even met. And worst of all is The Mad King Ryan," He said, "That was when I decided that I wasn't going to work for them anymore. I then joined the freelancers and the Insurrectionists were hired by Charon Industries as a private security team."

Kai then walked up to me, "Hey Professor?" He said, "I think we were followed."

I turned around and saw Bounty Hunters equipped in full body armor walk in the door to the bar that me and Kai were in.

"Sorry, gotta run," I said, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Noland," He said.

Me and Kai ran out the back exit just as the Bounty Hunters walked up to Noland's table and asked if he had seen us.

We walked up to a small house in the plains and knocked on the door. A young man opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes," I said, "We're looking for Attwell."

"He's uh, not here right now, um come back later," The man said.

"You're lying," Kai said, "Where is he?"

The man sighed, "He's hunting right now. He'll be back later,"

We turned around after he had shut the door to see Grimm closing in on our position. We readied ourselves to fight, when they were shot by a group of people wearing silver armor. One of the people in the group saw my face, and aimed his gun at me. The leader of the group commanded him to lower his weapon. The Leader walked up to me, with his gun in hand.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm looking for someone," I said, "His name is Attwell, have you seen him? He prefers to wear the color green over every other color."

"Actually, I did see someone like that," he said, "He was being trailed by what looked to be a Bounty Hunter over in the jungle."

"Thanks," I said then signaled to Kai that we were leaving.

We started walking towards the distant jungle, when we heard a girl call for help. We ran over to where the scream came from to see four bandits raiding a girls home.

"Let's take these lowlifes out," I told him, "Then we can continue looking for the Spring Knight."

I distracted the bandits, while Kai generated a snow twister to make them easy to drive off. After Kai let the twister loose on the bandits, I created a giant hammer made out of dark matter to hit them with. When the last of the bandits had been driven off, the girl walked up to us.

"Thank you for helping me," she said, "That fighting was amazing! It's like you two are Knight or something sent from the world above to protect the people."

"Hey," Kai said, "It wasn't even out of our way. By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Wendy," She said, "Now that I think of it... It's kinda like you guys are similar to two of the Knights of Remnant."

"Trust me when I say this," I said, "We are. I'm the Fall Knight, and Kai here is the Winter Knight. A huge war is on Remnants doorstep, and we're gonna need the four Maidens and Knights if we're going to win. So I've taken it upon myself to search Remnant for the other two Knights, currently I'm looking for Attwell, who was seen in the Jungle being tailed by a Bounty Hunter."

"Oh," She said, "Well good luck on the search!"

We turned around just as Attwell ran into us.

"Watch where your going!" He said, on the ground.

"Attwell," I said.

"That's me," he said getting up and brushing himself off.

"We need your help with a very important matter," Kai said, "Soon, a war will break out and the very survival of Remnant will hang in the balance."

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked, "Isn't there some important chap you should be talking to?"

"We're telling you this because," I replied, "You're that important chap, and you're also the Spring Knight. One of the four Knights of Remnant."

"One, I'm not important at all," He said, "Two, where in the bloody hell is your evidence to back this up?"

"The fact that you have already mastered the spring knight's abilities," Kai said.

"You got me there," he said, "Ok, fill me in on the details. Tell me what we're gonna be up against."

"So," Kai said, "A huge war is coming, and we need to gather the four Knights to even stand a chance against the enemy we're going to be facing. The maidens have already gathered, so all that needs to happen is to find all four Knights."

"Great," He said, "Now that there's three of us, where and who is the fourth one?"

"That's what I was just about to tell you," I said, then continued to tell him who the fourth knight was.

We walked into a prison complex in Vale and signed in as visitors. When the sign-in was completed, we walked over to a cell that was heavily fortified. The guard let us in, and locked the door behind us.

"Well well well, if it isn't one of my favorite people in all of Vale," The prisoner said, "What do you want."

"I keep it simple," I told him, "We need your help."

"Why would anyone ever want my help?" He asked, "I'm just a criminal that everyone wants dead."

"Then after what they learn about you, they'll have to respect you... Roman" I told him.

Torchwick leaned forward, "Let's hear what you have to say."