New Paths

Chapter 1

Darkness surrounded him like a veil, he couldn't hear, feel or see what was happening around him. He tried to move, but soon realized that he felt stiff and couldn't move at all. Paranoid, he tried to scream for help, but found that his screams for help were void. 'What's h-happening!? Why can't I move?' He thought still confused how could've he ended up like this. Thinking, he tried on recalling the past events that happened before this, only getting blurred images in his head. 'I-impossible!? Why can't I make this out? D-dammit!' He thought cursing lightly before pondering on a solution that would help him escape from this void plaguing his mind.

Before he could though, he sensed that he was surrounded by a bluish liquid and light started to fill the void. He hears unfamiliar voices around him, one sounding like a young girl around the age of 14-15 years old, the other sounded more masculine and older, like a year older. Studying the voices alone, he could hear the two talking about something about," healing him is the best option," raising alarm bells in his head. Slowly, he opened his emerald eyes to see what a weighted and realized that he was in a capsule of some kind," Nyrok! Look, He's awake! ", the female voice claimed. He saw two blurry images through the capsule's translucent glass, one of them had messy yet straight brown hair while the other had spiky black hair and a tuft of orange-yellow at the bangs. Suddenly, the sound of a vacuum suction filled his ears as the bluish liquid drained from the capsule he occupied, leaving the stale cold air of the capsule filling his lungs. Taking a deep breath that made his lungs rejoice, he pressed his cold skinned hand against the glass in front of him push the glass door open with little effort.

A Kkrrisshh-ing sound filled his ears as the door was popped open. He managed to catch himself before he tripped out of the capsule. Looking up, he spots a raven-haired boy standing a few feet in front of him and a female brunette as well. The boy was around the height of 5'2", with spiky black hair with a tuft of orange yellow in his bangs and wearing a grey long-sleeve shirt underneath a black short-sleeve shirt with a phoenix on it. He had a pair of blue jeans that changed to black at the bottom part just below the knee with red and violet flames near the bottom. In addition, he wore black and light grey sneakers, a green-eyed shaped jewel around his neck and had bright magenta-red eyes with a scar across the left eye that showed kindness but unknown glare that would look into your soul. Taking a look at the girl beside him, she was around the height of 4'9", with messy straight chocolate brown hair pulled up in a low ponytail. She wore a white shirt with a violet blue dragon on the bottom left corner and the sleeves of the shirt were the same color with a trimming of gold around it. Also, she was equipped with blue jeans with bronze zippers down the side of her pants and around her neck was a violet blue scarf that had 3 kunai shaped blades at the end of the scarf with a heart shaped necklace. Her eyes were mix matching, one bright green while the other was amethyst color and had brown boots with white straps just below the knee. Suddenly, the boy gave a grin before doing a decision that would unknowingly change the view of the recently awakening navi," Welcome to the Real World, Hub Hikari."