Hello! I am a big Jesla fan, so I thought I'd write this little one-shot. Elsa and Jack meet for the first time. A bit of each movie is included. Enjoy!

Jack struggled against Pitch's dark magic, dodging blasts while he fired icy shots of snow at the bogeyman. It seemed to be in vain, though, as Pitch seemed to be much stronger than him. He wished that the other Guardians were fighting with him, but they were all still mad at him for talking to Pitch about his memories. He wished they understood what it was like, to not remember who you even are. To wish to know your family that you never knew existed before someone tells you.

Stop it Jack, he thought forcefully. Focus on the task at hand. No one can solve this for you but you, but right now you need to fight or die.

Because the way Pitch fought, he wasn't going to survive much longer if he didn't focus on dodging and throwing more icy blasts at his general vicinity. It was hard to tell where Pitch was, as he could dissolve into shadows easily and quickly. This left Jack with a very small chance on survival.

He dodged again and again, but Pitch was getting good at this. He came within an inch of Jack many times. And Jack was getting tired. It didn't seem like Pitch was running out of energy though. Finally, Jack managed to hit Pitch square in the chest. Pitch stumbled and fell.

Jack paused. Did he really manage to kill Pitch? He listened and watched, not letting his guard down, for a solid five minutes. Then he jumped in the air and whooped.

I did it. I defeated Pitch! he thought excitedly. Wait until the other Guardians hear about this. They won't be mad anymore and I can go back to my fun and games, instead of all the serious business with Pitch taking over the world.

He was so caught up in his victory and his plans for the future (snowy pranks and whatnot) that he failed to sense Pitch rising behind him, burning with hatred for the young Guardian. He sneered at Jack's celebration and raised his hand to the wind, smiling in an evil, twisted way that made you want to back up and walk away quickly before he went insane.

Cheer about this, puny Guardian. Maybe next time you won't mess around with my affairs.

Jack paused in the middle of a victory cheer, aware of something behind him. He spun around in time to see Pitch start to laugh manically and a black horse - a nightmare - charge at him. Then, darkness. That was all he saw for the next few hours.

When he came to, he was on the top of a snowy mountain. Everything seemed different somehow - as if it was a different world, a different dimension. Did those even exist? Jack shook his throbbing head and groaned. What happened? Then it all came rushing back as fast as the nightmare that brought him here in the first place. He groaned again, though it had nothing to do with his head, which had gone down to a dull pain.

The other Guardians are not going to be happy about this, he thought. Wait - forget the Guardians, how do I get back?! He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He glanced down the mountain - a long day's trek. Possibly two. He looked up - and his jaw dropped.

He was looking at the biggest castle he had ever seen. Even Santa's crib in the North Pole was smaller than this. It looked like it came straight from a fairy tale, one of the old ones with Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. The most surprising part? The exterior was made entirely of ice. Doors, pillars, walls, balcony - all of it.

Jack whistled slowly. He had to find out who made this. Someone with this kind of magic could send him home for sure! Not to mention he really wanted to find out what the inside looked like.

He climbed up the solid ice bridge leading up to it and paused at the doorway before gathering his courage and knocking softly on the doors. As they opened on their own, Jack's eyes widened at the incredible sight before him - an icy main room, with two giant staircases leading up to a different room. Above him was the biggest chandelier he had ever seen - it was easily bigger than the sleigh! And all of it was made entirely of ice.

Jack could hardly believe it. He turned in circles, taking it all in. He paused suddenly, hearing footsteps behind him on top of the stairwell. He slowly turned, and a sight more magnificent than the entire castle met his eyes.

It was a girl, with long, white hair braided down her shoulder. She had very pale skin, with heavy makeup that made her look absolutely gorgeous. Her dress - wow. Her dress was also made of ice, a thin layer that twisted and flowed in a pattern that made it look like a frozen waterfall. She held herself like a delicate rose, but he could tell she was strong on the inside. Her face held a questioning look, but she also seemed to be a bit scared.

He could not speak for a few minutes, the beauty of the girl before him rendering him absolutely speechless. When he finally spoke, he could not keep the tremor out of his voice.

"Who...who are you?"

When she spoke, her voice flowed over him like a river - smooth and calming. She, as well, seemed to be a bit nervous, but her voice was still melodic and beautiful.

"I'm Elsa."