A/N: This chapter jumps right into slight M territory – they are newlyweds after all. I tried to keep it clean but if you're uncomfortable with reading about Jane and Lisbon having sex, skip the next six hundred words or so. I also apologize in advance for the extreme (hint!) corniness that lies ahead, especially with the last part of this chapter. I just couldn't resist. But as pictured on the show, Jane definitely isn't above ridiculously romantic gestures.

For the next chapter, I think the pregnancy needs to be further addressed. And if any of you have any specific places or people you think Jane and Lisbon would or should see when they're on the island, please let me know. Last but not least – thank you so very much to all of you who have reviewed, favorited and/or followed this little writing project of mine. You're all amazing.

x x x

Her skin felt as if it was on fire.

It was dark and night and quiet and her husband stood behind her, leaving no space whatsoever between his body and hers. He had her pressed against the door of their hotel room, his tongue against the side of her neck, pressing hot kisses everywhere, making it very hard for Teresa to concentrate, to keep her hands from shaking enough to unlock the door, to move them inside the privacy of their room.

"Jane", she breathed. "Stop that, I can't-"

Her words contradicted her movements; she turned her head sideways to grant him better access. She fumbled with the keys for a few moments longer before she relented with a grunt and turned herself around in his embrace so that she was facing him, her heaving chest against his. She watched him behind hooded lashes and put the keys in his hand.

"You do it", she said and he chuckled darkly, his voice laced with anticipation and promises. He managed to unlock it on his first try but didn't waste a second being smug, instead pulling her inside, shutting the door behind them. He pressed her against the door once again, this time however without risking to be caught by any fellow hotel guests. His hands were everywhere; moving up and down her arms, getting tangled in her hair, cupping her breasts. She gave back as good as she got, kissing him, her tongue moving against his.

He swiftly untied her wrap around dress, unwrapping her like a present until she was standing before him in only lace and silk. He paused for a moment, drinking in the sight of her until her impatience got the better of her and she pulled him under once again, kiss, kiss, kissing him. She pulled on his shirt, working on the buttons as he unclasped her bra, covered her breasts with his hands and rolled a peak between his fingers. She moaned and lost it then, needed to feel his skin against her. She gave up on the buttons, tugging his shirt off his shoulders anyhow. Buttons went flying; they scattered at their feet.

At the back of their minds, they vaguely registered the sound of his clothes tearing. Neither Jane nor Lisbon cared.

All she cared about was to hurry up with him getting his pants to come off; all he cared about was the purring sounds she did at the back of her throat.

Lisbon put her hands on his chest, pushed him backwards but followed immediately, moving them both towards the bed. She climbed on top of him, basked in the feeling of him pressed against her, pinning him to the bed. In a tangle of hands and tongues and moans and pleasure, Jane somehow managed to rid them of all their remaining pieces of clothing without Lisbon managing to register when and how and where.

It was very hard to focus when they were close and everything was hot and she was very much consumed by him.

He touched her and she was burning.

He moved inside her and she thought she might die, turned on to the point of no return.

His breath was hot against her ear, his breathing in sync with her rapidly beating heart. His hands followed a path over her chest, down, down, down and his fingertips left trails of fire in their wake. For a lucid moment, she thought she might never get used to how incredible this felt, how extraordinary they felt.

She came undone and he followed shortly after, crushing her with his weight, both of their breathing ragged.

Afterwards, he pulled the sheets up to cover their naked bodies. Snuggled against his chest, they were quiet for a while before she spoke. "Today was a very lovely day." Her words vibrated against his skin. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Jane hummed in agreement and kissed her hair. "Thank you", he said and emphasized the you. "I'll try my utmost to make tomorrow even better."

"Hmm?" Lisbon said, her eyelids dropping, beckoned by sleep, preventing her from making a more particular response. Jane envisioned the tomorrow before him for a moment, searching his memory palace for places where he'd fantasized about taking Teresa when she was impossibly out of his reach all those years ago. He smiled when he figured it out, knowing exactly where to take her the forthcoming night.

"If you're up to it," he said. "I think I want to take you dancing."



Lisbon forced herself to re-open her eyes, looked at him.

"I know this great place…" he trailed off, wriggling his eye brows. This earned him a crooked smile before she once again closed her eyes and snuggled into his side. "You take all the girls there?" she teased.

"Nope", he said, purposely forgetting. "Only very smart and very gorgeous women who I happen to be married to."

"Oh, them."


"Tomorrow," she promised, kissing his bare chest, a place right above his heart.

"Good night", he murmured.

x x x

In the morning, Jane ordered room service. Teresa had woken up before him - a very rare occurrence in their relationship - and when he'd discovered an empty bed when he'd been unconsciously reaching for her in his sleep, he'd stirred awake as well. He had found her in the ensuite bathroom, heaving up in the toilet. He'd held her hair through the nausea and afterwards, he took her back to bed. After a while, armed with the promise that he'd provide her breakfast, Teresa went back into the bathroom to take a shower. When the food arrived, Jane had time to set the table on the porch outside; their breakfast accompanied by the sounds of the ocean. He was reading a local newspaper as Teresa walked outside, wrapped in a hotel bathrobe, her feet bare. When he saw her, he looked up and gave her a smile - a concerned one, a little crooked, but a smile all the same.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as she sat down on the chair opposite him.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yes, Jane. It's just morning sickness."

At this, his smile grew impossibly wide. He was still marvelling at what the morning sickness represented - they were going to have a baby - still completely astonished by this fact.

"You're hopeless", Teresa said.

"Hopelessly in love", Jane corrected.

Teresa answered with an eye-roll, instead reaching for the blueberries in the bowl in front of her. She did a quick scan over the breakfast food and stopped when her eyes reached the bear claws, somehow present on this island, and looked quizzically at him. When she asked him about how they got there, he wouldn't tell, insisting to keep at least some of the magic. They ate the rest of the breakfast mostly in silence, feasting on fresh fruit, toast and eggs. Lisbon took great pleasure in one of her favorite indulgences; no matter how it managed to get there, she was very pleased with her husband's efforts. When Lisbon were done, she sat back in her chair and gazed at him.

She pondered how the light made his curls even blonder and how she wanted to trace the lines of his face with her fingers.

Before she had time to register how completely lovestruck this made her seem and thereafter stop her wandering thoughts, he felt her gaze upon him and met her eyes with an amused sparkle.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing", she said and feigned innocence. Surely he didn't buy it for a second but didn't press, instead making a hmm-noise, turning his attention back to the daily news.

"So, have you decided on what's on the to-see-list today?" she asked, busying herself from more of her I'm-so-madly-in-love-with-my-husband-it's-getting-ridiculous-thoughts she'd been having a lot lately.

"Yes," he answered. "Seeing you in the little red dress I know you packed is definitely on there." His smile was teasing, his eyes bright.

"Be good", she warned but she matched his smile all the same.

"I'm always good. Very good, in fact", he answered, his voiced low and dark and laced with innuendo.

She rolled her eyes but her smile was far from fading, countering any effect the eye-roll might have.

"What else?" she asked.

"Hmm," he hummed. "I'm thinking we should pay my dear Victor a visit."

"Victor?" she asked, trying to remember, mentally scanning his letters she once made a unconscious mission to try to know by heart. "Is he the one working at the hotel near your apartment?"

"Mm, no", Jane answered. "That's Franklin. We should definitely visit him too, though. He'd be very glad to meet you in person, I'm sure."

"He knows who I am?"


"You talked about me?"

"I did."

"Well, what did you say?"

He folded his read newspaper and put it on the table before he answered. "Obviously, I couldn't tell anyone where exactly I'd been or what I'd done but…" he trailed off. "There was a special someone I was very keen on talking about, especially on my low days."

"Oh?" Her smile was blinding. The thought of her having such an impact on him, even thousands and thousands miles away, was mind-blowing still.

He reached past their already eaten breakfast food and took her hand.

"I missed you", he stated, simply, honestly.

His gaze was intense. She brought his fingers up to her mouth and kissed his knuckles, words suddenly insufficient.

"So, Victor?" she asked after a while, breaking the silence.

"Victor", Jane replied. "Ah, yes. He was my tailor", he explained and Teresa nodded, remembering then. "Conveniently enough, I do have a shirt that needs to be fixed", he said, smiling as they both recalled the previous night.

"You probably shouldn't mention how it got torn though", she said, eyes sparkling.

"Why Agent Lisbon, I was thinking that should be your opening line."

"What a way to make me popular among your island friends, huh?"

He only grinned.

x x x

They ended up not telling Victor how Jane's shirt got torn, instead chatting away about what'd happened since they'd seen each other last, local sightseeing spots and how charreteras still wasn't in fashion (Victor at least partially caved when Teresa finally gave her input). The older man was partly ecstatic, partly surprised about their marriage and pregnancy - just like pretty much everyone else of Jane's old acquaintances on the island.

He managed to fix Jane's shirt up pretty easily, insisting that they would keep him company while he worked. Jane and Lisbon did not need much convincing; very much enjoying the newly installed air condition Victor's work shop provided. When it was time to go, Jane got back his shirt - all buttons now firmly in place - and Victor was thanked with a hand shake a generous tip.

"Tu eres un hombre muy amable, señor Jane", Victor complimented him as he shook Jane's hand.

Jane and Lisbon bid their goodbyes, walking outside in the hot South American sun. They strolled for a while, soon within the reach of the ocean. Lisbon kept fidgeting with her clothes, obviously uncomfortable in the heat.

"Ugh", Lisbon complained, tugging at her blouse which kept sticking to her skin. "Does it not ever stop being hot around here?"

"It never gets cold, not really, no."

When they reached the warm sand, they stopped for a moment and took off their shoes.

"I thought you were used to it by now. All those years in California. Texas gets pretty hot, too", Jane said.

"This is nothing like that at all", Teresa argued. "This is just suffocating. How did you manage for so long?"

Jane shrugged. "You get used to it. And the sarong helped."

"Excuse me?"

"A sarong. A length of fabric, wrapped around the waist."

"I know what a sarong is, Jane. I just… You wore one?"

"I did," Jane confirmed. "What?"

"Huh", she said and went quiet, trying to mentally picture her three-piece-suit wearing husband in a sarong. She couldn't, not really. "I just can't picture it, is all. Before Florida, I'd never seen you in something beside your suit. The thought of you in a sarong is just…" She stopped, looked at him sideways with a amused expression on her face and grinned. "It seems your sense of fashion really dropped a few levels, living on this island. Really, Jane? A sarong?"

He chuckled. "I'll have you know, it's very comfortable."

"If you say so."

With a gleam in her eyes - definitely in a better mood than before - she moved her hands from her waist, moving upwards, bringing the hem of her blouse along with her fingers. Bit by bit, she unraveled milky white skin and he drank in the sight of her.

Her stomach barely hinted there was a baby inside, alive and growing, but Jane noticed the change immensely, basking in the fact.

Lisbon kept moving her fingers upwards until she tugged her shirt off completely, leaving on a dark purple bikini top. She started unbuttoning her shorts.

Jane cleared his throat, not trusting his voice completely. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"We just established that it's hot", she answered. "I'm taking my clothes off."


She looked at him amusedly. "We're on a beach, Jane."

She found the brown paper bag Victor had provided them with and grabbed hold of Jane's shirt. She slipped it on and the fabric was cool against her skin.

"Much better", she said.


She pulled on its hem; it reached her thighs. She left it unbuttoned, argued with herself that it still covered enough while it was still far less sticky than her own clothes. "I think I might keep this", she said to him. "As a souvenir and everything."

As a reply, he smiled lovingly at her and Teresa thought about how it was a smile she'd lately found was reserved only for her.

Then he leaned in to kiss her and she didn't think much at all.

x x x

Jane and Lisbon spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach before retreating to their hotel, Teresa insisting she was very much craving a very cold, very long shower. As she took her time in the bathroom, Jane lounged on the bed, watching some mindless Spanish comedy he only understood parts of. Jane eventually heard the water being turned off, the sounds of the hair dryer being used, Teresa humming to herself which he knew she did as she put her make up on. Soon, she walked out of the bathroom wearing the red dress Jane had mentioned earlier. When she watched his mouth fall slightly open, she wore a coy expression on her face.

"Hi", she said and made her way over to the bed.

"You're gorgeous", he said when she sat down next to where he was lying. She leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Are you ready to go?"

Jane merely nodded.

Mastering self-control and tricks of biofeedback, he managed to not give in to his desire and keep her to himself all night, but made right on his promise to take her dancing.

Firstly, however, he felt obligated to feed them both. He took her to a local restaurant they'd thought looked good as they'd previously walked past it on their way to the beach, that afternoon. All through dinner, Jane kept them entertained by cold reading their fellow dining guests.

"You see that woman over there? A single mother, partly enjoying her dinner and partly resenting it, very anxious to get home and make sure the babysitter hasn't completely messed up her baby."

"Or she's just a woman who's too lazy to cook at home and came her to enjoy other people doing it for her, anxious because of the weather or her parents or something else entirely", Lisbon countered, challenging him.

Jane pondered this for a moment. "Mm. Could be. Very astute, Lisbon."

"You're admitting you might be wrong?"

"Meh", he answered.

"You are", Lisbon said. "I think the island air might be good for you, turning down your ego just a notch."

He took a swig of his beer Lisbon insisted he would indeed drink except him offering not to for her sake, failing to hide his grin. He could never be enough grateful about how she kept him on his toes every day while still being his one haven, the one place where he would feel completely like himself, without any desire to show off or mess around. She was made up of a set of his favorite contradictions; strong but fragile, feisty but gentle, someone he knew everything about but still managed to surprise him like no one else ever could.

She was bewildering and dazzling and only his.

"You're staring", Teresa pointed out.

"Just admiring the view", he replied. "You really do look beautiful tonight."

She didn't blush as he'd half-expected her to, but held his gaze instead, smiling sweetly. "You're not too bad yourself."

Love and lust mingled together in the air; it touched them both.

"You ready?" she asked, nodding at his empty plate.


She met his eyes. "Dance with me?"

And so he did, able to deny her nothing.

He took her to the bar he once danced with Fischer but didn't think about it for a second. His attention was solely focused upon the love of his life, moving her lithe body against his. He swirled them around and tried to keep a minimum of space between them at all times.

They were sweaty and breathless and very much in love.

At some point, Jane half-yelled in her ear that he'd be right back and went to get them something to drink, to cool themselves off with. He came back with two bottles of water and it tasted wonderfully.

Suddenly, the upbeat music faded out and some very familiar tunes started playing. When Teresa recognized the song, she raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a dumbstruck expression on her face; partly shocked, partly amazed at what he'd obviously also had done as he were off getting them drinks.

"No, you didn't", she raised her voice slightly.

He replied with smiling softly back at her.

"You love this song", he simply stated as if it was enough of a reason. She couldn't believe he remembered.

He took the bottle from her hand and put it down at a nearby table. Then he took her hand, drawing her close, nuzzled her hair.

He swayed them slowly on the dance floor and she rested her head against his shoulder as Extreme's number one hit song played in the background.

"I love you so much", she murmured.

"Love you", he told her and held her close.

They kept on dancing and Teresa couldn't swipe the smile off her face, ever astounded of how he'd supposedly made it his mission in life to manipulate the world around them only to make her happy.