Sasuke Uchiha was a man of his word. He didn't like that. Not when it bound him to someone as vile as Karin. He cringed as he remembered the day of their wedding, the memory fresh on his mind as if it were yesterday when in fact, it had been not more than a year ago.
He didn't love her, no. He simply indulged in his parents' desire for him to settle down and strengthen the ties between his clan and hers. As if his friendship with their obnoxious heir wasn't enough, they had to marry him off to said heir's distant but equally, if not more so, annoying cousin. He wished Itachi had taken his place but alas, the silent heir of the mighty Uchiha clan was apparently involved with someone else. So, off to the wolves Sasuke had gone.
He lasted a year with that banshee and he wasn't going to last any longer.
Divorce was always at the forefront of his mind, even as he begrudgingly coughed out his vows; even when she latched on to him as the priest announced that he may kiss the horrid bride; even when she reached out an all too eager hand on their wedding night as he rejected her advances; even when she said that she would give him a child, a family.
Sasuke halted the flow of his thoughts. A family. He had always wanted someone to care for. He wanted to be needed. He swore to never make his future children yield to others; to shower them with his undivided love and attention. He swore that he would never be like his father.
Often, Naruto wondered how he got so lucky. He had such incredible parents. He had a best friend. He had such a beautifully perfect fiancé. It was a no-brainer as to why he had such a happy disposition. There was simply nothing to be problematic over. Sure, he had been bullied as a child for housing the Kyuubi and indirectly wreaking havoc throughout the entire village but that was behind him now.
Ever since he proved his worth, that no, he was NOT the Kyuubi but rather he was Naruto Uzumaki, the Orange Hokage, he had gained the trust of the villagers he hoped to one day protect. When he met Hinata, he had been too caught up in his love for Sakura Haruno that he'd neglected to see just how much someone could care for him—love him, even. Her pristine, white eyes were anything but. They added color to his life. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
Sasuke paced himself in his office adjacent to the Hokage's. He was his head of security, after all. He wondered if Karin was successful with her insemination. He didn't admit it but he felt a trace of excitement at the thought of being a father. Not the father of her child but the father of his child. He would have preferred another woman, preferably one who didn't shriek at every word he spoke, but he was going to take what he could get. Sort of. He really didn't want a child with Karin. He felt bad for the poor soul who'd have her as his progenitor. He would've shed a tear. Except, well, Uchihas didn't cry.
Sasuke Uchiha may have gained notoriety as a prickly man but no one had to know of his miniscule change of heart. Little did he know how wrong he could be.
Making her way out of the hospital, Karin grinned triumphantly at Hinata's approval. She had her disdain over someone else carrying her Sasuke's child but at this point, she was willing to do whatever it took to keep him. She knew what he was planning. It helped that she had a habit of gossiping among the Konoha women. Word got around and soon enough, nearly the entire village had heard of Sasuke Uchiha's discourse with a certain lazy yet incredibly intellectual strategist.
Oh, she wasn't going to go down without a fight. Smiling in an all too saccharine manner, she gently knocked on the door to Sasuke's office. She awaited as a shuffling noise halted and his gruff, oh so gruff, voice allowed her to enter.
He knew her chakra signature. He could feel it as soon as she entered the building. It was malevolent, chaotic and noisy. It made him cringe every time he sensed it.
Sasuke knows what makes Karin tick. He liked making her explode in embarrassment. He reveled in making her stammer and attempt to control her rage. Tempting as it may be, he did not fancy her at all.
"Oh, my darling Karin, to what do I owe the pleasure of my wife's pleasant arrival?" He sarcastically drawled. He hoped she caught the sardonic tone in his voice. He knew she wouldn't. He inwardly flinched at his mistake.
"Sasukeee! You're my husband! I don't have any other reason to visit you," she cooed, blushing at his words. "But I do come bearing great news."
Sasuke's mind went to overdrive. Was she finally giving him the separation he so desperately wanted? Did she fall in love with Suigetsu? Or Jugo, perhaps? She wasn't pregnant… was she? They never consummated their marriage so she couldn't be. Could the treatments have worked?
"Spit it out, woman." Her excited silence was killing him.
"I'M PREGNANT!" She toppled the papers mounting his desk and engulfed him in a bear hug. Sasuke blanched. "Well," she hesitantly started. Sasuke held on to a thread of hope that this was some elaborate April fool's joke. A belated April fool's prank but a prank nonetheless. "The treatment work except that stupid old hag inseminated the wrong woman. It's alright with you, though, isn't it? I know it's not mine but at least we could try again. I know how much you want a child, so I thought—"
"Who is she?"
The youngest Uchiha was deep in thought.
He didn't want one of his fangirls carrying his child. Though he doubted anyone could be worse than Karin. The one woman he truly considered to marry was in the arms of another man, his best friend/rival, to be exact.
"It's a Hyuuga. Hyuuga Hinata, I believe her name was." Karin had feigned nonchalance but deep down she despised Hinata. How dare she carry her true love's child?!
This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. This was a like a really good dream. The lone woman who didn't care about him at all was pregnant with his child.
He didn't want to wake up.
A/N: HOLY COW! I realize I haven't updated in a reallyyyy long time and I'm truly sorry about that. I didn't know how much time summer classes could actually take from me. Having a major case of writer's block definitely didn't help as well. I hope this kinda makes up for not updating, however short it may be. Rest assured though, I'm not publishing anything shorter than this next time. Keep an eye out for an update. Thank you so much for the reviews, by the way. My dark heart appreciates it. 'Til next time!
EDIT: I fixed it! I uploaded this last night without bothering to check since I was dead tired and when I checked on it today, bam, it was shit. Thank you to those who meticulously read the chapter despite the coding things, I can't imagine how hard that must be. While I don't appreciate the sarcastic remarks about me needing to fix this chapter, it makes me glad to know that people actually dig this thing. It's making me blushu /