After the admittedly embarrassing and infuriating hindrance of both Superman and the group home guardian, I was now set to only be allowed out of the home for school. That's cellphone, computer, tv, friends, nada. Course I really didn't have much in the way of those except for my best friend at Metropolis public school.

Thinking about him brought a slight smile to my lips. He was going to be so pissed when he found out what had happened though, he had such a stick up his arse. I guess that's what separated us though, I was more neutral in the way of the world...and he was more of a straight line directly to "good".

I still remember when we first met..I was the new girl in a new school with a new foster home. I had no one.

Walking up the school I paused. My red hair was longer back then, it fell almost all the way down to my waist. Swallowing I straightened my shoulders, mismatched eyes bright with anxiety as I marched up the step. The knee length skirt I was forced to wear was a dull olive green that contrasted with my hair, a simple white top was tucked into the skirt.

Walking up to the front desk, the warmth of the office swallowing me, I hesitantly moved over to the front office lady. She was older and probably in her fifties, short curly blonde hair held back with barrettes.

"Hi. I'm Alana Michelson...I'm supposed to start today." The woman looked up startled and gave what must have been a reassuring smile. I hated it here already, I wanted to move back to Star City with my last foster home, but they didn't want me anymore.

Clenching my hands into fists I gripped the skirt tighter and attempted a smile. "I'm going to be in tenth grade this year."

"My my, tenth grade already? You're so young...skipped a grade?" I wanted to scream at her to hurry up but forced myself to breath and nod to her. Smiling she handed me my schedule and a map of the school.

"Alright dear, here you are and this is where you need to go. Any questions?" I shook my head and hurried out the door. As the door closed behind me I started walking faster, nearly sprinting when my slender frame hit something and I hit the ground with a resounding oomf.

"Ow." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head, a warm hand was suddenly on my shouder.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?'re the new girl right? I had heard someone was starting! I'm Conner." As he helped me up I felt the very corners of my mouth tilting up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

"I'm Alana."

Shaking the memory off I headed to the window and stared up at the small sliver of sky I could see. I would have climbed up on the roof, but the foul head of house Mrs. Fluer Ainee put bars on my windows. In an effort to "keep the hellion inside". Glancing back at Samantha's bed I could see the steady rise and fall of her side. She seemed to be asleep. Grinning slightly I turned and treaded downstairs as quietly as possible.

Right as I got to the front door I clicked the lock carefully. The loud thunk of the bolt turning made me cringe, when nothing happened I made to open the door when a light clicked on.

"Running away again Alana? Tsk tsk." A cold bead of dread seemed to shoot from the crown of my head to my toes. Turning slowly I saw Madame Ainee, her lips painted a brilliant ruby that seemed to make the wrinkles of her chalky older face stand out. What was it with her wearing such bright colors?

"Good...good evening..mad..Madame Ainee." I couldn't help the stutter, something about her set me off. She took a step closer, dark eyes seeming to twinkle earily in the light.

"Were you going somewhere." Her words were whispered so silkily I could have sworn an angel had said it. And that's what made it so terrifying, her voice was usually rasping and harsh...not soft and gentle. The stance, her eyes, the voice. It was like an entirely different person was standing there.

"No." I said stiffly, my back rigid as I schooled my face into something blank.

"No what?" She asked, eyes narrowing dangerously as she crossed her arms. It was then I noticed something in her hand and wrapped around her arm. The damned old lady had a chain, why?

"No Madame Ainee." I hissed with gritted teeth. I tried for polite but now the surprised factor was dying off.

"I think it would be best if you went to bed now. Go on." I hesitated and slowly moved past her, just as I did I heard something heavy thunk and then brilliant pain erupted in the back of my head. Crying out in pain I staggered forward, hitting the corner of the wall and then the floor. Holding the back of my head I pulled my hand away to see blood.

Looking up at her in alarm I saw the chain was held loosely, dangling to the ground. Little small silver barbs I had missed before were coated in red. Blood red. My blood. Panic set in and was squashed by calm rationality. She couldn't legally get away with it, she-

"I can get away with it and I will. You won't tell another person or there will be worse than that. Now if you try and leave this house again I will make you regret it." Swallowing I nodded.

"Now, you'll go to school tomorrow like normal and I want you to do something for me. I want you to get into the principals office and get me a disk. It should be in a cabinet. If you don't...then your friend will pay. Oh what was his name? Conner?" Her cruel smile had cold flames of anger lapping at my inside. So this was her plan, bring in a kid with a rep to steal a petty disk? Seriously. But by the throbbing in my head and the glowing chain I knew I only had one option if I wanted Conner to stay safe and out of it.

"Yes Madam Fluer." Whatever that disk was must be important.

It's short I know guys. Sorry, but I've been working 24/7 and trying to plan out how to write this next chapter. So sweet old lady isn't as she seems huh? What's about the principle and disk that she wants?

What do ya'll think, let me know.

~D.R. Out