"Can you lighten up a bit? It's not the end of the world that you and Brian are no longer together..."

I stopped Hannah by putting my hand up and shaking my head, "No, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood to be here."

I'm not. Like, at all.

This isn't even really my scene, to be honest.

Frat parties. I just don't belong here. House parties? Yeah, I guess. But frat parties are a whole different ballgame and I honestly don't know how Hannah suckered me into coming. It's been three years at this college and I've somehow managed to avoid these things. But she's been obsessed with frat parties and I don't know why. Well, I do. She loves to dance and have a good time and this is the place to be for that.

She rolled her eyes at me as she handed me a beer, "Gabs, you're 21 years old. This is exactly where you need to be. You've been in a relationship for like most of your time in college. You need to get back out there and I don't know, hook up. Date around."

Hook up and date around? Does my best friend not know me at all or what? "I'm a relationship girl, Han."

"I know," she took a chug of her beer, "I'm just saying, there's nothing wrong with hook ups here and there. No strings attached. You should try it sometime, it's working great for me. AND it's how you meet people."

Yeah, I guess so. I don't know.

Like, she's not a slut and she respects herself so I know she's not having sex, but she is making out with guys left and right and I have no problem with that, but it's just not me. I'm a relationship girl. I don't want to just hook up with a guy just to hook up with him because chances are, he's hooking up with other girls as well and that just doesn't sit well with me. Yes, we're seniors in college, but whatever. I'm fine being this way. There's nothing wrong with it.

I looked around and it's pretty crazy. My other friend Peyton is doing a keg stand while people are cheering her on. Seriously? How is this fun and why would anyone join a stupid fraternity? It's gross. And lame. And I'm being judgmental, but it's just not my thing... at all.


I turned around and all of a sudden saw Hannah laughing and dancing around with some guy and he was pretty cute so I guess I was happy for her?

Whatever, though. I made my way through the Sigma Pi house and went to the kitchen where there were a few people, but not many which wasn't that surprising. The booze wasn't just in the kitchen, it was literally all over the house. How do they live like this? So gross.

I made my way through a couple that was making out and got to the sink where I emptied my cup of beer.

"Why are you wasting beer like that?" I heard a voice say behind me. "It's expensive."

I turned around, almost immediately, and the second my eyes landed on this guy, I think I stopped breathing.

This guy was fucking hot. No, he was beautiful. He had the bluest of eyes to the point where they were, like, glistening and you couldn't look away from them. Well, he was probably drunk, maybe that's why. But seriously, he's fucking gorgeous. Like, hottest guy I've ever laid my eyes on.

And this is embarrassing. "Oh, um, I'm..."

"I'm kidding," he smiled, interrupting me, "it's not expensive, but it's also not good to waste."

I didn't really know what to say so I sort of just smiled and he laughed it off and made his way towards me more which made me move over to the side. He threw some empty beer cans into the sink and grabbed some cups, along with my empty one and threw it in the trash.

"Thanks," I tell him, still sort of embarrassed. I'm only embarrassed because this guy is fucking hot. And I'm honestly tongue tied.

He rinsed off his hands, shot me another smile and then just walked out. I watched him walk away and laugh into a group of girls. Of course.

Peyton came up to me laughing and looking all kinds of drunk and I tried holding her up, but it was only making me laugh as well even though drunk people are the absolute worst. I hate taking care of them. I hate having to deal with them. But she's my best friend so what else am I supposed to do?

"I'm soooo drunk," she slurs out as she grabs my hair and crosses it across my face, playing with it, "and I wish my boyfriend was here."

Yeah, I wish he was here, too, because then she wouldn't be this drunk since he doesn't really drink. "Do you wanna get out of here? Are you tired?" Please say yes, please say yes.

But she shakes her head, "No, no, no, I just want to dance!"

Of course she does. Ugh. I want to get out of here. But I don't know if I want to leave my friends.

So I didn't. I hung out with Peyton while Hannah mingled with some friends and people she didn't even know. Probably trying to hook up with some hot guy.

But 30 minutes later, I really was not feeling it. I was so tired. It was like midnight and all I really wanted to do was crawl into my bed.

So I called my brother and asked him to come pick me up. Peyton and Hannah had their ride homes covered so I didn't really feel bad about leaving. Pretty sure if I was anyone else, this party would have been so much fun since it is a last day of summer sort of party so it's "off the hook" or whatever people say these days. But it's just not my thing. And my friends are trying to make it our thing and I'd much rather just go home and go to sleep or something.

But as I'm waiting out front for my brother, I hear someone say something.

"Oh, hey, it's the girl who wastes beer."

I turned my head to the side and saw the hot guy from the kitchen. Man, he's beautiful. And he's smiling at me. And I don't know what to say.

So he said something else. "I'm just messing with you."

Why does he keep saying that? Do I look terrified about it or something? I don't give a fuck that he saw me dump that. I mean, I did feel bad when he said it was expensive, but then I thought about it and realized that it's not and I hardly dumped that much so now I don't even care.

"Whatever," I mumble. It's an awful comeback but I don't really care. I'm tired.

He comes closer to me and I see his incredible features up close. Blue eyes, amazing bone structure, flawless skin. Oh my gosh. Why is he so hot? "How come I haven't seen you around?"

Umm. Because I never come to these parties. "I don't know..." Lame. Lame answer, Gabriella.

This guy laughed a bit as he ran his hand through his hair, "you don't talk much, do you?"

Actually, I talk a LOT. Ask anyone who knows me. I could easily strike up a conversation with this guy, but I don't want to. He's obviously a frat guy. And he's obviously used to girls throwing themselves at him. So... no thanks.

"I do, actually," I tell him, putting my phone in my back pocket, "I'm just not really in the mood right now."

He nodded as he grabbed a piece of gum from his jean pocket and threw it in his mouth, "Well, hope to see you around..."

And as soon as he left and was out of sight, my brother pulled up to pick me up. Thank God. I hopped in the car, buckled up and stared out the window and saw this guy one last time laughing with a few girls who were on their way out as well. Pretty sure this is why I hate these parties.

Guys all over girls, girls all over guys, booze, weed, loud music. Everything I don't like. Which is ironic, really, but I was basically dragged so.

I'm just so glad this night is over with.

"Do you wanna come to another party with me tonight?"

I looked up from cutting my french toast in pieces and couldn't even believe the question. Two parties in a weekend? Uhhhh. "Pey, no, they're not for me."

She rolled her eyes and stuffed a piece of her pancake in her mouth before washing it down with her water. "Come on, it's your senior year! I know they're not really your thing anymore, but you're social, so why not? It'll be fun."

Yeah, I can keep up at parties. I can make conversation with anyone, I can drink with anyone, but I don't really care to. Getting drunk is not at the top of my list of things to do on a Friday night.

"It's not a frat party, it's at my friend Michael's house, his parents are out of town and it'll be fun. He's from here!"

Okay, I still don't want to, but I can't say no because if one of my friends was having a house party, I'd probably go. I mean, I went to them in high school and I still go to them now. It's just such a different vibe. But ugh, fine. "Okay, what time?"

She squealed and clapped her hands together like a weirdo in the middle of this restaurant, "I don't know, maybe 9 or so. I'll pick you up since I'm not drinking, I'm just in the mood to dance my ass off and party. It'll be fun."

If she says so. "Do you ever think we're missing out because we don't live in the dorms and we're locals?"

Peyton gave me a weird look as she grabbed her orange juice and took a sip. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I mean, yeah, we've made a ton of college friends, but sometimes I feel like we're left out of things happening on campus since we're not there 24/7, you know?"

I think she got it now. "Ohhh, no, I don't think so. Yeah, we're not there and shit, but it's probably because we're not in sororities or any clubs, I don't think it really has anything to do with being locals and living at home. Do you know how lucky we are? My mom makes me dinner still!"

Mine does too! I laughed it off. "It's silly, just yesterday these girls were talking and I overheard their conversation and I honestly knew nothing of what they were speaking of and I'm like, am I missing out? Should I have gone away for college?"

"No," Peyton shakes her head, "I would have missed you way too much. And so would Hannah. And well, at the time, Brian."

I rolled my eyes, "for the millionth time, we were just friends then. Seriously. We didn't get together until our second year of college!"

"Are you guys okay?"

"We don't really talk," I tell her, "but I don't hate him. A year and a half is a long time when you're young, yeah, but it also wasn't enough time for me to fall head over heels in love with him to the point where I want to make a long distance relationship work, ya know? Too much."

Peyton shook her head. "Still, I think he should have figured out what he wanted before getting into a relationship."

I know, which is why we broke up. He wanted to go away for school to get his bachelor's and I wasn't going to transfer anywhere with him. "I'm over it. My last year here and then I'll find my dream man. Somewhere far away from San Diego..."

"At law school where everyone will be just as smart as you?"

"Shut up," I laughed, "no, they don't have to be as smart as me. Brian was at community college, for crying out loud AND he was a year younger. I'm not shallow. I'm just sick of immature people. Like, grow up. We're 21 years old."

Peyton nodded, "True. I'm so glad I'm off the market. Dating seems so hard right now."

Yeah, she's been off the market for almost three years and I was jealous of her. Yes, they're young, but I have a feeling her and her boyfriend will make it to the alter and I'm so excited for her because he's a great guy. One time, he didn't know I was at the mall when he was there and I saw him talking to some girl with some of his buddies and this girl was laughing at him, flirting, touching his shoulder and he straight up told her that he had a girlfriend. Like, full on just rejecting her. And I mean, I love Peyton and I think she's gorgeous, but this girl was, too. And ever since then, I've been the biggest Peyton and Liam supporter. He really loves her. And she really loves him. And that's what I want. I want a love like theirs.

"Yeah, and Liam's so mature. He already knows what he wants to do and shit. Plus, he's good looking. You hit the jackpot."

She smiled at shook her head, slightly embarrassed, "shut up. You can have someone just like him easily. You're the best catch I know..."

Ahhh, best friends. They're the best. Always there to boost your ego and make you feel more important than you actually are. "I'm okay right now. I really just want to get through this year."

"Me too," she tells me, "what better way than with start of school parties!?"

Ugh, I guess. Whatever. I'll go tonight and I'll have a good time.

"Do you want a drink?"

The one thing my mom taught me in life that she told me to absolutely follow, no matter what, is never let a stranger get you a drink.

"No, thanks." I turned around, but he didn't leave.

He was still here and trying to get in my view so I finally just turned to him so he could say what he wanted to say "What's your name, beautiful?"

Okay, this guy was good looking, but he just creeped me the fuck out. Like, I don't want him to know my name and I don't want to know his name and I'm never taking a drink from him, ever. "Oh, don't worry about it."

He laughed it off and took a sip of whatever he was drinking from his red cup, "come on. Lighten up. We're at a party."

"I know we are," I tell him, "that doesn't mean I have to tell you my name or take a drink from you."

I tried to move past him, but he stepped to the side and blocked me. I turned the other way and he did the same thing again. Ugh. I really wasn't in the mood for this. I actually was having a good time with my friends, but he suddenly put a damper on everything and now I just want to go home.

Once again, I tried to push past him, but nope.

"Come on," he says, "one drink."

NO. I shake my head and try to get by AGAIN. "I don't want one, please move..."

But he wasn't. He put his hand on my arm and ugh, no. I moved it away immediately be he reached for it again. "It's okay, I like a challenge," he told me, creepily, and I just really want to get the hell out of here. "just tell me your name and I'll move."

I really did not want to tell him my name. It's just a name, but it'll mean he won and I really don't want that.

"Mac! Move."

He looked behind me and his eyes immediately widened and it looked like he saw a ghost. I turned around and saw the guy from last night.

Mac? That's his name? He immediately let go of my arm and sort of moved over to the side and past me to this guy, looking all sorts of apologetic. "Yo, sorry man, didn't know she was with you. I'm... I'll, I'll just leave now."

With him? Um. No. I'm definitely not with him. The guy left and I was standing here, silently really happy with this guy that he got rid of Mac for me. He looked over at me and gave me a small smile before he took a sip of his beer, I'm guessing.

"Thanks," I tell him quietly as I pushed some hair out of my face. It was also slightly embarrassing. I should be fully able to take care of myself.

He shrugged, "Mac's... well, you're lucky I came by."

Umm okay, whatever that means. "Yeah, okay, thanks," I turn around to go find my friends and forget about this whole thing.

But this guy comes after me.

"Wait," he calls out and I turn around and look into his beautiful blue eyes. They were so captivating. "Are you okay? He can be a little... aggressive."

I looked down at my arm and there was a red mark, but I'm sure it'll be gone in a minute. I was completely fine and unharmed. Thank God. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." It's all I could really say. What else would I tell him?

"Do you want a drink?"

Again, I turned around and was faced with those blue eyes. And for a few seconds, I actually thought about it. But then I snapped out of it. "No, thanks."

He laughed and I have no idea why. Like, he's giggling to myself and it's actually really annoying me.


"No, nothing," he tells me, "why even come to these parties?"

Uhh excuse me? Okay, fine, it was a legitimate question coming from him. I mean, yesterday, he caught me throwing out beer and bailing kind of early. And today, I'm passing up drink offers. It's like I'm the first girl to say no to a drink from him. If I am, I feel pretty special about it. It's not that I wouldn't mind some rum and coke, but I'm the designated driver tonight and I'm not jeopardizing that. He could think I'm boring for all I care.

"You don't know me," I tell him, "I'd love nothing more than to down some shots of tequila but I can't so fuck you." Maybe I didn't have to tell him to fuck off or whatever, but it just came out.

He smiled at me, though, like he enjoyed it. "What's your name?"

My name? He wants to know my name? Umm. Okay all of a sudden I feel a little nervous and I don't know why. Maybe because he's incredibly good looking and he wants to know my name. But I have to chill out. Fuck. Here it goes. "Um, Gabriella."

"Gabriella," he says, "I like it."

And before he could sucker me in anymore with those blue eyes, I turn around and walk off to find my friends.

I think I actually need a drink now. Ugh.